Saturday, February 27, 2021

First Scene Saturday: Frisco and Felicia

Aztec Treasure (1984)

I couldn't see Felicia posing as a boy. I just couldn't. Kristina is so stunningly beautiful. But there she was, in an outfit straight from the musical "Oliver". Frisco grabbed her arm and like magic, a supercouple was born. (Ok, maybe it took awhile, but you know...)

Next to L&L, I dare say this might have been the 2nd most popular couple ever on the show. (Go ahead, debate, that's what the comments are for)

I wish they would revisit the Aztec storyline. Isn't Maxie a princess by birth? I believe about 5-7 years ago there was some kind of mention where Felicia donated a piece of jewelry for some reason, maybe the Nurses Ball. Is my memory failing? Did this happen? 

I would really love for Frisco to come home for a few weeks guest stint for Maxie's wedding (If it happens...) and to work with Anna and Robert for some WSB stuff and expose Peter. (ok, I just re-read that last line. I'm leaving it there, but it wasn't how I intended it) 

I miss both of them. I grew up in New Jersey and remember when they went to Atlantic City in really bad disguises. It was awesome seeing the landmarks and every place I have been.

What are your memories of Frisco and Felicia??

NOTE from Wubsy: What a fitting First Scene Saturday from Dave right in the middle of the whole Maxie wedding! What I can't believe is how young she is! Wow, she looks about 12. That song that's playing when Frisco sleeps is HIS song. Did you know he had 2 hits in the '80's? "All That I Need" and Lady of My Heart.  You have to watch this video. Jack dedicates it to his wife "back in America".  The hair!! lol. He was quite the pop idol back in the day!! Another piece of trivia: They filmed the "Catacombs" here in Rochester NY at our High Falls. Back when soaps actually did location shoots. 


  1. Hands down my favorite couple - I remember that scene as if it was yesterday. I did go to see Jack Wagner in concert too - I was definitely a super fan and would love to see Frisco back (Although he seems pretty busy on the Hallmark Channel).

  2. I doubt JW returns any time soon. I think he is a little miffed at how Frisco was portrayed in his last return a few years ago. Back in the day though, F and F were absolutely huge for GH and yes, I'd put them right behind L & L. Sonny and Brenda and then Sonny and Sarah Brown's Carly would be my #3 and #4 couples. #5 Robin and either Stone OR Patrick.

    1. I don't think he will return either. The writers ruined him last time. Don't blame the actor

    2. I agree. I remember reading an interview with JW saying that he was very angry with the way they wrote Frisco during his last return. Don't think he will ever come back to GH.

  3. Yup, LOVED Frisco and Felicia. Think lots of people did. L&L, Frisco and Felicia, Robert and Anna, Sean & Tiffany, Sonny and Brenda, Dante and the first Lulu, and I forget who else I really liked. Those were the days of super couples. Not so much anymore.

    1. I went down the rabbit hole last weekend and started with your F&F clip of when Felicia was hiding under the bed. Then, watched a TON of clips. Was fun though.

    2. Back then there were awesome singers on GH, Jack Wagner, Rick Springfield, Ricky Martin, and Wally Kurth. I am probably missing someone. Did Blackie (John Stamos) play the drums, or did he sing too? Not sure why I forget. I watched only off and on for many years.

  4. IMHO Kristina Wagner is the most beautiful woman in daytime t.v. There are many beautiful ones, but she has like china doll features or something.

  5. Loved when Frisco came back right before Felicia married Colton.


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