Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 Nina grovels to Carly and asks for forgiveness and help with Willow. Before Carly can answer, Drew and Dr O walk off the elevator. Dr O sings Drew's praises and then goes to talk with Nina. Carly tries to tell Drew about the SEC and the guys walk off the elevator to grab him. 

Drew goes with the SEC guys. Dr O scolds them for taking a hero away :EYEROLL: 

Deanna tells Willow she has to have a strong chemo then be in isolation until she can get the marrow. Michael and her talk about how much they'll miss each other. Then Deanna comes to take her. Michael is sad. Nina and Dr O run in to see Willow and she's gone. They panic. Michael explains where she is. Thanks Liesl for helping. 

JEX is still on, on the couch. OH! Dex wants to cook with her. He uses the computer to help! They need all fresh foods and have to go to the Farmer's Market! They decide since Sonny is ok with their relationship, they can be in the open. BUT! Oh Michael calls Joss. 

Diane goes to see Robert. He apologizes and thanks her for helping with the WSB. He wonders if they can agree to go out together. They agree. He gets out champagne.. They drink but Diane's phone goes off. She has to help Drew.  Then, Robert is going to put the champagne away and Holly walks in. She wants to drink with him and tell him about the Greenland adventure. 

Diane goes to the PCPD, tells the SEC guys to lay off and get a subpoena. They leave. Drew wonders who turned him in. 

Olivia and Brook corner Ned while he's leaving to find out if he turned Carly and Drew in...He's like NO I didn't. Tracy hopes he did. DENY DENY DENY LOL... Olivia says Ned is turning into Edward. They argue more. Then Dex and Joss walk in?????/Oh they are taking the kids to the hospital. 


Kids go to the hospital 

Diane sees Holly and Robert kiss 

Drew decks Ned

The kids wave to Willow 


  1. Robert, why are you so dumb!!!!????

  2. Some funny one liners today!

    Dex's home:

    Jex: I thought he wants sex, but no he wants to cook! :) And not in bed. ROFL! Farmers market? GREAT! :D I want to them to show them at the farmers's market!! :)

    The hospital:

    Carly and Nina: A begging we will go. A begging we will go. Hi ho the dairyo a begging we will go! Thanks Sam.

    Dr. O, Drew, Sante, Carly, and Nina: Drew? A hero?! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Sante: Ohhhh that's why Sam is giving Nina the benefit of the doubt. Because of the past! O-O

    Crew: They can't kiss, or have sex, or she can't even tell Drew that the SEC are after them. The SEC are there! Gee did they put a tail on Drew?

    Jex, Wiley, Michael, and Ohsaka Walnut: I like that Jex went to get the little ones. :) Although It felt like Willow is about to die, and everyone is there to say goodbye to her.

    Mildew: Oh yes! She feels in her heart that Michael is holding her hand. Is this an after school special?

    Jex: Their scene was realistic talking about the baby seat. :) Loved it. Oooooo now they are kissing in public! They are officially a couple! They are Instagram official, Facebook official, Twitter official, and Tictoc official. :)

    Isolation room: So that bucket with Willow in bed, is that for the puke?

    Carly, Michael, Ohsaka Walnut, Wiley, and Nina: GAH! That sign that Wiley has!!!! THAT wins the line of the day! I can't stand it!!! Awwwwwwww! :)

    Sign: We love you mommy.


    Police station:

    SEC men, Drew, and Diane: Hey that SEC guy with the black hair and beard, looks like Spinelli!!! Are they related?

    Robert's office:

    Riane: Awwwww all flirty. :) Champaign? Why not!!! :) Kiss already!!! :)

    RnH: KISSING!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!! Why are you kissing her back Robert!? Oh shoot Diane sees the kiss! Does Robert like both Holly and Diane? There is a problem! I like Robert and Holly together AND Robert and Diane together!!

    The Q mansion:

    Nedleia, Brooky, and Tracy: Okay mom why are you accusing dad of turning Carly and Drew in?! STOP IT THIS INSTANT!!! I believe you Ned!!! Brooky can accuse and other family members can, that doesn't bother me and they can get a pass, but not Olivia. Just bothers me a lot. Doesn't sit right with me.. Olivia talking about Edward's philandering ways? WHAT?! SHUT UP OLIVIA! Anyway, Tracy eating peanuts and she thinks Ned did it, and is proud of him! ROFL! That REALLY makes me think Tracy is the one who did it. :)

  3. so Holly is not long-term ------ how she leave this time??? She loves adventure so will she ask Robert to go with her and then leave??
    ----still wondering about the diamond Mrs Wu got - and where IS the Ice Princess now?
    ------Jane Elliott is the only reason to watch today's show.

    1. I thought the same thing. If not for Jane, it was a big pile of "blah."

  4. I wish I had a job to run a company like Nina, Maxie, Lucy and Sasha -----cannot remember the last time they actually worked............................................

  5. I find myself fast forwarding everything but Robert/Holly/Diane. Can't stand any of the stories. There is no edgy bad boy like Johnny Z or the original Ethan, the stories last too long, where is the Austin/Ava/Mason/Nicholas story? Bring back Tyler Christopher and then maybe I'll watch again.

    1. I agree. They should have written Dex with way more grit. Or any.

  6. It is so bad that during the Victor story neither Esme or Taggert were even mentioned. Really bad.
    Go away Holly.
    SEC SEC SEC SEC.....

  7. Agreed Jenny and Zaxu. Fast forwarded through most today

  8. Lot's of yelling in my house today. Everybody thinking Ned turned in Carly/Drew. I'm not liking that at all, and Oliva needs to sit her butt down. Just like DeeDee said, throw her out of Monica's house Ned. Don't even get me started on you know who decking Ned.
    Let me at 'em....I'd love to pop him in the nose, but I'd need a stool.

    Then I got more riled up when Diane saw Robert and Holly smooching. GAH!! I love Holly, but we know she's leaving, and I love Riane more.

    As others have said, Tracy saved the episode. And the final scene of the kids waving at Willow. I might have gotten a little teary eyed.

  9. Tracy is just amazing and the only reason to watch yesterday. On Twitter Nicholas Chavez said Tabyana improvised by jumping into his arms instead of just hugging Spencer. It worked well!! Brook Lynn and Olivia were ridiculous and Olivia looked like a shrew. Poor Diane - she and Robert make a good couple and Holly won't be around long. Had to fast forward the rest. And as for Drew, what a waste of space.

    1. They made a point of having Dr. O say Drew was a hero 3X. What about Laura? Whatever.

    2. Love Curtis! Esp when he isn't whining with or about Portia

  10. Just want to add that Brook and Olivia could not have been any more obnoxious. They should know that if Ned did it he would fess up to them. Nothing to lose. Stupid.


Friday Finale

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