Wednesday, February 17, 2021

River Rot

 I'm hoping for Fireworks today with Nina!! She says to Carly and Jax: I know WHAT YOU DID TO MY DAUGHTER!! HA Diane and Jason are like: GULP. She yells and says Carly knew Nelle was rotting in the river and said nothing. They go around and around. Nina says Carly has the whole town enable her. Carly says Nina cut Avery out of Ava's womb. yada yada.  Best line is Nina to Jax "You're a liar just do it with a TAN and a SMILE" lolahahahaha! 

Diane goes back to Sonny's with Carly, Jax and Jason. She's pissed she doesn't know the whole story. 

Cyrus and Britt. He is having board meeting about a new pain management drug he's developing. Wants FDA approval asap. The board is ready to say yes when Lesley walks in and objects! 

SONNY...and Phyllis is home. He tells her about his dream. Snooze. Why did she even GO to Port Charles? I mean, she didn't even see the Sonny funeral stuff. ugh. There's a customer drinking whiskey and Sonny says he can't drive. Guy hands him his car keys.

Jordan (old Jordan is back) and Curtis. Curtis doesn't want to work on the marriage. OMG cut him LOOSE! They talk, and He wants to separate for awhile. Jordan cries. 

Q house... Monica wants Olivia to stay but Olivia isn't sure. 

Sam and Dante talk.  She says she free of Jason's life.

Britt calls Jason about the drug thing Cyrus is doing. 

Lesley goes to see Monica for help dealing with Cyrus at the hospital. 

Nina goes to Jordan about evidence in the Nelle death. 

The Tan-O Bar is all smashed up and everything is broken. :eyeroll: whatever. 

We all know Nina will find Sonny and he'll think she's the one in his dream...yada yada. 


  1. it is RIDICULOUS to think that Jordan and PCPD would RE-open an investigation just because NINA asked them to! They can't even solve CURRENT cases, for crying out loud. So this BETTER not go down that road - let Nina find Sonny - whatever, but bring him home - let them fall in love - I don't care - but no stupid POLICE business......I swear, Nina's character is unbearable now as is Alexis...….February sweeps has been horrible....
    Did Julian EVER get buried??????

  2. I'm. So. Bored. With. GH. Please end Nelle. Please end Peter. Please stop the Nina and Nelle mother and child reunion that appears to be coming down the line. Please end Sonny's amnesia. Please don't have Nina make a fake play for Sonny and then fall in love with his dimples. Please Free Curtis. Please let Britt and Jason fall into bed already. **I have more - but I'll stop there for now.

    1. "Ladder says, Please don't have Nina make a fake play for Sonny and then fall in love with his dimples."

      ROFL! Yeah I bet that is going to happen! Then he and his magic sperm will get her pregnant! ROFL!

      "Please let Britt and Jason fall into bed already."

      Yes please!

    2. Oh no. I didn't think about the MAGIC SPERM. We'll probably have a Ninny baby now.

    3. "Ladderr says, Oh no. I didn't think about the MAGIC SPERM."


      "We'll probably have a Ninny baby now."

      HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ninny baby! ROFL!

  3. Jordan's office:

    Jurtis: Man too bad we couldn't keep the recast who looks 20 years old! :) I was enjoying having fun with her with Cyrus! Oh man Jordan is back to being constipated and is sad. BREAK UP ALREADY! Come on Curtis! You two are so boring!

    The hospital:

    Portia and Cyrus:

    Cyrus: Winds of change are blowing through General hospital.

    Did someone fart? 00

    Portia and Curtis: Man I thought she was going to slap him at first, when she first walked up to him! Whew.

    The board meeting: LESLIE!!!! :) Too bad she can't vote!!!! :) Why is that 1 lady standing there away from everyone? Oh is she the one who is going to fart?

    Private room:

    Jason and Britch: Britch is nervous about what went on in the boardroom!!! I guess too much gas in the room really smelled bad huh Britch? Oh you two just kiss already!!! Man Steve Burton looks hot in that outfit. :)

    Sonny's gravesite: I LOVE THESE SCENES!!!! They were fantastic! :) Great lines!!!!

    Nina: Who made you judge and juror? Do you get to decide who lives and who dies?

    GO NINA!!! Come on Carly! Admit you wanted Nelle dead!!!

    Carly: Because you can't handle the truth!

    Too bad Nina didn't bring up the movie a few good men! :) That would have been perfect.

    Nina and Carly: GO NINA GO!!!! BRING IT!!! :) Nina wins the lines of the day.

    Nina: This whole town is filled with Carly enablers. You counted on Jax to be your backup. Maybe it's time to bring him up to the major leagues. Now that Sonny is gone.

    ROFL! Carly DOES have enablers! And yes bring Jax up to the major leagues. That means they can have sex, right Nina? :)

    Jason: You already ruined Sonny's funeral.

    Nina: Oh my goodness! You are just proving my point!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SHUT UP JASON! Nina is right! You are enabling Carly!

    Nina and Jax: A tan and a smile hahahahahahaha. GO NINA! :)

    Carson home:

    Diane, Jax, Jason, and Carly: I love a pissed off Diane! :) She is right though! She is your lawyer she should have been informed.

    Q home:

    Dante and Sam:

    Sam: You can call me Sam.

    Okay that is adorable. :) I'm liking them together. Oh look Olivia is watching. If they decide to date, would Olivia approve? Or is she going to flip out. She IS smiling. :) Hmmmm.

    Olivia and Monica: Awwww Monica wants her to stay? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Leslie and Monica: HAHAHAHHA. Monica rolls her eyes at Leslie! :) Will there be an old ladies cat fight? :)

    Pennsylvania side of the river tanning bed bar:

    Lenny, Phyllis, and Sonny: Wow Phyllis got there very quickly. And yeah I guess she didn't hear about the Sonny funeral. Maurice Bernard has the gray hair again!!! :) Yummy! While they are talking, that guy in the background looks like he is high! ROFL!

    Sonny and drunk man: Awwww glad Sonny wants to help him. :)

    100 hours later.

    Sonny, Phyllis, and Lenny: Wow!!! What the hell happened to the tanning bed bar?

    1. Maybe Jax will go to the bar to lay in the tanning beds there.

    2. "Paul773 says, Maybe Jax will go to the bar to lay in the tanning beds there."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Paul!!! That's a good one. :)

    3. "Cyrus: Winds of change are blowing through General hospital.

      Did someone fart? 00"


      Did anyone noticed that Monica called Lesley, "Lester"?

    4. I thought I heard her say "Lester" too!

    5. “Matthew says Did anyone notice that Monica called Lesley “Lester”?”

      “grammargirl says I thought I heard her say "Lester" too!”

      😂😂 That’s Monica’s nickname for her! :)

    6. Sure enjoyed Nina going off the rails, she really stuck it to Carly, her enablers, and like everyone else said, that crack about Jax's tan was a hoot!

      Sonya, did someone fart?? LOL that's my line of the day! :)

      I laughed out loud at Lester, and seriously what happened at the bar??

    7. "Julie H says, Sure enjoyed Nina going off the rails",

      Yeah I enjoyed it too! :)

      "she really stuck it to Carly, her enablers, and like everyone else said, that crack about Jax's tan was a hoot!"

      It was all a great scene! Great lines. :)

      "Sonya, did someone fart?? LOL that's my line of the day! :)"

      ROFL! Oh thanks. :)

      "seriously what happened at the bar??"

      Maybe the Carson's Tribbles broke in and destroyed the place looking for Sonny!!! :)

  4. It's amazing how this show went from having all the momentum at the end of 2020 to truly falling off a cliff (I guess just like Nelle lol) in early 2021. The stories are a disconnected mess.
    The Tan-O scenes are especially jarring and horrible. The actors are great, but there's no story and it's appallingly bad.

  5. I beg of the soap gods to not pair Dante with Sam (unless they want to make him a really boring character).

    1. Me too. She said she wants to be a new person so replace her. lol

    2. If KM & DZ were playing on another show with different characters, they would have rootable chemistry. But, Dante and Sam have Leo as their brother, which makes this potential couple...a bit icky.

    3. "Di says, She said she wants to be a new person so replace her. lol"


  6. I saw Cyrus in the Netflix movie called "Leave no Trace". He was a kindly Portland tree farmer who offered a place and a job for a Vet suffering from PTSD. It was an uplifting story about a vet and his daughter who were living in the woods to get him away from society.Loved today's show with Nina giving it to Carly. Had to re-watch that scene. It was nice to see Nina's shutout to Jax.

  7. I agree that parts of the show need work right now (I am so over the "Sonny has amnesia" storyline) but I will admit it -- I looooooved seeing Nina read the riot act to Carly and Jax. (Especially the line about Jax's tan.) Nina was originally brought on the show to be a villain and I think she is more interesting as a mix of good and bad.

  8. I think Nina is still mentally unstable. always have thought it.

  9. OMG!! Finally caught up after electricity out from snow and rolling black outs!
    First off! Please tell me Monica won line of the day with calling Leslie, Leater!! I died!! 🤣😂
    Second!! Can Nina just go away?!?! She's becoming annoying! Lady I'm sorry you lost your psycho bitch of a daughter but Carly technically DID try to save her in her own Carly way. So F* off. 😉👍
    Willow and Michael...yes please. You know they will get back together. I know I'm the 1% I'm ok with that. 😂
    Ok gotta keep it short. Gotta get ready for work. Miss you guys. It's been crazy here!

    1. "Michelle L says, OMG!! Finally caught up after electricity out from snow and rolling black outs!"

      Hmmm romantic? :) ROFL!

      "First off! Please tell me Monica won line of the day with calling Leslie, Leater!! I died!! 🤣😂"

      Hahahaha. She has called her Lester before. It's her nickname for Leslie. :)

      "Lady I'm sorry you lost your psycho bitch of a daughter but Carly technically DID try to save her in her own Carly way. So F* off. 😉👍"

      OH! You are a Carly enabler!! ROFL! Just kidding! :)

      "Gotta get ready for work. Miss you guys. It's been crazy here!"

      I hope you are okay!!!! *BEARHUGS*

    2. Haha! Romantic? Not in tha least...
      1st day eh..pretty. by the 2nd day over it. Losing electricity for 23 hrs and rolling black outs (have electricity for 30 mins then none for 3 hrs then have it for 20 mins then none for 2 hrs etc). Not fun. Anyways. It's over. We got more snow today. This is so unlike S TX believe me LOL!!
      Loved GH! Except for Ponytail...😂 and Nina...Neener 😂🤣

    3. "Michelle L says, Haha! Romantic? Not in tha least..."

      Hahaha. Maybe you laugh though. :)

      "1st day eh..pretty. by the 2nd day over it. Losing electricity for 23 hrs and rolling black outs (have electricity for 30 mins then none for 3 hrs then have it for 20 mins then none for 2 hrs etc). Not fun."

      Yeah that's awful. I hope you got some time of lights that you can use or candles.

      "Anyways. It's over. We got more snow today. This is so unlike S TX believe me LOL!!"

      Yeah I know that Texas are having trouble.. I've been praying. I heard that Ted Cruz went to Cancun! *Facepalm*

      "Loved GH! Except for Ponytail...😂 and Nina...Neener 😂🤣"



A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...