Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Can You Buy Me Some Time?


Valentin is brought up for Test Subject Number One. Victor asks who is companions are. Val says NO ONE. Victor doesn't believe him. Victor gets Valenin in a room and makes Dr. O inject him. She's like: He's your son. He says "Not anymore" 

Haunted Star: Trina's taken away. Spencer fights to go with her but is stopped. One guard goes to punch him but Curtis steps out and says nope.  Spencer manages to tell him where Trina is. The goons think he's another guard. Curtis leaves. Spencer gets sucker punched. 

Curtis finds Trina, they hug. Zip tie the guard. Then Trina says she's not leaving without Spencer so they go to find him. 

Spencer is beaten badly. Trina runs out: leave him alone. 

Portia is thinking about Trina, Marshall pops in to see her at her office. He has no idea what's going on so Portia fills him in (geesh). Boring 

Joss is in her dorm room, flashesback to talking to Trina about Spencer. Wants her to come home. Dex knocks on the door. BOOTAY CALL? Yep, they go to bed then talk about the wedding. Yawn. Dex tells Joss he got the footage for Michael and this will all be over. (but will it? Will it?) She's afraid Dex will be caught up in it too. He says he should be able to turn evidence against him if his name gets mentioned. 

Millow.. :eyeroll: just more talk about looooove and Lifeeeeeee and...yada yada. They are in the gate house. He carries her over the threshold. They kiss. Then they talk about the wedding and you know, Millow stuff. Talking about Sonny. Then Michael shows Willow the footage Dex got on Sonny. He explains it's a federal offense and Sonny can go away forever. Michael also tells her he hired Dex to do all this. 

Robert is leaving a message for Diane. Scotty is snoring on the bed in Anna's room. Liz is trying to get in. He stalls. She's suspicious. Robert tells her it's confidential.

Scotty wakes up, has no phone. Then he plugs in the house phone and calls the WSB. 

WSB shows up in Scotty's room. Robert says he's an idiot and probably just killed Liesl

Valentin has blood coming out his nose after the shot. 

Curtis and guards tussle

Willow faints after Michael tells her the whole story.. 


  1. ---the extent that I hate pious Michael cannot be overstated.....IDIOT....hope Willow dumps him.
    -----I thought Liz was head of nurses? I dunno
    -----I thought Liesel was gonna give him a fake needle?
    ----and we never saw Drew or Laura----where are they?
    and WHY are Sprina on the Haunted Star? I thought they looked at the boat first?
    We last saw Mac April 1-3

    1. I was hoping she would give him the antidote and not the ral thing or if it was the real thing, stab Valentine with the needle as she passed behind him.

  2. Joss to Dex "Kristina doesn't want to think her dad does anything wrong" You mean like you with your mom, Jason, and for most of your life, Sonny too? If the writers wanted to make it soapy good, they would have pit Joss against Carly too. Would be much more believable. Hire a new Jax, he always had a good way of reminding Carly to do better.

    1. When I saw NuEthan I thought he would have been better cast as Jax. Would be funny if they did that now. Anything's possible on GH.

    2. NuEthan's not old enough to be Joss's father.

    3. That's not unusual on GH.

  3. Greenland:

    Spencer and the bad men with a sprinkle of Curtis:

    Spencer: He must have been very desperate to hire the entire brainless brigade.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Hey! Don't beat him up you jerks!!!! GRRRR!

    Curtis and Trina: YAY! And of course she isn't going to leave without Spencer! Awwwww. :) Now as soon they get back to Port Chuckles, they gotta do a DNA test!

    Victor, Dr. O and V.C.: Dr. O and the needle!! ACK! *Covers eyes* Oh oh V.C.'s nose is bleeding. I wonder what else is going to happen to him! Great scene!!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Liz and Robert: Robert did you really think Liz isn't going to be suspicious of you? ROFL!

    Scotty in bed: How did Scotty get in bed? Did Robert carry Scotty into the bed?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical. Anyway, Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Oh too many martinis.


    Liz, Robert, Scotty, and WSB agent: Robert are you really that surprised? Holly drugged him! Do you really think he wasn't going to get the WSB? Come on now!

    Portia's office:

    Portia and Mr. Hat man: I can't believe Mr. Hat man was in the dark. I'm glad Portia caught him up.

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Jex: Mmmmmm Jexxy's sexy time. ;) It's that dress. Turned him on.

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Wiley won the blanket war. Yes Willow. Now you know the truth about Sonny. OH OH! MICHAEL KILLED WILLOW!!!!

    1. Your last line is THE line of the day! LOL

    2. I agree with zazu that your last line is the line of the day. 😂 My first thought on reading it was "please be true" - sorry Millow fans. But if you think about Michael's tragic history with his lady loves Willow dying this way wouldn't surprise me. Lots of angst for Michael with a nod to his history. Heck, the writers could have Michael bring that fact up, maybe feeling like he cursed Willow. Would be better than the story we have now.

    3. Plus hasn't every lady Michael has loved died.

    4. "zazu says, Your last line is THE line of the day! LOL"

      Hahahahahahhaha! Thank you. :)

      "Gary says, I agree with zazu that your last line is the line of the day. 😂"


      "lindie says, Plus hasn't every lady Michael has loved died."

      Yeah practically! I think Sasha is the only one that didn't die.

    5. HAHAHAH! Yes, Sonya wins line of the day! See...! She could be a writer along with Wubs!
      I enjoyed Joss telling Dex about the wedding and I was interested when Mikey spilled all to Willow killing her. I thought those were all great scenes.
      Not liking the nose bleed, and seriously Dr. O needs to stab Victor!
      Again with GH actors and Bones reruns. There was Marshal with a full head of hair (!) on an episode of season 1. It's crazy I tell ya!

    6. "Julie H says, HAHAHAH! Yes, Sonya wins line of the day!"


      "See...! She could be a writer along with Wubs!"

      Yes!!! You, me, Wubs, and anybody here who wants to do it too! :)

      "I was interested when Mikey spilled all to Willow killing her."

      ROFL! Poor Mikey.

      "Not liking the nose bleed"

      That was an interesting turn of events though. :)

      "and seriously Dr. O needs to stab Victor!"

      Then Victor's men would stab Dr. O!!!

      "Again with GH actors and Bones reruns. There was Marshal with a full head of hair (!) on an episode of season 1. It's crazy I tell ya!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah it could be jarring. :)

  4. I thought at first that Liesl pretended to inject Valentin, and then we see the nose bleed. Hmmmm........

  5. HOLY COW!!!!! ABC Launches ‘General Hospital Spotlight’ FAST Channel!!! Classic shows. Although they are showing 2018 episodes which isn't classic, but maybe they will show older episodes. I hope! :)


    1. Yah! Hoping for episodes from the early decades of GH.

    2. 2018. That's not classic. Only 5 years ago.

    3. "Gary says, Yah! Hoping for episodes from the early decades of GH."

      *Fingers crossed*

      "lindie says, 2018. That's not classic. Only 5 years ago."

      Yeah. I really hope they show episodes from 80's and 90's!!!

    4. Definitely the 90's! That would be fabulous! Brenda, Stone, Robin and Jason hooking up, awesome Nurses Balls, Click Boom, the original Jerry Jax, because OMG, he was hot! :)

    5. The '90s were my favorite era of "GH" (and yes, I was around for the '80s, but the '90s show was better overall).

    6. I'm watching it now!! It's live!!! Kiwi is with that horrible doctor that sexually harassed her who is played by James DePaiva!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...