Monday, February 8, 2021



Anna: Where's Your Mother?

Britt: IN prison where you can't shoot her...giggle.  Britt denies knowing where Lesil is. She taunts Anna and says why didn't the WSB just tell you? Don't they trust you anymore?? 

Franco finds out the side effects from radiation from Terry.  They run into Finn they tell him they aren't coming to the funeral because of Peter. Franco says he knows who gave him access to his files. Liz goes to confront Britt. Britt says it was not her --but she was indirectly involved. Apologizes.

Valentin is playing with Peter: "Your life is about to unravel" He gets Peter to admit that he framed Lesil Obrect. AND he admits to having Drew Kane killed. And... that stupid Val is going to keep his secret to protect Anna and Maxie's hearts. Oy vey!! 

Sonny answers the phone. Nina is like "Who? What name"? What's your last name?? He asks her if she wants delivery. She wants to talk to Phyllis. Tells Phyllis she found her daughter. She wants Phil to look at the photos. Phyllis can't come tho. She hangs up, sad. Ava comes in...Nina tells her about Nelle being her daughter. Ava said she was smart and such but Nelle was really evil and violent. Nina says that if Nelle had a mama then it would be ok. Nina says she's going to be with Wiley as much as possible.  Then Phyllis calls her back. 

Joss and Carly visit Mike and Morgan. Tell them tomorrow is Sonny's funeral.  Joss is mad Nelle is buried in the same graveyard  as their family. Carly tells Joss that Nina was Nelle's mama. Joss is like: oh, grosssss LOL .

Anna says that she's going to go find Obrect. Finn says he's coming with. 

Someone is looking at "Alexandria Merrick's Last Will and Testament"...and there's a flashdrive the hands put in an envelope-- with a card that says "Peter"....they have a wedding ring on and it's coming from Budapest Hungary..IS THAT DIMITRI MERRICK? oooooooooo lordy if it is!!! Maybe it's just representing him? 


  1. It is truly remarkable how bad an actor Wes Ramsey is as Peter. "Smell the fart" acting has never been good. It is laughable and totally ruins the whole story. I hope Karen is right about there being a who killed Peter story.

    1. Unfortunately they won't get rid of Wes as long as girlfriend Laura is on the show.

    2. Smell the fart acting....Joey Tribiani would be proud! Perfect description!

  2. Anna Devane has become as annoying as her fake son Hiney. Why have they ruined the character? She whines and complains and badgers anyone she feels deserves it. So Finn says the wedding is in days, Valentin said to Hiney that the wedding is in months. This lack of cohesiveness really bothers me. And the fact that Nina just blew that recognition right off. For now. IMO GH is not at it's best right now.

    1. You mean recognizing Sonny's voice?

    2. I agree about anna they have written her so annoying. But I love Britt, finally a female I like besides Laura and Liz.

    3. Yes, Sonny's voice. I thought his amnesia story might be short and sweet but we may be in for a long ride.

  3. I want Valentin to tell Anna about Peter. Would be nice to see Dimitri if that is him. Is the actor still alive? I may be thinking of someone else who has passed.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The hospital:

    Friz and Terri: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    Terri: There could be hair loss.

    BobTodd: Now you have gone to far.

    ROFL! He even made Terri laugh. :) Liz didn't laugh, but she did laugh the other day when BobTodd talked about his butt and hair. ROFL!

    Britch and Anna: Oh shut up Anna Bot!!! Forget Dr. O!! YOUR NEPHEW IS A MONSTER!!!!

    Anna and Finchy: Oh oh! Postpone the double wedding? Yup! Will Maxie postpone the wedding because Anna and Finchy aren't going to be there? Is she going to be like a little lost puppy and wait for them to come back to have that double wedding? No Finchy no! Don't go with her!!! Break up with her is the better idea!

    Friz and Finchy: I am glad Finchy understands why Friz won't be at the double wedding. I wonder if the Tribbles with be at the wedding.

    Liz and Britch: No Liz! It's not Britch's fault!!!

    Nathan's cemetery:

    Hiney and V.C.: Hiney's truths come out to the wrong person. Hiney should be telling Maxie and Anna!!! Oh better yet, Maxie or Anna should eavesdrop!!!! NO V.C. NO! I love you, but DON'T KEEP THIS SECRET! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Mike and Morgan's cemetery:

    Carly and Joss: It's been five years since Morgan's death. Oh Joss come on! Who cares if Nelle is buried where Morgan is. They aren't even around. They don't care!!! UGH!

    Nina's office: OH NINA! THAT IS SONNY!!!! Go down there and see him!!!! :)

    Nina and Mrs. Cauffee: Nina she can't go down there, so you go over there!!!

    Nina and Ava: Great scene. :) Ava Nina needs that DNA test to get to the truth and I hope Nina is able to see Wiley as much as she wants to!!!!

    Pennsylvania side of the river bar:

    Mrs. Cauffee and Sonny: Oh nuts!!! She is going to Port Chuckles after all. Rats rats rats. Nina should be coming down and seeing Sonny! Mrs. Cauffee just had to bring up Sonny's dimples hehehehe. I love his dimples too Mrs. Cauffee!! :)

    Budapest Hungary:

    "Karen says, IS THAT DIMITRI MERRICK? oooooooooo lordy if it is!!! Maybe it's just representing him?"

    I hope it's Dimitri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Representing him? You mean Dimitri's lawyer?

    1. Hair loss....hahahahhaha! That was great.

      I'm gearing up for my temper tantrum regarding Valentin keeping PLP's "smell the fart acting" secrets. You with me Sonya?! :(

    2. "Julie H says, Hair loss....hahahahhaha! That was great."

      Yeah it was hahahaha.

      "I'm gearing up for my temper tantrum regarding Valentin keeping PLP's "smell the fart acting" secrets. You with me Sonya?! :("

      YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ready!!!! Smell the fart acting! ROFL!

  6. I don't see the show bringing Michael Nader on to the cast, especially after how his time ended on AMC in the early 2000s. Is it possible that Dimitri and Alex Devane had a son? Whoever it is had a ring on. Maybe it's a recast Dimitri.

    1. How did his time end on AMC? I thought I read something about drugs. Hope he got help if that is the case. Don't want another random character. They keep bringing new ones and don't use the ones they have

  7. Looks like ABC is carrying the impeachment trial. Starts at 1:00 tomorrow :-(

    1. "zazu says, Looks like ABC is carrying the impeachment trial. Starts at 1:00 tomorrow :-("

      WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ABC NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    2. Seriously. Isn't that going to run all week?

    3. Awww sheesh, say it isn't so. :(

    4. "Di says, Seriously. Isn't that going to run all week?"

      ACK! I hope not.

    5. Okay here is the schedule.

      Hopefully though they don't show it on tv all week.

  8. Did anyone else get to watch it today?

    1. It is not on. GH made a statement on Facebook saying today's show would air tomorrow. But I'm not too sure about that.

    2. It aired here in Canada. That's why I asked if anyone else had seen it.

  9. Gh wasn't on and DAYS wasn't either but of course Judge Judy was! They just like to interrupt our damn soaps. They could at least air them later on Hulu. Instead of the next day or the day after that. It's ridiculous!!

    1. Yes. They could air it late at night. We'd all record it, or watch online.

      There were lots of developments today. I wanted someone to scream with at the end but I guess no one on the site has seen it.

    2. "Di says, There were lots of developments today. I wanted someone to scream with at the end but I guess no one on the site has seen it."

      Wait what?!?!?!! Scream??? That good huh? :)

    3. Di I just watched it online!! WOW!!!! :0

    4. Oh good. I thought people might start looking for it if I said I'd seen it but I didn't want to suggest that in case it's a no no. I saw it listed somewhere last night too.

      And talk about a few WOW moments. I can't wait to discuss it later today.

    5. "Di says, Oh good. I thought people might start looking for it if I said I'd seen it but I didn't want to suggest that in case it's a no no. I saw it listed somewhere last night too."

      Oh I'm sure people will.. If not, I put up a link for it.

      "And talk about a few WOW moments."

      I KNOW!!!! :0

      "I can't wait to discuss it later today."

      I can't wait either!!!!

  10. Wow...ABC, Disney GH whoever must not care about numbers (viewership) basically their show. So just by chance I go to my nbc app tonight and oh pookie, DAYS has their Tues show on even though the trial aired in it's place. Go over to Hulu when I'm done watching and what do I see but Mondays show. 🙄 Disappointed. Way to go NBC hats of to ya! ABC...smh...

  11. The trial is all week. Will they cancel GH all week?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...