Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tell The Truth

CAST PHOTO FROM GHFCW thx to @NivFansGH on twitter 

Wyndemere: Jax tells Finn he's not "seeing" Hayden, it's just business. Hayden is off exploring and the governess we saw interview Willow at the Metro stops her. 
The martini glasses were distributed and we don't know who got the "truth stuff"...although the way Hayden downed her's it might be it. 
Nina wants to do a cover story on Cassssandra Pierce. Finn is like WHY? 
Hayden comes back. Admits to snooping. Jax jumps in and says she was looking for the diamonds she hid before she left. Then, Hayden looks at Finn and says "Do you ever think about me, because I can't stop thinking about you".. WEIRD segment.  oh DUH! it's because Hayden drank the truth-drink!! DUH. That's why it was so strange. AND she told the truth about snooping. lol 
Finn says he doesn't think about her, he moved on and loves Anna. He says "you broke me when you left". He doesn't hate her tho. They stare at each other longingly. Everyone leaves. 

Lulu's house: She's moved on to white wine. Laura comes in. Gets Lulu coffee "I had NO SAY and NO CHOICE"... she cries. Laura says it's frustrating and scary but she's not alone. Laura gives her a pep-talk about Dante walking away because he's broken and he needs time. Lulu's all crying. 
Laura leaves, says 'no more wine".... and Lulu sits and stares at the divorce papers. 

Metro Court: Sonny and Carly. Sonny tells Carly not to bug Michael on his vacation. The power goes out and Carly lets everyone have dinner on the house. The back up generator broke, btw.  Dev comes out with champagne and caviar to give away. He picked the lock :eyeroll: His timing is SO off as an actor right now. I'm giving him time but..eesh. Sonny decides Dev is going to learn "the coffee business". He'll be working the warehouse now. 

Puerto Rico...Cassssssandra tells Michael and Sasha she's in the "inport/export" business. Cassandra finds out that there's a dinner party at Wyndemere and Jax and Hayden are there. (Sasha tells her)--she goes to make a phone call.  Comes back and invites Sasha and Michael to breakfast the next day. They say ok. Then they go have montage sex. :eyeroll: 

Elevator Stuck: Alexis and Dr. Neal. many times has this been used on a soap? He needs to "be somewhere".  His daughter died 5 years ago tonight. She was in a cult.. much like DOD but it was a drug related one. She killed herself, they found her in the bathtub with pills by her side.  He always goes to a Karaoke bar every year and sings her fave song to 'her'.."Hush Little Baby".  Alexis tells him to sing now. He won't so she sings. It's so sad. He's such a good actor....teary eyes and all. They end singing together and then the elevator starts again. 


  1. I love Dr. Neal. And the actor. I love Alexis with him. Not as a patient.
    Does Sonny own Puerto Rico? Michael keeps calling it 'his' island. Dull. Add Cassie and it's double dull, although I too love some Jessica Tuck. If only they could write her something fun and interesting.
    Anna better be back soon. Those 'doe' eyes are hard to resist.

    1. I thought it was a small island off the coast of Puerto Rico.

    2. THIS is so funny. I tweeted: SO DOES SONNY OWN PUERTO RICO NOW?? lol. but yes, it's an island off there

  2. Ewwww...Carly phoning her 30 year old son to see how his weekend away with his girlfriend is going. That's just plain sick. Maybe she'd like a video showing how far he's gotten.

    1. LMAO!!!! Visuals galore haha!!! 😂

    2. Hahahahahahahaha! I can see it now.

      Carly: Michael. Glad you are back. How was the sex?


    3. OMG Di! Ackkkkkkk!!! HAHAHAH!

  3. Yes, when Sonny used to be on "the island," it wasn't PR. What's up with that, how can it be "his" island? When he said he had a surprise for Sasha, I was thinking maybe he bought her a dress, LOL!! :)

    I have said this before AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: Psychotherapists can't be friends with/date their patients, even after they no longer are their patients. There are many good reasons for this, which I wrote about in an earlier post, including that, you know everything about your patient and they (should) know nothing about you. You know all of their problems, and they don't know anything about yours. This does not translate well in the real world.

    1. LOL! AntJoan I thought the same!!

    2. Totally understand what you're saying AntJoan about therapists dating patients. However, I think Neal and Alexis are great (especially after the elevator scene yesterday) and I want them together! I'm willing to overlook this conflict. Just like I ignore a lot of other reality with GH, lol! :)

  4. WHAT was Sonny saying to that guy in Spanish? Was he telling him to tell Michael to buy Sasha a dress?

    1. I was thinking if he buys her a dress I'm going to throw up!

  5. I mean, is it really even a trip to the island if someone doesn't get a dress?

  6. OK, if you enjoyed watching Michael and Sasha having sex, raise your hand . . .

  7. I am TEAM NealExis! He's great. She's great. Great couple. And it's a soap so yes, it's an inappropriate patient-client relationship, but that is what makes it even better.
    I think this is GREAT.
    Michael-Sasha- BORING as F. (won't waste my time with a blended "masha" name for them)
    LuLU- move on.

    1. Even better how's NExis? I agree patrix, it's a soap so who cares, let them be together. 😊
      I like Michael better with Willow, but she's good with Chase too.
      I agree, Lulu needs to move on, Dustin where are you???

    2. Michelle, Nexis is Ned and Alexis. :)

    3. Oh yeh!!! Man I miss Nexis, I thought it sounded familiar! LOL!!

    4. "Michelle P says Man I miss Nexis,"

      Me too. :(

      "I thought it sounded familiar! LOL!!"


  8. Puerto Rico:

    Cassie, Michael, and Sasha: Oh okay Cassie isn't going to shoot them. She is probably thinking she is safe for now! ROFL! Wait what? Cassie is on the phone! With who? Her kidnapper?

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Michael and Sasha: Oh no!!! No no no stop with the sex!!! The sex faces she is making! UGH! Is she going to make a sex noise? Oh good no she didn't. This is making me think of Natalie and Brody sex on OLTL! Natalie made the sex noise!!

    YOWZA!!! :) See they had chemistry.. Michael and Sasha, UGH no.

    Metrocourt restaurant:


    Neil and Alexis: Awwww! Alexis helping him and singing!!! So sweet!!!! Okay I'm back to liking them now. Just as long as they don't rehash things over and over again. Alexis wins the lines of the day.

    Alexis: Which is why I'm seeing a shrink. That's the anti cheers.



    ValeNina, Finchy, Rayray and Jax: OH MY! RayRay drank the truth serum! I was hoping Nina got it, but this is even better!!!! :) Too bad Dr. O wasn't there. :(

    Finchy and RayRay: Tell him about Finchy Jr!!!!! Damn she was so close!!!

    Jax and Nina: I just love their banter!!!!! :)

    Valenina: Oh my she is laying on the couch and he is on top of her.. Hot but no they need to implode!! NOW! Oops I mean their relationship.

    Lulu's house:

    Lulu and Laura: Lulu just sign the damn divorce papers!!! Give me the pen and I will sign!!!

    1. I totally thought at first Nina had it, she was acting like....old Nina. LOL

    2. Like others before her, CW has to act like the actress who was acting a part. This HAS to be hard.

    3. "Michelle P I totally thought at first Nina had it, she was acting like....old Nina. LOL"

      Hahahahahaha. Yeah she was! :)

    4. Maybe they should have gone another way with Nina. She is trying too hard to act like MS. So affected, not natural at all. And MS would never have worn that dress.

  9. Great scene with Neal & Alexis - he can really act! Although inappropriate, they have more chemistry than Michael & Sasha. Carly is unbelievable.

    1. alexis has chemistry with everyone

    2. I agree I love NealExis, they are good together, she does have chemistry with everyone, like Liz does. 😊 Michael and Sasha gagged me out like Nelle and Michael in that sex scene.


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