Friday, February 19, 2021

Valentine's Day

 So I Guess TJ and Molly are all of a sudden getting "Committed" today...WHY in a law office for godsakes? Why no where fun? I feel like I missed a bunch of episodes or something. She's there with Krissy waiting for TJ. NO ONE Else is invited!! Because they want it 'simple' and just them?? WE WAITED HOW MANY YEARS? FOR WHAT? TJ is running late and the lady at the office says he has to hurry up because she's closing. 

Brando is shot in the leg. We know who did this. Jordan wants to know too but he won't talk.  Jason shot him to put him out of commission for a bit so Cyrus won't...?? I don't even know. 

Franco and Liz are at The PC Grille..Franco feels sick. His hair is falling out! They leave. 

Ava and Nick support Liz about Franco. Maybe Ava and Liz will be friendly? Ava gets a box from Nik. It's a Roach! LOL..he has no idea how it got in there. Spencer? 

Britt goes to visit BRAD IN THE HOSPITAL!! was too cute. They are doing bags for the sick kids for Valentine's day. Britt got him out of jail by saying he needed a follow up appointment.  He takes her had and wonders why it's shaking. 

Felix and Lucas are on. No where to go. Felix wants to know if Lucas wants to go for a drink.  JUST AS FRIENDS.

SO..Willow and Chase are going out for Valentine's Day--and so are Michael and Sasha and get this--TO THE SAME PLACE. :eyeroll: Anyway, Michael switches his reservations to The Metro from the PC Grille. 

Curtis and Portia go to the 'new club' for his undercover detective gig. They are getting along well. 

Joss and Trina go to visit Cam. He's home watching the kids. They do Valentine's stuff.  Joss finds an acceptance letter from Stanford in Cam's backpack. 


  1. Today's show was more enjoyable IMO. Maybe because there was no lost Sonny and no Nina.
    The kids were boring but refreshing.
    But the best was Brad. Made my day. I'm in the throes of moving and totally stressed. I needed that. And I love Britt and Jason.
    Molly has fish lips now too.

    1. My two favourite parts were the Briit/Brad scene (especially the opening. lol) and the tiny little smile from Jason in his scene with Britt at the end. PLEASE get them together writers. They complement each other so well.

      And I get so upset when I see Molly these days. I hope Daisy didn't lead her down this path. That doesn't enhance anyone's looks or sex appeal.

    2. I agree love jason and britt.

  2. Good luck with your move zazu! I am really liking Portia and Curtis, and Britt and Jason possibilities. Great to see Britt and Brad as always!

  3. has anyone else noticed that the 4 gorgeous blue eyed, fair skinned burnettes can be sisters. liz, britt, willow and sasha. also the gorgeous portia and curtis have chemistry. and so does britt and jason. GH needs romance.

    1. No. Willow has hazel eyes, Brett has green, Liz and Willow have brown. So do Portia and Curtis and I don't think they look like siblings either.

      I agree about the chemistry with both those couples.

    2. oops...Liz and Willow have blue eyes. Portia and Curtis have brown.

  4. Yup, Nina is going to take Carly to court for Wiley, AND she is going to get Sonny to fall in love with her.

  5. nina will take michael to court cause he is with sasha a recovering drug addict.

    1. Yes. If he is with a recovering drug addict that will look bad to the court for Sasha to be around Wiley.

  6. Happy Valentines day Port Chuckles!! Even though it's late! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Britch and TJ: Awwww it's nice that TJ notices that Britch has changed. :)

    Britch and Brad: BRAD!!!!!!!!!!! I was so confused at first, because I was thinking he is STILL in the hospital?!!?! It's been what months?!!?! Ohhh but then Britch brings up that she got him out for a "check up" Okay that makes sense. :)

    Jordan, Jason, and Brando: Brando shot in the leg! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Forget it Jordan you are not going to get any info from them!

    Jason and Brando: Brando wins the lines of the day.

    Brando: Dude why the hell did you shoot me?! Do you know how bad it hurts to take a bullet?

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead!!! Why didn't you ask Jason why he shot you right after he shot you? HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Britch and Jason: That is so adorable that a couple of bags fell and Jason offered to help, and Britch was all smiles. Awwwww. :)

    NuLucas and Felix: Wait what?!!?!?! What happened to Felix's boyfriend? Are they over? What happened?!

    Night club:

    Portia and Curtis: I love that they were working together. :) She really didn't want to leave! Hahahahaha.

    Q home:

    Chillow, Michael, and hooker Sasha: This scene was very awkward. I'm glad Chillow have a date.. Hooker Sasha and Michael have a date?!?!! HUH?!

    Michael and Hooker Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Chillow: So basically,

    Willow: Michael Michael Michael Michael.

    Chase: 00

    Willow: Michael Michael Michael Michael.

    Uh Willow,, you are on a date with a sexy man! STOP TALKING ABOUT MICHAEL!!!! I read a spoiler this was going to happen.

    Friz and Nava: Are they going to be friends? And that couple who saw Friz was so rude!!!

    Friz: BobTodd's beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    Friz home: The banner!! Happy Valenersery!! :) Adorable! :)

    Joss, Trina, and Cam: Awwwww friendship. :) Yes gals you tell him!!! Go to that college and don't turn it down!!! Yes it's true that change is scary! You can do it Cam!!!

    Friz and Cam: The look on Cam's face when he sees step papa holding clumps of his hair! :(

    The county clerk office:

    Krissy and Molly: Okay what in the fricken hell!?!!?! What is with the urgency of all this? And Molly calling TJ her fiance?!!?! WHAT?!?!! This scene made no freakin sense!!! It feels more like they are eloping than a commitment ceremony! How is all this going to work?

    County clerk: Do you Molly commit to TJ?

    Molly: Yes.

    County clerk: Do you TJ commit to Molly?

    TJ: I do.

    County clerk: I pronounce you committed. You may kiss if you want to.


    Krissy, and Judge lady: KRISSY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Frisco and Felicia when she was pregnant.*

    There is more to this storyline. :) Keep going. :)

  7. sonya says: "Friz: BobTodd's beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! :("

    *** Sorry Sonya but I'm personally hoping he buzzes his hair and finally gets into a new character. We've had way too much of BOBTOD.

    I loved the old guy tellin TJ he'd been married for 43 years. I was hoping TJ woould be inspired and actually get married.

    And, of course it's late for Valentines day. We missed a week of shows.

  8. "Di says, Sorry Sonya but I'm personally hoping he buzzes his hair and finally gets into a new character. We've had way too much of BOBTOD."

    Hahaha. That would be interesting if he changes into someone else. :) It would be soapy.

    "I loved the old guy tellin TJ he'd been married for 43 years."

    Yeah that was a great scene!!! :)

    "I was hoping TJ woould be inspired and actually get married."

    Yeah I am hoping too!!

    "And, of course it's late for Valentines day. We missed a week of shows."

    Hahaha I know. :)

    1. I could add that commitment day probably has a different meaning for you and I. LMAO I personally keep trying to avoid

    2. "Di says, I could add that commitment day probably has a different meaning for you and I. LMAO I personally keep trying to avoid"

      Oh Di!!! ROFL! I thought you are married! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    3. haha....I am.... or was before he passed but I'm sure there were days he thought I might need to ne committed too. hahahaha

    4. "Di says, haha....I am.... or was before he passed but I'm sure there were days he thought I might need to ne committed too. hahahaha"

      Hahahah Oh Di! Hahahahahaha!

  9. I don't like this Nina any better than I liked the other actress playing Nina. She should go.

  10. If anyone is interested in romance watch Brigderton on netflix. and main actor is very easy on the eyes, along with being talented.Rege-Jean Page.

    1. He is hosting SNL tonight. Before today I never heard of him. Yes...nice to look at.

    2. Yeah, the Duke on Bridgerton-gorgeous!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...