Thursday, February 25, 2021

Day Off


Sorry, I couldn't watch live today!! Use this space to talk about the show. 

HOPE it was a good one! 


  1. You chose a good day to take off. Lots of blahblahblah.

  2. The hospital:

    Finchy's office:

    Liz and Finchy: Liz wants Finchy to see BobTodd's scans to see if things have changed.. Nope they haven't. She is so upset. :( Glad Finchy is there for her. They talk about Cam shaving his head for BobTodd. Violet isn't happy with Cam shaving his head because she loves his hair! Hahahahaha. Me too V!!! Me too. :)

    Ryan's room:

    Ryan and Ava: Ava come on now! :) Ryan is not going to make a peep, so stop trying to test him. :) It's like they are playing chicken hahahahaha! Anyway she is showing him the dead cockroach! ROFL! She stepped on it. GROSS! She is letting him smell her new perfume that Nik got her. OH OH! Ryan is allergic to perfume!!! Will he break out in hives?

    Bodyguard and Ryan: Ryan has fan mail! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! WAIT HOLD UP! Someone wrote to him who is named S. Cassaadine!!!! SPENCER?!?!?!!?!


    Laura and Nik: Spencer talk! YAY! I hope he comes back and it's the OG! :)

    Friz home:

    BobTodd and Cam: BobTodd and his nightmares. He is hearing Hiney again. Cam calls out his name and BobTodd grabbed him! Oops! Well, you don't try to wake someone up who is having a nightmare.. It really felt like he had PTSD. Like he just came back from the army and is having a PTSD episode. BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: You don't ever want to pick a fight with the crazies.


    New night club:

    Curtis and Sam: Sam notices a couple of women looking at Curtis.. Yes ladies he IS hot! Wait until you see him in a suit and tie. :) Man I want Curtis to get divorced already so he can be a playa! :) Curtis and Sam talk about what he wants to do in his life and about his marriage. Sam you are right. Curtis has changed and wants different things. Sam misses being a PI so damn much!!!! Curtis wants to buy her out. Good idea!!!! :)

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Portia: Portia love your dress, but don't talk to Jordan. She is constipated today. Oh Portia and her talk about Taggart! Jordan is going to keep Trina from seeing him, and Portia likes the idea.


    Marty and Jackie: Marty LOVES his fried chicken!!! :) *NOM NOM NOM* ALL GONE. :) Time to find his mama!!!! :)

    Vermont hospital:

    Bobbie and Flo: OH MY! Bobbie is reading Flo one of those sexy steamy books! Hahahhaha. :) Flo talks about her son Marty and how a good boy he is. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Jason, Marty, and Jackie: DAMMIT JASON! Tell Marty where his mama is!!! This isn't very fair. Marty is a good guy!!!!

    Flo and Marty: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Great scene!!!! Flo talks about Jason and his blue eyes.. HAHAHAHAHA! Yes Flo he has great blue eyes. :) When Jackie brings up Cyrus, oh Flo gets upset. She washes her hands of Cyrus. Says he is a lost soul. Boy she really really REALLY despises Cyrus! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 24, 2003* In honor of Chad Brennan coming back on GH, I will go and see Zander this week. :)

    1. Was a Heather W. (Webber) mention in regards to that fan mail.

    2. "LiamAZ says, Was a Heather W. (Webber) mention in regards to that fan mail."

      Hahahahaha! No. Unless the letter that the bodyguard was reading was from Heather. :)

    3. was from Heather. LOL! Anyone catch the letter from S. Cassidine? Why would Spencer be sending Ryan a letter??

    4. Well I was totally dying when Kentucky Fried Tad was eating a bucket of chicken. You can NOT tell me that the writers don't read fan comments! Dead I tell ya, I was dead and thoroughly enjoyed it!

      Heather as a Ryan fan....have mercy!

      I have a very strong aversion to cockroaches so Eva stomping on the disgusting critter then wiping off her shoe made me beyond queasy. YUCK!

      Love Kentucky Fried Tad and his momma. Did you see the stink eye he was giving Jackie when she whipped out her recorder? Ha!

    5. "Julie H says, Well I was totally dying when Kentucky Fried Tad was eating a bucket of chicken. You can NOT tell me that the writers don't read fan comments! Dead I tell ya, I was dead and thoroughly enjoyed it!"

      Hahahaha. I loved the scene!! It was perfect!!! :) Yeah I am sure the writers read comments! :)

      "Heather as a Ryan fan....have mercy!"

      ROFL! I wonder if she is going to give him a BLT painting hahahaha.

      "I have a very strong aversion to cockroaches so Eva stomping on the disgusting critter then wiping off her shoe made me beyond queasy. YUCK!"

      Yeah ewwww! I hate them too!!

      "Love Kentucky Fried Tad and his momma."

      Me too! :)

      "Did you see the stink eye he was giving Jackie when she whipped out her recorder? Ha!"

      HAHAHAHA. Yeah I did! :)

  3. GH is turning characters into cartoons. colonel sanders, lois lane and dick dastardly(plp). not enjoying show.

  4. Who is Lois Lane? Jackie Templeton?

    1. Presumably Jackie . I’m really loving the Jackie, Martin, Laura, Cyrus, and Florence (mama) dynamic and story line.

    2. Loved that Jackie had her handheld tape recorder just like in the good old days.

    3. I am also enjoying the storyline with Laura, her family and Jackie. (And as a former reporter myself, I appreciated Jackie's old school tape recorder!)

  5. sonya, Spencer didn't write to Ryan. Someone wrote to Nicholas from Ryan. The guard returned to Ryan’s room with his latest mail. As he read a letter from Heather W. to Ryan the camera panned to an envelope addressed to S. Cassadine in France that was returned to sender (R.Chamberlain).

    1. I'm confused. So if Ryan had someone write to S. Cassadine, Why didn't it just say N. Cassadine? S. is Spencer.

    2. sigh.....The letter was addressed to:
      S. Cassadine
      Ecole Internationalle de Chatel
      74390 Chatel

      It was sent by R. Chamberlain....His address was in the top left corner

      The red return to sender sticker was on the right french...retourner à l'expéditeur

    3. P.S. Spencer obviously didn't even open it.


    5. Oh LOL! sigh...I guess I flubbed up too. LOL! 🙄🤣

    6. Great catch Di, and I made the same mistake!! I thought Spencer was writing to Ryan. Sheesh! Thank goodness for this blog and the great commenters! I'd miss stuff without all of you!!

    7. Oops oops ooops!!! Sorry Di! :) So the letter was sent back! So that means Spencer either he sent the letter back, OR he isn't in France anymore and is coming to Port Chuckles!!! :)

      "Michelle L says,Oh LOL! sigh...I guess I flubbed up too. LOL! 🙄🤣"

      "Julie H says, Great catch Di, and I made the same mistake!! I thought Spencer was writing to Ryan. Sheesh! Thank goodness for this blog and the great commenters! I'd miss stuff without all of you!!"

      OH! Whew glad I'm not the only one who made a boo boo. :) Yes so glad for this blog and the people! :)

    8. lol I think you all made the mistake because it was only a quick shot and the "Return to Sender" message was in French. That's why I was able to catch it. I went back and double checked when everyone seemed to be thinking it was from Spencer.

      I like your idea that Spencer was gone and is coming to P.C. But why were they communicating anyway and who did the writing? and mailing.....hmmmm

    9. P.S. I did put a copy of the letter in your messanger Sonya but I could only post a link here.

  6. I think Finn should have been a shrink. He seems to be helping Alexis, Liz etc lately

  7. Friz home:

    Friz and Cam: BobTodd and Cam are arguing and Liz thinks BobTodd is moving out. Liz knows now about Cam's college woes and about BobTodd almost beat Cam to death. Liz knows that BobTodd has to leave even though she don't like it. Cam is so upset that he stomps upstairs! ROFL!

    Friz and Jason: BobTodd tells Jason the voice in his head. Cam comes down to protect stepdaddy! Awwww. :) Friz wants Cam to go back upstairs.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Jason and Sam: Sam and her peek a boob dress.

    Jason: You look great.

    Sam: Hi. Thank you.

    Sam's cha cha's: Yes thank you.. Do I look really perky? I hope so.

    Spinny, Jason, and Sam: HI SPINNY! :) Yeah is isn't happy being at the wedding. ROFL! Oh oh! Hiney wants to talk to Spinny alone.

    Spinny and Hiney: Hiney wants Spinny OUT of the wedding, and to LEAVE NOW! YIKES!!!! Spinny had to call Maxie to tell her he has a stomach bug.

    Hiney: If you see anyone, pretend you are sick.

    Spinny: I don't have to pretend. This marriage, NAUSEATES me!


  8. To be continued cus it wouldn't let me put the whole thing in.

    Jurtis and Sam: Jordan is talking about how she was just texing Anna and she wants to know how Curtis is. Sam shows up to talk to Curtis about the paperwork for the sale of the PI business. Jordan had no idea and was curious. Jordan leaves and starts to cry. Well yes honey being constipated does hurt. And losing Curtis too.

    Maxie's room:

    Maxie and Nina: Maxie seems like she is changing her mind about getting married. Hmmm.. Well, anyway she told Nina she is uninvited to the wedding, because Nina has been through lot and doesn't think it's a good idea to go to the wedding.

    Chase, Finchy, Curtis, and Gregory: WOW! So many handsome men in tuxedos!!!! :) Wait I'm confused! So there IS going to be a double wedding? Finchy wins the line of the day. There is a knock at the door.

    Chase: Oh by the way, I invited dad.

    Finchy: Whaaat?

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. The way he said it!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHA! Oh Finchy has got a text from the hospital saying that the test results are ready! ABOUT TIME!!!!

    The hospital:

    Jackie and Cyrus: Cyrus doesn't like the article that Jackie did on his mother. He wants to know where she is!!! She is not telling him anything!!

    Finchy and Jackie: UGH! She convinced him not to look at the DNA results!!! I hope he is lying and goes to see it!!! GAH!!! This is so stupid! Now she might just get those DNA results and do something to it. Or maybe Cyrus will. He was watching them. I WANT TO KNOW THE DAMN RESULTS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Laura, Leslie, and Cyrus: Cyrus missed the meeting hahahaha. Cyrus's drug has been blocked!!! It won't be at the hospital! He isn't happy with that! Come on Cyrus scream and yell please! :) :( Damn. :(

    Laura and Leslie: Leslie is leaving!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Oh wait she is going to see Lulu okay. Then will you be coming back Leslie? :(

    Nathan's cemetery: Maxie needs Nathan's heeeeeeelp!!! What should she do? She is getting married in a few hours and she doesn't know what to do!!! Maybe she should talk to the Tribbles. They can give good advice. Oh oh someone is behind her!

    Maxie: Oh my God! What are you doing here?!

    Who is it?!?!! Dr. O? Hiney? The Tribbles?!!?! Sam's peek a boob dress?

    Chandler Mansion:

    V.C. and Anna: Anna wants to tell Maxie about Hiney, but oh wait! She can't!!! If Anna tells Maxie, then Maxie will tell Spinny, and then Spinny will tell Jason, and then Jason will kill Hiney! And then the mouse will tell the rabbit, and the rabbit will tell the cat, and then the cat will tell the dog. It will be a big mess!!! I HATE THIS SCENE! First Anna burns the evidence,without having any backup, and now this.. V.C. says they need evidence before telling anybody! YOU JUST HAD THE EVIDENCE, BUT ANNA DIDN'T HAVE ANY COPIES! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to watch Carly and Zander kiss* Man that was one hot kiss! :) Especially when he grabs her! YOWZA!

    Keep going there are 4 parts to it.

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 17th 2003* Papa Cameron and Zander see each other. Poor Zander. :(

  9. I would love it if Liesl set up the flash drive to be played in the middle of the wedding.

  10. sonya said..." Sam and her peek a boob dress."

    *** MY first impression of the dress was that I've heard of having a bun in the oven but she's got buns in the I was craving homemade bread by the end of that scene. And who wears a dress like that to a wedding? And a black one at that.

    I'm thinking Maxie saw Dr. O. That would give her a sense of shock. Maybe Dr. O will kidnap her and save her.

    1. "Di says, MY first impression of the dress was that I've heard of having a bun in the oven but she's got buns in the I was craving homemade bread by the end of that scene."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You win you win you win!!!! ROFL!

      "And who wears a dress like that to a wedding? And a black one at that."

      She thinks it's a funeral? And she wants to look sexy at it? :)

      "I'm thinking Maxie saw Dr. O. That would give her a sense of shock. Maybe Dr. O will kidnap her and save her."

      I hope so!!!!!!!!

  11. I’m thinking it was Dr. O, too. And it was music to my ears to hear mention of Peter ending up dead. Sam’s dress was more suited to Curtis’s club than a wedding.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...