Monday, March 1, 2021

I'm Missing...


Alas, I have a dental appointment during GH. Not sure I'll miss much? Probably the lead up to the wedding and such. I'll watch on Hulu later. 

Dave came up with a great question for today...other than not wearing masks, what would be one thing you miss most during this time of COVID? What are you looking forward to doing when it's "over" or we all have the vaccine?? 

I'm going to THE MOVIES!! I'll probably go once or twice a week and not even care what is on. I so miss the whole experience. Such a great thing to sit in that darkened theater, munching on popcorn and letting yourself go! Fun Fact: I LOVE the front row!! 

One theater here shows all the Oscar noms before they are announced. I don't think my son and I will make it this year. Not even sure they'll reopen. I know they are already open in some parts of the country but not here in NY in my county anyway. 


  1. I would like to visit my family out West. I have a niece and step grandson that I haven't met.

  2. yeah this was my idea, but i thought it would be a fun participating vlog. karen knows i love her vlogs when there are tons of comments and interaction.''

    i know this is local, and probably wont mean a lot to many, but i miss buffets. not generic, Golden Corral buffets, but big ass casino buffets. (I live in Vegas). A lot of casinos have already given up and repurposed their buffet areas into event centers. I dont think we will ever see them again. but i used to go with friends and we always made a night of it.

    as an honorable mention, I miss living in a 24 hour town. Walmarts and supermarkets used to be open 24 hrs. I used to go shopping at 3am after the bar when the stores were near vacant and i would have the place literally to myself. Now they all close at 11pm for (ahem) disenfecting and I think the 24 hour aspect will not come back

    its the little things...

    1. Dang, i'm going to be in vegas in a month, i'll miss a buffet.

  3. I miss actually going to class for my art classes instead of Zoom - same for book club, would like in person.

  4. I don't usually comment on fashion, but good lord, Sam's dress today was terrible. Who thought a boob window was a good idea? I'm a red blooded heterosexual man and I thought it was too much.

    1. They don't even look like boobs. I'm still getting thoughts of homemade bread seen through the oven window. gross

    2. Hahahaha, i was thinking that too, but didn't want to offend anyone. Thanks for saying it for me.

    3. "Di says, They don't even look like boobs. I'm still getting thoughts of homemade bread seen through the oven window. gross"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! DI!!! You win again. :)

  5. I miss shopping, seeing friends, restaurants, malls, hugging people large holiday meals etc

  6. Haven't hugged my Mom in a year. She turned 80 this month

  7. I miss my parents! My dad just turned 81 and I haven't been able to see him - he won't have my go there even if I quarantine first! I was able to see my mother - but it's not enough!! There is not enough time left on earth for them to be missing so much of it!

  8. My life is regularly pretty quiet. No family on the US mainland. But I have to say that it's freedom that I miss. Freedom to do whatever the heck you want. That about covers it.
    Today's show was rather a bore. I do not have much faith in what is in Hiney's future, but let us all hope it will soon be finished.
    And yes, bread bursting in the oven.
    Maxie and Anna both in white. Really?

  9. Traveling for sure... and simple things like hugging friends.. inviting the kids' friends over to eat or spend the night. sitting at the bar at a restaurant people watching. And most of all, seeing my mom who passed in 2020 all alone as the hospital would not allow visitors. Will never get over saying goodbye on zoom.

  10. If anybody saw Karen's twitter post, her appointment was changed to 12:30 so she was there watching GH! :)

    "what would be one thing you miss most during this time of COVID? What are you looking forward to doing when it's "over" or we all have the vaccine??"

    Hug people! I miss hugging!!!!!! :(

    Friz home:

    Friz and Jason: They are talking about the voice in his head. BobTodd just catching Jason up on everything, including Dr. Kirk.

    BobTodd: For treating Liesl Obrecht for being Liesl Obrecht.

    ROFL! He would have won the joke of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Friz: BobTodd leaves! He moved out! :(

    Nathan's grave:

    Maxie and Dr. O: Ahhh so it IS Dr. O! TELL HER DR. O TELL HER!!! Dammit Maxie won't hear anything bad against her lovey dovey fiance! UGH! Maxie will only listen to Anna not Dr. O! GAH! Well, Maxie is late for her wedding. She shut her phone off and she had a lot of texts from people!

    Maxie: WHY WON'T WE TALK ABOUT THE REAL REASON YOU ARE DOING THIS HUH? I don't think it's to get back at Peter. I don't think it's to save me. I think it's because you hate Anna. You want to punish her because Peter's father loved her and not you.


    Dr. O: You must do what you must do.

    Me: And I will do what I must do?

    Dr. O: And I will do what I must do.

    CALLED IT! :) OH! She has the hard drive! She will let Hiney's mother do the talking! :)

    1. I seriously wanted to muzzle Maxie. We already have AnnaBot I don't need MaxieBot!

  11. Metrocourt hotel:

    Finchy's room:

    Little V, Finchy. Chase, and Gregory: Little V is so adorable! She can't wait for the wedding! She thinks Anna as a second mother. Well, just as long as she doesn't forget her bio mommy!!!

    Chase and Finchy: They talk about their parents and Finchy getting married. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: I hate these things. Their ridiculous. I feel like I'm a monocle away from the monopoly man.


    Anna and Maxie's room:

    Anna and V.C.: They have a plan!! Let's get the ball rolling people!!!! Oh hi Jordan. She has a feeling something is going on!

    Jordan and Anna: She wants Anna to tell her what is going on! She wants Anna to trust her. So basically,

    Jordan: Come on Anna tell me! You can tell me anything, even though I have constipation you can still talk to me.

    Anna: Yeah you really need to go see your doctor.

    Anna and Maxie: Maxie is back, and Anna's dress is pretty, but man those shoulder pads YIKES NO! Anna talks to Mac on the phone.

    Hiney's room: Oh Hiney shut up with your soliloquy!! And stop being so damn smug!!!

    Hiney and Dante: OH! Here it comes!!! It's starting! Dante is going to kill him!!! Oh he isn't. :( Knock on the door.

    Hiney and V.C.: I thought V.C. was going to grab a gun from his pocket.. Just cufflinks for Hiney. Oh they hug. Dammit that was a great hug! :)

    V.C. on his phone: It's on.

    Ohhhh what is happening?!!?! :)

    Hiney and ????: OH HE IS BEING KIDNAPPED! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Feet are kidnapping him! I wonder if the feet stink?

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Sam and Curtis: Sam and her peek a boob dress are talking to Curtis about the paperwork for the PI business.

    Sam and Jordan: Sam and her peek a boob dress are talking to Jordan about Curtis's new life!

    Jurtis: Jordan and her constipation just wants Curtis to be happy.

    Sam and Britch: Sam and her peek a boob dress notices Britch's shaky hand.

    Sam, Mac, and Britch: HI MAC! YAY MAC! Glad Mac is at the wedding. Felicia should be there too!!! Mac is wondering where Maxie is. Anna calls him to tell him that Maxie is here!!

    Greg and Jackie: Greg doesn't want a divorce, but Jackie does. Damn too bad. I like them together. Well, after the divorce who should she be with? Marty? Robert?

    Jackie and Robert: Weddings don't impress Jackie anymore. Robert on the other hand is still optimistic!! YAY! :)

    Sam and Dante: Boy Sam and her peek a boob dress are making the rounds everywhere!!! :) Now she is talking to Dante. Will she be talking to the Tribbles next?

    1. Well you get line of the day with Peek a Boob Dress. HAHAHAHAH!

      I was thinking the feet who kidnapped Dick Dasterdly were Dante's but now I'm not so sure....

    2. "Julie H says, Well you get line of the day with Peek a Boob Dress. HAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahahahaha thanks! :)

      "I was thinking the feet who kidnapped Dick Dasterdly were Dante's but now I'm not so sure...."

      I have no idea, but I love all the nicknames people are giving Hiney! ROFL!

    3. I think the feet are dr. O. And what was that giant hair ball on top of sam’s head?

  12. Oops I missed something.. When Anna was talking to Mac on the phone she acted strange. For a split second I thought she was Alex. :) But I think Anna just felt bad for Maxie.

  13. sounds like the wedding will not happen and valentin and anna had dick dastardly kidnapped. I was hoping peter would die but he gets saved cause he is LW's boyfriend. nice to have friends in high places. wish anna would get her brain back.

  14. Seriously, it would have been MUCH better and more satisfying if the writers had let Maxie wise up and dump Peter at the alter.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...