Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 I'm drinking massive amounts of Gatorade..but I'm here. 

Sonny's proposing to Nina. She says NO.. HAHAHAA. She says he didn't even think about it and it's in the office. He says he was thinking about it a long time. She doesn't believe it. He pulls out a WHOPPER OF A RING. After a LONG and winded speech, she finally says yes. 

Olivia and Carly. Carly's mad a Ned for turning her in. Carly wants to know if Olivia threw him out of the house over it. Olivia's like..um.. no. She tells Carly she's not into Ned's business practices and leaves. 

Ned and Brook talk about the SEC thing. Tracy!! Walks in and they start to think about who would want to hurt Drew or Carly. Or either one individually. Brook finds out Tracy talked to Chase. 

Dex and Spencer yell at each other in the boxing gym. Trina walks in. Spencer lays into Dex, he hates him. Dex goes to take a shower. Trina says stop it. Spencer says Dex cheated with Joss on Cameron. Joss walks into the gym. Trina and she talk about the fight she had with Michael. Oh Joss says Willow's marrow transfer is TOMORROW! OMG ..it's been FOREVER. 

GET THIS: In the spa room, Dex thinks about... Joss coming in because someone is at the door. He imagines kissing her.. the towel drops. BUT it's a DAYDREAM and Spencer walks in instead! ahahahahaaha. WHAT!!?? Geesh that was some weird ish. Anyway, Spencer tells Dex to watch it around Joss because he's known her forever. Dex says he knew her as a child, he knows her as an adult. They get into a fight. Dex actually punches Spencer. Then Trina yells at him. *sigh* 

Finn and Chase. Chase is whining about Brook, what else is new. Chase decides to "fix it" and wants Finn to come with him. Chase goes to the Q mansion, Finn holds the boom box and he sings Brook's song to her. Aww, Tracey is even smiling. Glad they are together.

Carly finds out Nina and Sonny are engaged. 

Brook and Chase kiss 


  1. ---I hate this Spencer i.e. spoiled brat
    ----I really thought Brook Lynn was gonna say Carly's name when she said, "we are looking at this wrong - WHO would want to hurt Carly or hurt Drew?" HOW are people not thinking Nina?
    -----Lisa/Olivia's dress is gorgeous on her.
    -----Finn and Tracy are the only reasons to watch today.....'Did it though" = perfect line.
    ------I'm thinking Nina and Sonny will be at the altar and Carly will bust Nina-----now it better NOT be November sweeps though - LOL
    -----still worst sweeps ever

    1. Loved the Venn diagram. Don't know why they weren't immediately thinking Carly too. Hope the trail leads to Nina and I also hope she gets busted at the wedding.
      And sorry, mufasa, but we both know it won't be before November. *sigh*

    2. :Finn and Tracy are the only reasons to watch today....."

      YES!!!! :D Well, and Chase. *Swoon* :)

      'Did it though" = perfect line.

      I loved it! :) I love Tracy!!! :)

    3. "Di says, we both know it won't be before November. *sigh*"

      *Sigh* :(

  2. Wow. Spencer said he tries to get along with Dex. lol If that what he calls trying to get along I'd hate to see how he acts around someone he hates.

    I'll escape now before all the fans who actually hate him show spencer how it's done.

    Hope you're better soon, karen.

    1. "Di says, Wow. Spencer said he tries to get along with Dex. lol If that what he calls trying to get along I'd hate to see how he acts around someone he hates."

      Hahahaha. I know!!!!! :) Trina saw right through him too! :) He tries to get along with Dex! HA!

  3. Ginny was thinking of you when I saw Carly's face when she heard about the engagement!

  4. There was some funny one liners today.

    Nina's office:

    Nison: No Nina. It's not a pity proposal! Now THAT is a proposal!!! :) I'm glad she finally said yes. We all know she said no because when the truth comes out about what she did, Sonny will be furious.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Olivia: CARLY SHUT UP! NED IS INNOCENT! GAH! You tell her Olivia!

    Finchy and Chase: Come on sweetie! Figure out what you want to do with Brooky then do it!

    Nison: HA! The look on Carly's face! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She peed on herself I bet. :) She looks jelly! Carly might puke in the Tribbles! :)

    The gym:

    Spencer and Dex: Is Dex going to cheat on Sonny with Spencer? The hate is palpable.

    Sprina: Trina really knows how to talk to Spencer and to calm him down. :)


    Jex: Ooooo hawt hawt hawt! Oh wait. This is strange. So this is a daydream. Oh look Spencer shows up. The hate is strong with these two! Better be careful and not let Sonny find out you are cheating on him Dex.. I shall call Spencer and Dex, Spex. :)


    Jex and Sprina: This whole scene was just weird. So Dex wasn't hit, but Spencer was. Meh huh?

    Q home:

    Ned and Brooky: I'm glad Ned is trying to figure out who turned in Crew, and I'm glad Brooky is writing a song! :)

    Ned, Brooky, and Tracy: Tracy wins the lines of the day.

    Tracy: I'm an absolute delight wherever I am. If you are drawing to scale, Carly's should be a lot bigger.


    Chase, Brooky, and Finchy: SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! :) Great movie. :) Dammit Chase he made me cry! Beautiful!!!

    Finchy, Ned, and Tracy: Yes never underestimate Tracy.. :) As Karen said on twitter, Tracy is the boss! :)

    Chase and Brooky: BRASE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

    1. Say Anything...loved, loved, loved that movie! Finn was cracking me up! And BLQ and Chase kiss very nicely!
      Tracy made the show for me! And Carly's face when she heard about the engagement. Other than that, I was ffing a lot! The Dex stuff was super weird, Spencer keeps repeating the same old lines where Dex is concerned, and Trina keeps acting like Spencer's babysitter. Blech.

  5. The show has been so "off" lately. I used to LOVE Brooklyn and Chase. Now I am not feeling any chemistry between the 2. Maybe it's the direction. Or, all the on again off again back and forth crap they pull. Plus, Brooklyn's lying. Sad, that they have been ruined. Nina and Sonny make me physically sick. Most of them actually do. Tracy has been good. Selena is always good. Not much else. :(

  6. I did enjoy Carly having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. (Why would Carly think Olivia should kick her husband out, especially out of his family's house?)

    1. I couldn't believe Snarly just assumed Olivia kicked Ned out of the house. Alotta nerve on that one. And Olivia "daring" to say Carly really did break the law...I'm wondering who had to bribe who for that to be said out loud. Give me strength. Love Carly's face though when she heard Neener/Sonny were engaged. HAHAHAHAH!

  7. My gosh, the Dex stuff is just so bizarre and off lately. Not a good actor in my opinion. I know some of you like him and I say GOOD FOR YOU! I am glad Spencer is putting him in his place though but he needs to come clean to Trina about WHY because MiniCujo is as terrible as her mother and not telling her everything making Trina look like an idiot. Annnnd weird, weird sauna scenes today. WOW!

    Loving Tracy and her shenanigans.

    Glad Olivia was actually allowed to talk back to Snarly. It'll probably last all of five seconds.

  8. I agree that the Dex scenes were way off. I don't mind Spencer being an ass to him because I just FF through the dumb arguments.

    I enjoyed Sonny's proposal and Carly hearing about it even more even though Nina already ruined the marriage before it will have a chance to start. I read that Maurice felt it was very heartfelt and well done.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...