Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Ok, new day, new show!! I really thought the wedding was coming up this week but-- you know. #GH 

I hope I am more into this show than I have been the last few. GH is choppy again and I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the interruptions but it's so jarring.  Dr. O and Britt are a saving grace. I am loving Kelly playing Britta. She's so natural. Makes every scene sparkle. 

Robert and Olivia. Robert is being SO Robert. They talk about how much he hates Peter lol. She hates him too because he fired Dante LOL :) Robert gets the door. It's Alexis!!  She wants to talk to Olivia. Robert leaves. Alexis tries to apologize.

Maxie and Britt are out. Peter is late. Britt doesn't want her to go home because her Mom is there, looking for information. Dr. O finally sees the envelope from Budapest. She opens it. There's a zip drive in it with a video from Alex to Peter.  After she's done "I've hit the motherload"!! 

Jarly are at that coffee corner...talking about the FBI and Nelle dismissal.  Carly is so obsessed with Nina/Nelle LOL UGH She thinks Nina is "too unstable" to be Wiley's grandmother. 

Willow and Michael take Wiley to see Nina. Michael reminds Nina that Willow is his mother. :eyeroll:  Cute scenes. OH!! Carly comes in and sees everyone being cozy and she's going to lose it LOL 

Peter and Anna have a talk, and I tell you what.... this had BETTER be good because if not, I may be taking a vacation again. Anna is going to give Peter a chance to tell her the 'truth" . Oh I'm too angry to type this up. WTF. 
THIS IS ..unacceptable. EVEN WITH THE TRUTH we are going to play it this way? That Anna is so spellbound by stupid PETER she's not going to do the right thing? Giving him time to backtrack? WHAT THE HELL. OMG It's just a mess. She shows him the papers tying him to the bank statements and he convinces her to burn them. I really REALLY HOPE she has a plan. Because if not this is STUPID. She'd better tell Maxie asap too. 

Carly tells NIna to get her shit together or she 'won't be in Wiley's life"

Olivia almost forgives Alexis

Anna calls Valentin: You were right, we have to stop Peter. 

UGH I hate how this Peter story is going.


  1. I have to believe that Finola reads her scripts nightly and way she can like her spy character become this stupid and whiny!!!! WHAT IS WRONG Frank?
    Make Anna a great spy again ----- bring SONNY home even if no memory - bring Lenny and Phyllis in permanently......Let the freakin' Peter storyline end!!

  2. I can't believe that Anna took the original papers to Peter and not copies because anything else is beyond the realm of possibility. Get it together writers. Stop the stupid tears and sniffling and have Anna go into protective mode and get that psycho away from Maxie!! and do it by the end of February.... February 2021 in case you're looking for a loophole. Some of us may not live forever!

    1. "Di says, February 2021 in case you're looking for a loophole. Some of us may not live forever!"


    2. Lol! Perfect, and 100% agree!!

  3. leisel and britt are the best characters on GH now. dick dastardly(plp) needs to die. anna is a dumb ass can't stand it.

  4. by the way snarly you can not make decisions about wiley and nina. michael and willow are the parents. you are a jealous controlling witch.

  5. I wonder if the writers don't like Finola Hughes or something. This is so horrible

  6. and I know this is odd - but did Julian ever get buried?

    1. I snicker every time someone asks this, sorry! :)
      But no, I don't think so!

  7. The night club:

    Britch and biker chick Maxie: Doth protest too much hahahahaha. Yes Britch you tell her! :)

    Chandler Mansion:


    Anna on the phone: Glad she told V.C.! Now I hope she tells Maxie!!

    Hiney and Maxie's home: I love Spy Dr. O looking around the place!! :) Glad she found the Marick mail! :) OHHHHHHH ALEX! She is alive UGH! BUT, she can spill the beans!! The motherload? Yes Dr. O! Alex is Hiney's mother! :)

    Brich and Biker Chick Maxie: Britch is so LOUD! Hahahahaha! Biker chick Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Biker Chick Maxie: SHHH! Can you BE any louder? I don't think Mrs. Gets in apartment 66 heard you!


    Hiney and Maxie: UGH!

    Q home:

    Robert and Olivia: Sparkly! :) Yeah Robert, I don't think Olivia will ever forgive Alexis.

    Robert and Alexis: Awwww so sweet Robert is protecting Olivia. :)

    Alexis and Olivia: Come on Alexis! I doubt Olivia will EVER forgive you for accidentally killing her son! I mean would you forgive her or ANYBODY who tries to kill your daughters? Olivia is in mama bear mode.

    Central Perk:

    Jarly: A Jarly hug. Awwww. :) Uh Carly! I hope you are not thinking of keeping Wiley away from Nina! You have NO right!

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Wiley: Awwwwwwwwwwwww so sweet. I love the scene.. Wiley is all smiles! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)

    Carly and Nina: Uh Carly, don't you dare keep Wiley away from grandma Nina!! She has a right to see Wiley!!!!

    1. Brit and Maxie were great, and Brit has got some comedic skills. I was laughing a lot at her! :)

      Snarly needs to STFU, and Neener was getting on my nerves, too.

      End Dick Dasterdly NOW! That should be our new mantra, lol!

  8. Alex is dead, sonya. On the recording she said if you've received this, I'm dead. It was recorded and given to someone to send out in the event of her death.

    1. Di says, Alex is dead, sonya. On the recording she said if you've received this, I'm dead. It was recorded and given to someone to send out in the event of her death

      Yeah I know, but she could lie! :) She could still be out there alive somewhere!!!

    2. It's GH. Noone ever really dies.

  9. I am so glad to see more of Britt and Leisl and less of Cyrus. Olivia has so much more spunk than Anna. Love Robert! Carly is so hateful. Wiley was adorable but his two idiotic teenage parents aren’t.

  10. I'm glad Anna realizes Peter is lying but but to let him burn the damn papers!! Oh Anna!!
    Sick of Peter and don't get me started on Carly, ok yeh I am one to usually defend her (sometimes), but today babes was working my nerves! Nina is just as much Wiley's grandmother as Carly is so she can just sthu.

  11. I really think Anna didn't give Peter the real folder, but had. to make Peter believe she believes him. Guess we'll just have to wait tomorrow or next week to see the end of Feb sweeps since we lost at week.

  12. My problems with the Peter storyline:
    1. Kirsten Storms has been underutilized, with Maxie being reduced to the naive satellite love interest. At least with the big Peter blowup coming up, we should expect some good material from KS.
    2. Anna has randomly lost her intelligence. She lets Peter BURN THE DOCUMENTS?! WTF?
    3. There is no sympathy for Peter. Why should we feel sorry for him? Compare this with Valentin, Franco, and even Cyrus, who all have shown significant sympathy in the past. Peter just gets mad if something goes wrong. No regret or remorse.
    4. Liz and Franco should of gotten Peter arrested for stealing and publicizing personal medical records. HIPAA exist in this universe...but no one says anything?!

    1. You summed up the PLP debacle quite nicely! And I'm with Di (above), end this mess now because some of us won't live forever!!

  13. The thing is, as much as we want PLP gone, I am sure the actor is going nowhere.

    1. The actor doesn't have to go anywhere, just the character. They could kill of Hiney, and have the actor come back as a different character. PLEASE!!!

    2. The actor is really as bad as the character - needs to be gone.

  14. Anna did hand Peter the real folder as she was freaking out trying to get it out of the fire.

  15. As I watched again this morning, I think ya'll are right - Anna is faking it - she still has originals and is making Peter think she trusts him...…….SURELY that is how to salvage her character.


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