Monday, February 22, 2021

Valentine's Shave

 Molly and Krissy are waiting for TJ, who comes. Now they can get committed. Jordan is there too. I'm not happy. It's just..not enough of anything.  They sign a paper. It's done. Wow. whoop. VERY Bizarre. They got a license...then signed a paper. :shrug: 

Portia and Curtis are hanging at the new Club even tho the person he's following left. 

Michael has to go see to Wiley who's crying too hard and Sasha is going with him. They settle him down. zzzzzzzzz

Jason is helping Britt pass out Valentine's bags to the kiddies.  He thinks she's visiting kids because they are lonely on Valentine's Day and so is she. Some cute kid comes up to Jason for a Valentine. 

Ava got another gift..this time the right one. Nik is wondering who sent the roach. He gives her a bracelet engraved with the day they met in 2016. Then she gets a note about "their love being like cockroaches, surviving everything" ..has to be from Ryan. 

Cam is too sad to sing. He runs upstairs and talks to himself in the mirror about being strong. The girls try to get him to come out.  He lets them in. He wants to shave his head. (for Franco) AND...JOSS does it! Really does it!! It's shaved. wow. Goes to show Liz and Franco. 

A bunch of stuff with Willow and Chase about wine. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. They go back to the Q house just when Sasha and Willow are kissing. 

Brad calls Lucas and leaves a message. 


Curtis might want to buy the new club


  1. zzz indeed. I FF'd through ahh the "Michael and his sister wives" drama. Why don't they all just move in together and get it over with.

    Cam looks even cuter with his hair buzzed.

    Mr. & Mrs. Cupid were

    1. "Di says, Mr. & Mrs. Cupid were"

      I loved that the little girl called them that. Awwwww. :)

  2. a very touching scene with the kids and liz and franco. jason and britt passed the chemistry test. so did portia and curtis.

  3. does anyone know if dick dasterdly (plp) is going to die?

    1. Dick Dasterdly! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I LOVE THIS! No more PLP from me, it's now Dick Dasterdly! HAHHAHA!

  4. Sasha & Willow kissing??? I think that is what is needed to make this storyline more interesting.

  5. The hospital:

    Britch and Jason: They are so adorable together! :) Oh look a little girl! She is so adorable! Jason is smiling! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Britch and Brad: Awwwww they hug.. I miss you Brad!!!!!

    Michael and Sasha: No no no Sasha! You don't need to go see a crying Wiley!

    Sasha: I guess I can go back in and visit Brando some more.

    YES YES! Do that! DO THAT!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Noooo don't go with Michael!


    Molly and Krissy:

    Molly: Well, I have texted. He is not responding.

    TJ is an idiot!!!!

    Molly, TJ, Krissy, Jordan, and court lady: Wait what?!?!!?! Is that all it is? Just signing a freakin document?!?!!?! What the hell was all the urgency about? Why are they all dressed up? UGH! Yes Karen it's all very bizarre. And why are TJ and Molly dancing when the court lady wanted to go home?!!?!! GAH! I am done with this stupidity!!!


    Portia and Curtis: Fun scene!! :) They are having fun. :) Portia is right. Don't tell the guy that his wife is cheating on Valentines day! You don't want him to associate Valentines day to cheating.. I'm glad they are staying.. :) Curtis needs to divorce Jordan ASAP and then play the field!!! He needs to be free!!!! I do like Curtis and Portia together though. :)

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Chillow: Dammit Willow! Stop talking about Michael!!!!! Focus on the gorgeous sexy Chase. :)

    Nava: How romantic. Having eye sex and being romantic while a dead cockroach in a glass is in the middle of the table. Where is it's mate? On another table across the room? Must be Ryan who sent it.. Or Spencer? Awww they talked about meeting on that plane in 2016! Yes they had sparks back then! :)

    Friz home:

    Friz: Friz is adorable! :) BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: It's Valentine's day. We are supposed to be upstairs with the door locked making love all night. Or at least once.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! :) If he can get once! :) ROFL! I pick all night. :)

    Cam, Joss, and Trina: Yeah I read a spoiler that Cam is going to shave his head. Oh no! Not his beautiful hair! :( Joss is doing it! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( So William Lipton actually had his head shaved.. He has got guts. :)

    Friz, Cam, Joss, and Trina: OH! Cam's not bald!!! :) It's just a buzz cut.. I like it!!! The Cam and BobTodd scene is so precious. :) OH MY BobTodd is giving him noogies. HAHAHHAHA. Wow noogies are so old hahahaha.

    Q home:

    Michael and Sasha: They are so boring I actually yawned.

    Chillow: No!!! Willow!!! Let sexy Chase walk you to the gate house! GRRRRRR!

    Michael and Willow: Love actually? Really? UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzz.. Willow should be at the gatehouse making love to Chase!!!

    1. Line of the day was perfect, I caught that, and laughed! Same for the noogies.
      I think William Lipton was really laughing!!

      Seriously, wasn't the entire TJ/Molly thing weird and dull?

      I think Curtis would be a totally HOT nightclub owner!! I would really enjoy that!

    2. "Julie H says, Line of the day was perfect, I caught that, and laughed!"

      Hahahaha. It was very funny! :) I wonder if it was adlibbed hahahaha.

      "Same for the noogies."

      I remember noogies when I was a kid! :)

      "I think William Lipton was really laughing!!"

      I bet he was!!

      "Seriously, wasn't the entire TJ/Molly thing weird and dull?"

      Yeah and made no sense. All that build up, for just to sign something. And they had to have their own pens! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

      "I think Curtis would be a totally HOT nightclub owner!! I would really enjoy that!"

      Yeah I would enjoy that too! He would be awesome as a night club over!!!

    3. Noogies...going back to SNL with Todd and Lisa(Loopner). Bill Murray and Gilda Radner. Love the noogies and Cam's head.

  6. sonya said "Just signing a freakin document?!?!!?! "

    *** Yes, it's just a legal document to protect a couple if one of them dies and they own a home together or if one wants to include the other on work related insurance etc. They just have to go to a law office and sign it. The "ceremony" was their way of making a fuss when they said they didn't want to. lol

  7. "Di says, Yes, it's just a legal document to protect a couple if one of them dies and they own a home together or if one wants to include the other on work related insurance etc. They just have to go to a law office and sign it."

    I know, but the urgency? Getting all dressed up? They could have just have it mailed, sign it, and then mail it.

    "The "ceremony" was their way of making a fuss when they said they didn't want to. lol"

    ROFL! It was so stupid. Hahahaha!

  8. There was a lot of snooze-worthy scenes yesterday, yowser. Di's comment about Michael and his sister wives was hysterical and so true, and they are SO boring! Lol!

    Loved Cam's scenes with Trina, Joss and his family. That made the show for me, and Liz's reaction was spot on as a mom. I loved it!

  9. I feel that they were just trying to tie up the TJ and Molly story line and then we won't see them on screen for another 6 months. Same with Brad. Loved the Liz and family stuff.

    1. "Jenny60 says, I feel that they were just trying to tie up the TJ and Molly story line and then we won't see them on screen for another 6 months."

      6 months? Oh just in time for their party! ROFL!

    2. please no party, this storyline is too boring


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