Note: To those of you that wondered who "Sonja" was---apparently I thought Sasha's name was Sonja for a minute. LOL!!
Anna: I resolve not to cry whenever Peter's name is mentionedViolet: I resolve to have more adorable tea parties and maybe dance a little
Charlotte: I resolve to become the Veruca Salt everyone knows I can be
Maxie: I resolve to buy a clue and ditch Peter
Franco: I resolve to paint monkeys by the dozen and start singing "Mad World"
Elizabeth: I resolve to find my father and sister and bring them back to Port Charles
Curtis: I resolve to keep looking as fabulous as I always do; and be naked a bit more
Sonny: I resolve to go to Puerto Rico to my island for at least 5 months out of the year.
Carly: I resolve to speak in an "inside voice"
Sam: I resolve to speak in an 'outside voice"
Willow: I resolve to stop shopping at Target and get some fashion going
Michael: I resolve to get a bad habit. Any habit
Jordan: I resolve to go work for Chicago PD
Laura: I resolve to only wear blazers when I'm in my official mayor capacity
Kevin: I resolve to be Ryan more
Ryan: I resolve to wake up and kill some more people off
Jason: I resolve to finally giving into my passion for Carly
Brando: I resolve to save Sasha from a burning building but not making it out myself
Sasha: I resolve to feel so badly I move to Albany
Dante: I resolve to shave and get back to PCPD
Mac: I resolve to be Police Commish when Jordan moves
Robert: I resolve to do more spy-adventures
Peter: I resolve to start a murder-mystery: MINE
Alexis: I resolve to be this hilarious even when I'm sober
Tracy: I resolve to extend my time in Port Charles by many months
Scotty: I resolve to take Franco out to lunch more and eat on camera
Cameron: I resolve to find my biological father's story on the internet
Trina: I resolve to become a little bit of a hellion
Joss: I resolve to fall in love with a rival Mobular Boss's son
Morgan: I resolve to stay dead
Ava: I resolve to reign supreme at Wyndemere and host gala parties
Nikolas: I resolve to support my wife by being the Dark Prince
Jax: I resolve to take Nina to Sydney and stay there
Cyrus: I resolve to wear my hair down for at least 5 shows next year
Diane: I resolve to move in with Alexis to keep her on the straight and narrow
Martin: I resolve to slowly tone down my accent
Valentin: I resolve to find another obsession that Nina
Spencer: I resolve to come back even more of a preppy brat