Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Little Sparrow


The week my hopes went up--and were dashed. *sigh* WELL, at least we got a lot of handsome with the men in tuxes!! was Sonny-Free!  This is a long blog because a hell of a lot actually happened. I mean A LOT. I didn't realize it until writing this. Phew. 

I'm having some Sunny-Delight! Want to join me? 

I put the giant pic up of Lesil because I just enjoyed the hell out of she and Britt's talk at the New Club. (Not even sure it has a name yet). The ease at which these two do their scenes and seem like real people just delights me. They were a high point in a week of jumbled editing that left me scratching my already aching head. 

NON-WEDDING OF THE WEEK: So... TJ and Molly do a commitment ceremony in an office with Krissy, Jordan and a crabby clerk. I WAITED HOW MANY YEARS FOR THIS?? I don't understand. Since they signed a document, got a license and all that why not have a little 'more' in the ceremony department? Not even Alexis? No Sam? No mention of Papa Ric? I mean.. even Auntie should have been there. But..sigh we were teased with a "summer party" which given how many times TJ and Molly are actually on, don't hold ya breath. This couple is the right age and with their career paths should be front and center!!  So much potential. Kristina too. Mob daughter. But.. you know.. 

MEANIE OF THE WEEK:  Ryan, in at GH for bedsores, gets taunted by Ava. Hmmm, how do you fake a bed sore? You don't. But we did see a bit of a smile from ol' Ryan before so we know there's something going on up there in that noggin'. I'm still saying it's Spencer that sent the Roach. Has that kid's name written all over it and we have letters to prove some connection. I  DO wish Ava would have shoved it into Ryan's mouth and left instead of crushing it on the floor. Someone on twitter suggested that and boy, it would have been awesome TV.  

APOLOGY OF THE WEEK: First and foremost, thank you for giving LLC more airtime. She's a gem. Was way underutilized. Comedy, Dramademy...angst, sorrow-all of it. She has it. This scene with Alexis was great because it shows that Olivia has such a capacity for forgiveness without forgetting what has gone on. She knows Alexis is in pain, realizes what pushed here there and cracks open the door a tiny bit. 

SHAVE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Cam.  First of all we see a real bathroom in an house!! (yes, pet peeve of mine for years and years). Secondly, the girls help him out in very poignant scenes of him actually shaving his head. Franco's reaction is priceless and Liz, at first horrified is so proud of Cam! Friz had some good stuff all week and the daily ups and downs are always explored with them. I do wish the other boys could be around but--COVID, I get it. Hell, Jake's going to be 16 by the time we see him! I also really liked Liz and Finn scenes as well. Finn is becoming the go to guy for problems and I'm here for it!. Loved the discussions about life/death and Liz finally telling Cam about the decision to have Franco go to Shadybrook when his condition worsens. See, it took a woman to figure out you didn't have to kill him to keep people safe. 

OY VEY OF THE WEEK:   Where to start on this story. I do think the show was edited all over the place because of the week of interruptions. It HAD to have been. How else could Anna and Finn be leaving one minute to go find Obrect (which seemed to be the DAY BEFORE the wedding) and he end up trying on a tux with Peter? The whole timeline was jumbled. The scenes between Anna and Valentin were good; she finally realizes Peter's evil self. BUT--"Gives him one more chance" one that INCLUDED LETTING HIM PUT THE FILES IN THE FIRE!!  Of which, I guess Spy-Anna didn't even make a back up of! You usually don't give murderers second chances. WTF? If the secret was to come out at the wedding, (which come on, it always was going to) it could have been done without this Anna weirdness. Lesil could have played Alex's flashdrive for one. Robert could have come in and arrested him for two. But this??? NOT telling Maxie? Really? This is all happening wedding morning mind you...where 1/2 the cast are in tuxes and the other half wandering around going to visit their dead husband's graves. I tried to make sense out of it all and failed. PERHAPS it will all come together next week?? Maybe? I hope? 

RESULTS OF THE WEEK:  So, in the middle of all this, Finn gets a phone call saying the DNA results are at GH. Finn goes there (when everyone else is dressed and ready) but runs into Jackie who seems to persuade him to not look yet. We also got a little clip of Cyrus looking at them talking and.. will he tamper with them? *sigh*. I don't know what I wanted. She's right though, there's no real reason to find out or tell Chase. Gregory is his Dad..Finn is his big brother. Let it be. 

PLAN OF THE WEEK: Lesley and Monica decided to show the board an article in the Intruder and push the vote up outsmarting Cyrus. This was done off camera btw--with just a door opening scene between the two soap icons. Was that scene cut? We will never know. Anyway, Lesley and Laura inform a very angry Cyrus that there will be no FDA approval for his drug. Leslie then says she's leaving PC again to be with Lulu. It was delightful to see Denise so thank you for that!

VISIT OF THE WEEK: Michael and Willow take Wiley to see Nina, his other Grandmother. This happens just as Carly is cleared of any wrong doing with the Nelle fall. The best part of this whole thing was Carly walking in and seeing the two of them playing together. Why? Because Carly is in charge of EVERYTHING!! 

FRIEND OF THE WEEK:  Yes, I am a Michael Easton fan and yes, I love seeing him interact all over the canvas. This week had him giving Alexis AA encouragement and also helping Liz figure out Franco's CAT Scans. He has a measured grace that calms a person. Great stuff from both he and Becky here. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Definitely Cameron and the head shaving. All the teens did a great job with this and it felt real. It would have been great to have a follow up with Jake and Aiden seeing him but.. COVID. 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: All the men were in tuxes and thank you! 


Maxie visits Nathan's grave...someone surprises her (Monday)

Nina gets a visit from Wiley, Carly's not happy

Martin and Jackie go to visit his mother; Jason surprises them 

Cyrus is thwarted at a board meeting

Finn and Chase DNA results are in; will Finn look before the wedding? 

Double Wedding Day brings men in tuxes 

Anna realizes Peter is guilty when he throws the evidence in the fire

Valentin thinks they need a plan to trap Peter 

Ava pays a visit to Ryan who's in GH for bedsores

We see letters to Spencer from Ryan

TJ and Molly make their pledge; they are in a partnership now

Alexis goes to apologize to Olivia 

Willow and Michael and Chase and Sasha...meh, not much of anything. More the same

Cam decides to shave his head in support of Franco's tumor

Liz finds out Cam doesn't want to attend college

Dr. O find a zip drive to Peter from Alex explaining she's his mother 

Sam buys out Curtis' half of the PI agency so he can buy the new club. 

Case remains closed on Nelle's death

SPOILERS: What's happening next week? Well, Monday I have a dental appointment so I won't be here but.. I will watch Hulu later! Maxie will think twice about marrying Peter, Anna will call Frisco and talk to Robert about Peter, Dante gets into the whole Peter mix and Lucy gets a surprise. SEE all SCOOPS on Diagnosis Daytime!! 

So, in the end, we did have good movement this week but things were just 'off' for me. The timeline was wonky and chopped up. I'm hoping this is to get us back on track and we will be done with all of it. The Peter thing is maddening because of how many ways it could have gone in the past year. Not months--year! 


Photos thx to @RonKlopfanstein @Beckyslays @NivFans @soapjenn 


  1. I love Britt she is right up there with elizabeth. love franco and finn, just do not like the rest of finn's family. the teen seen was great. and anna and alexis are ruined for me.

  2. Didn't Britt call herself "Sparrow" to her mother. Then they talk about if Anna can have the nickname Scarecrow Britta can have Sparrow. Why Sparrow?

  3. Not sure if you all have seen it, but there is some "GH" drama happening on Twitter. Someone posted a clip of a Zoom chat between Maurice Bernard (Sonny) and Ingo Rademacher (Jax) in which they throw some snark at Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis). It's unprofessional and comes off as very "frat boy." Anyhow, a bunch of Twitter users are mounting a letter-writing campaign to ABC/Disney in Nancy's defense.

    1. That is NOT alright. It is unprofessional IMO and borderline sexist too.

    2. That is unprofessional and at the least so hypocritical for MB to partake in as he speaks so openly about mental illness and coping. Sad.


    4. Thanks, Kevin. If that's the kind of behavior that's allowed it gives a little insight into why NLG has been getting shafted in terms of her scripts. I guess if the "Big Man" doesn't like you it's ok. Imagine having to go through that type of behavior just to keep working. TOXIC

    5. Yep, I was thinking the same thing.

    6. Honestly they sound like 12 year old ass boys.

    7. Stupid Ingo and Maurice. I'm confused about who posted it though?

    8. I quit following NLG years ago due to her (what I found to be) controversial tweets.

  4. There were weird editing/ not editing scenes with Florence and Bobbie and then Florence and Marty. In the scene with Bobbie it looked like Florence was on the right side of the bed and Bobbie sitting on the left side of the bed. The bedspread with Bobbie looked maybe white with design. The scene with Martin Florence is on the left side of the bed and Martin sitting in a chair next to her (no chair in Bobbie scene). The bed spread with Martin is green a white kind of stripes or squares. For a bed bound woman she sure gets around to different beds. lol

  5. I didn't used to be a Brit and Dr O fan. As a matter of fact, couldn't stand Britch at all. But, I am starting to like her more. I do like her with Jason and with Dr. O. She just needs to be nicer to the staff at the hospital. I think she does like Jason as she was snarky with Sam.

    I do feel bad for Maxie as she hasn't had luck with men. When she had a good relationship with Nathan, he died. I'd like to see her alone for a long time and actually have a relationship with her kids (who we didn't even see before COVID)

  6. I think I said this before but because twice Sonny has said to Lenny and Phyllis - YOU are being targeted - this isn't random ----------must mean something. I think it's the policeman but maybe someone else.....Phyllis and Lenny should run Mike's..
    Dear Diary:
    PLEASE end this Peter fiasco soon - we have gone TWO YEARS ------we don't CARE who he is dating in real life.....he needs to go...
    PLEASE do not let Franco die (although we know he is) BUT DO NOT let Jason take the fall for PETER
    PLEASE do not drag SONNY storyline for years - bring him BACK with no memory - but not in 2021 when YOU JUST HAVE TO GOOGLE A MISSING PERSON
    PLEASE let Dr. O and Britt stay.......
    and Dear Diary, NO ONE believes that FELICIA would miss her DAUGHTER'S Wedding because of an aunt - stupid stupid stupid
    Make Anna smart again.
    The ENd.

    1. I agree with everything you just said mufasa. I think a lot of feel this same way!

    2. If Franco dies is Roger staying on the show?

  7. AND, since Felicia is the Aztec Princess and her family is royalty they should have money to take care of "Aunt Bea" or whoever that Aunt was. (just me being snarky). If it was a scheduling conflict for Kristina Wagner or John J York wait for the wedding until they could be shown.

  8. I'm wondering if Cyrus will A) steal the DNA results and expose them at the wedding to get back at Jackie and
    B) kidnap Leslie as retribution for his mom to "show" Laura how it feels and have something over her.
    That's just where I see that it could go.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...