Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday: VIRUS


I have something bad going on in my stomach!! UGH--haven't been this sick with something like this in a long time. 

Can't watch, that's for sure! Don't think a lot is happening anyway? Let me know. 


  1. SO sorry you have tummy troubles.

    Love the throw back pic of Sonny & Brenda. (wasn't it Jax that called her Brender sometimes?)

  2. Just watching don't know why Nina tolerates any of them, including sonny

  3. I was thinking how do people tolerate NINA - LOL - she is whiny and not strong and then to imply to Sonny that his son is lying to plant doubt - sigh----and the passive aggressive personality....
    Karen feel better and no you missed nothing...
    hope Selina isn't going to be gone very long on her trip.
    ----HOW can Nina and Drew NOT think of someone besides NED as the person who turned them in?
    ---still worst sweeps ever....not even Tracy can save today.

    1. I mean Carly - not Nina - Freudian slip as to the fact I put them in the same category of annoyness!!! LOL

    2. Well she is right, Michael was plotting against Sonny so she has a point not to listen to him

    3. "Mufasa says I put them in the same category of annoyness!!! LOL"

      Annoyness hahahaha. That's a new word. :)

  4. Carly & Drew: Let's take down someone else for turning us in for committing a crime. Let's be the privleged people you are and get out of everything. How about admitting your faults

  5. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon Karen. I wonder what's wrong! Well, some funny one liners today.


    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: She told him she knows about his streakiness at home and heart. :) Yeah I am starting to like them together. She just needs to find out that he is HUGE! ROFL!

    The Savoy:

    Ms. Wu and Gladys: Ms. Wu wants her money. Ms. Wu's goonie is there. Is he gonna beat Gladys up? Ms. Wu says she is going to visit her mother and when she comes back she wants the money. Awwwww Ms. Wu is going to visit her mother. How nice. :)

    Ms. Wu and her bodyguard goonie: Oooooo. If Gladys doesn't have the money, Ms. Wu thinks Gladys will run, then Ms. Wu can go to Sonny. *Evil smile* :) Ooooo her goonie bodyguard is going with her to visit her mother. Is this Goonie bodyguard family? If not, is she having a little fling with him? :)

    The hospital:

    Michael and Joss: Blah blah blah talking about Dex and Sonny through the whole show.

    Joss: Dex Dex Dex. Sonny Sonny Sonny. You changed your mind about turning in Sonny!

    Michael: You have feelings for Dex and he isn't running away because of you!


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Crew: They are going to blackmail Tracy! HA! Yeah good luck with that. They won't blackmail Brooky because they wuv her. :) Geez who is next that they will blackmail? The Tribbles? The green beans and Badger Bob would not be happy about that.

    Tracy and Finchy: Awwwwwwwwww! Friendship. :) They hugged. He is glad to see her. She said the reason she didn't contact him was because of family drama.

    Finchy: That sounds made up.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Tracy, Chase, and Gregory: Ooooooo Tracy don't get along with Gregory and Tracy don't like Chase because of how he is treating Brooky. Gregory sticking up for Chase. That's sweet. :) Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Oh congratulations. Your genius grant is on it's way.


    Gegory: Fortunately I taught my sons not to value opinions of snobs.

    ROFL! They are going to have hate sex aren't they? :)

    Finchy and Gregory: Awww gonna take little V to Disneyworld for her birthday. How sweet. :)

    Gregory and Chase: Awwww Gregory hugs Chase. :) He was just defending his son. Chase understands that. :)

    Crimson offices/Nina's office:


    Sonny: That was quite a welcome.

    Oh? Did we miss something? Well they talked way too much through the whole show. Nothing exciting until the end!!!! Nina says family comes first and she is on the outside. Sonny says she isn't going to be on the outside.

    Sonny: I will prove that for the rest of my life if I have to. I'm not joking. Now and forever!

    Nina: Forever.

    Sonny: Forever.

    *Sonny becomes quiet*

    Me thinking: Hmm is he going to propose to her?

    Sonny: If you marry me.

    HA! I KNEW IT! YAY! :D

  6. Nina told Sonny that Carly always says the same thing over and over. Was that a little wink from the writers because they re-use dialogue so often? Or so it seems.
    Definitely can see Tracy and Gregory together for a minute or two.
    Hope you feel better soon Karen.

  7. Obviously, I didn't even bother watching today when I saw Snarly and FakeDrew wanting to seek revenge on who ratted them out instead of admitting they broke the law....suck it up buttercups but NOOOOO... Zero consequences will happen to them I'm sure, par for the course. FF worthy material indeed! If I watch later I'm pretty sure I can get through the ep in less than 5 minutes with FF'ing. So sad. Ughhh.

  8. Sort of soapy goodness. Carly and Drew are going to blackmail Tracy, who's putting the screws to Brook Lyn, who's lying to Chase. Michael screwed his own sister by not turning Sonny in, Josslyn is probably going to take matters into her own hands. I say Gladys is going to be the spoiler in some of this. After she witnessed Dex taking a huge envelope of cash, my guess is she's going to find out that Dex has been working with Michael and then try to use that to her advantage to get the money she needs to pay off Ms. Wu.

    Jane Elliot is a treasure. Every scene she's in she just on fire. Loved her barbs at Chase (which is actually true, how he's too much on his high horse) and her banter with Gregory. It's always fun to watch her trade insults with Carly lol.

  9. Carly and Drew just nauseating, as well as Joss and Michael. Love love love Selena! She always looks like the cat that swallowed the canary. Tracy is also a delight to watch.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...