Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Rescheduled


Welp, NO WEEK this WEEK!!! There was DRAMA all over Capitol Hill, not in Port Charles!! Last we left the show, people were getting ready for Sonny's "Funeral" and Phyllis agreed to go to see Nina. You know she'll find out about Sonny. I mean she has to right? This can't go on forever. 
Can it? 

NEWS: Chad Brannon, one of Wubsie's fave actors ever on GH is making a return to the show. He did play Zander Smith back in the day and was last seen on a plane with Emily's look alike. Who will he be this time?? I'm thinking if he stays, he has to be a brother because Zander was shot and it was just too much realness to change. Maybe he's a ghost in a Cameron thing? He is Cam's bio Daddy.  I would like him to stay and be a recast for Brando or something. Yes, he's older but I don't even care! I recently saw him on Bosch (where you can see a heck of a lot of GH actors)  and thought: COME BACK!! 

So, Kristina is back for Sonny's funeral after a glaring absence. I understand work schedules and the Pandemic and all--but not even a peep of a mention of her during all of this. She could have been off to bartending school or in Paris or something. She's also out of a job. I do have a GREAT solution tho: JULIAN LEFT THE BAR TO HER. Hey, why not? It would stick it a bit to Sonny and Krissy could be a great bar manager. Getting into the mob 'biz' bit by bit. I could write a whole thing (call me). 

I'm still puzzled to the whole Nelle thing and unless Chloe is coming back, not sure where it can go. Sure, we can fight over Wiley (Carly can bitch about two kids now) but...meh. IF Nelle does come back she can always say that Carly pushed her and who could say different? Carly was already done in by the stair push, right? Not sure where this story is going. 

Another idea: Brick is Phyllis' step-brother. He walks into the Tan-O and is like "WTF"!!! hahahaa. 

Still like my idea of giant house with Alexis, Sam, Krissy, Molly and TJ. All the kids. Diane's condo is sold to a developer and she needs a temp place to live too. Then, their neighbors are Dr. O, Britt and Maxie once she finds out Peter is evil. 

Peter gets murdered and after a lengthy investigation, Brando is convicted and sent off to Pentonville. Twist is: He was framed by----SPINELLI who gets off Scott-Free and he and Maxie rekindle their relationship. 

SCHEDULE: Looks like with the hearing over, GH will return Monday! That means we will have last Tuesday's show air on Monday.  If you need a recap, check the last blog post: RADIATION . The biggest thing there was a hand holding an envelope with Alex's Last Will.  The return postage was from a D Merick which we all think is Dimitri Merick (I spelled it Merrick) from AMC. He and Alex were married when they were on that show. 

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! This is from GH's Twitter account in 2014: 

Look at the couples! LOL Can you name them?? I'm not sure I can!


  1. Great idea with brick being stepbrother to Phyllis. That would be hilarious. Have you heard anything about Roger’s status with GH? I started watching GH when OLTL characters came over when the show was canceled. Be a shame if he was leaving.

    1. NO? Have you heard? LOL I think he's staying and his tumor will be cured. I mean right now, GH is a good gig

  2. "NEWS: Chad Brannon, one of Wubsie's fave actors ever on GH is making a return to the show."

    I'm so happy I'm so happy!!!! :)

    "He did play Zander Smith back in the day"

    I had a dream about him last night. We were in a relationship. :)

    "and was last seen on a plane with Emily's look alike. Who will he be this time?? I'm thinking if he stays, he has to be a brother because Zander was shot and it was just too much realness to change."

    It really hurt me when Zander died. :( I still to this day can't watch his death on youtube. :( I HATED that he died in Emily's arms!!! That trader!! I did love the Emily look a like and Zander look a like on that plane.. Great scene!

    "Maybe he's a ghost in a Cameron thing?"

    I wish!!!! But he said he didn't want to play a ghost. :(

    "She could have been off to bartending school"

    Bartending school! ROFL!

    "I do have a GREAT solution tho: JULIAN LEFT THE BAR TO HER. Hey, why not? It would stick it a bit to Sonny and Krissy could be a great bar manager. Getting into the mob 'biz' bit by bit. I could write a whole thing (call me)."

    ROFL! Sounds good to me! :)

    "Peter gets murdered"

    HA! I wish!!

    SCHEDULE: Looks like with the hearing over,

    I am so confused about the hearing. He had more guilty than innocent, but yet he was acquitted?

    1. Sonya, to be convicted, 17 Republicans needed to vote guilty. Only seven did...

    2. OH! Thanks Mrs. Manning. :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anyone else think that Sonny will show up at his funeral? Just asking

  3. Left to right: Ava and Morgan, Robin and Patrick, Sam and Silas, Sonny and Olivia, Anna and Duke, Dante and Lulu

    Think that's correct??? Looks like Robin. Looks like old Lulu. Wasn't Sam with Silas? My eye sight is not the greatest either. lol

    1. Isn't the second one Michael and somebody? Maybe Sabrina?

    2. Oh ya, Now I see it. Looks like Michael and must be Sabrina. Told you my eyesight is bad.

    3. Left to right: Maxie and Matt(?), Michael and Sabrina (?), Sam and Silas, Sonny and Olivia, Duke and Anna, Dante and Lulu (looks like old Lulu)

    4. Left to right: Maxie and Matt(?), Michael and Sabrina (?), Sam and Silas, Sonny and Olivia, Duke and Anna, Dante and Lulu (looks like old Lulu)

  4. Love the brick scenario! And always loved your idea of the big house/brownstone full of characters and unfolding stories.
    With all the Nelle involvement her return seems imminent. There really was never a clear ID of the body. Just one time, in the PCPD, Chase said he was on his way to ID her. That was it. The Wiley story just may make history and might go on through to his adulthood.

    1. Yup, I am sure Nelle will be back at the end of all this. And, yes will go on through Wiley's adulthood.

    2. If Chase ID'd her then it was Nelle. She was identified and she's dead.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope your day is going well. About to walk the dog in 30 degrees. Heat wave for us lately.

  6. Left to right: dead, dead, what the heck was that about?, presumed dead, dead, coma
    My husband: "I'm sensing a trend"

  7. I am so happy Chad is coming back, and I don't care who he is, lol! I love the idea about Julian leaving Kristina the bar. That would be fabulous!! Still need PLP dead (like last week already) and just NO to Nellie coming back. Yuck!!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...