Friday, August 23, 2019

Trying This Again

Kin Shriner put this on his twitter!! Diane and Scotty ride again! 

Lordy. Let's hope my You Tube TV works today-- VERY frustrating to be sure--but I have to say watching next day on Hulu is refreshing. NO Commercials!! NONE!! IT's glorious. I don't get as bored at all!! 

So, Lulu's at the Wine Tasting to write a story...and not only are there NO extras -- she's not even taken ANY NOTES. I mean, at least try, thanks. Emme and Brody have great chem tho. 

OMG I HATE Maxie now. She used to be one of my fave characters and now? I see her and literally cringe.  It's sad.  Peter was going to tell her but she runs her mouth. Now he's helping SHANK? mmmm'kay. 

Um, Hayden's baby would be what? 2? She should have used a softer baby type voice. Sounded like the kid was old. Then again, SORA could be Joss's age lol 


Cam and Joss. Cam talks about Franco. Trina comes in and wants him to play soccer and he doesn't want to. In fact, he doesn't want to go to school. Joss is like ME NEITHER, LET'S GET A TUTOR. Trina's like: you're crazy.  We're gonna be juniors!! Cam thinks it might be ok to go but Joss couldn't LIVE IF OSCAR ISN'T THERE. 

General Hospital Sasha is still bad off and they don't know why. Michael yells at Finn to hurry and find a cure. Epiphany comes out and tells Michael to shut it. Monica says they are doing all they can. 
Michael gets on the mask and gown. Normal bedside soapy chat. I've seen it a million times. 
Sasha thinks her illness might be 
OMG MONICA!!!!! "Go get something to eat, Finn..take a walk in the look like a damn vampire"

CarJax at the Metro Court. She brings him room service. Says she and Joss want him to stay in town. She also wants to know why he was with Lesil. He says "I'll wake her up and you can ask her yourself" HAHHAHAA. Oh he was kidding. Damn. It would have been a great FUN surprise.  They talk about Nina. She says to be careful because Jax is "quite a catch"... I love their banter. I can stand Carly around Jax!!  He asks if the baby is ok, she says yes but hes' not sure. They talk about Josslyn's birth. Jax asks again about the baby, Carly hedges and changes the subject to Joss. Jax says he could take her around the world for this school year. Carly argues that she needs to learn to live without Oscar and it's ok to have fun again. He agrees. 

Metro Court in Ava's room. I guess she was too drunk to go home? She reads internet hater comments. Kiki shows up says "Honestly mom, did you think that article was your shot at redemption"?  Kiki tells Ava she has a terrible soul and that she's the one that chose Ryan over her own daughter. Ava say she will have no peace. Kiki says she wont' have any either.  She tells Ava all her sins. BORING. She goes on and on.. reads more hate messages. Of course this is supposed to be Ava talking to 'herself' not Kiki but it's toxic. Geesh.  Ava begs her to tell her what she can do so that Kiki will forgive. Kiki says "I can't mother, because I'm DEAD" and disappears. 
Ava wakes up. So she was dreaming like Kevin told her. She's just realizing her own guilt. "I'm alone"....

Peter, who lives in the Metro Court dining room, is talking to SHank on the phone. Robert walks by, gives him a nasty look.  He knows Pete went to visit Shiloh. Tells him if he doesn't turn in the notes and phone calls he has with him for "the story", he'll charge him with obstruction of justice. 

Finn comes in and tells them Dr. Maddox is in Ethiopia and Drew's getting him. By way of Afghanistan. Finn gets a sandwich and scarfs it down!! Talks with mouth full--gets a phone call. Says he has to leave and gives Robert the bill lol 

Peter calls someone to stop Drew from finding Maddox. 

JaSam have the world's most boring picnic in the park. The only spark is Monica coming to the table. AND SHE SAYS; HI BYE and LEAVES. WTF.. ugh. All those two talked about was 'normal life" and reconned the Drew information.  I think they ate pita sammies and grapes. 

Finn gets the test results and says to Epiphany: HOW can this even HAPPEN? 

End of Show. 


  1. I get to watch live since I got off early. Hope it's good! Hope I see Billy! (I didn't read the blog just posted this LOL)

  2. I loved Trina's line when she told them to find their brains and put them back in their skills. lol I love that girl.

  3. LOL Jax!! "Let me go wake her" line of the day.
    God Sam....always hanging on Jason. Wonder if Steve wants to hit KeMo? LOL!

  4. I'm lost...why doesn't Peter want Maddox to "fix" Franco?!?!?!
    Ticked that we were mislead about this being Billy's last day. 😡
    Monica's vampire comment was hilarious!!

    1. I think Peter doesn't want Maddox there because he knows about Peter's involvement in the experiments.

  5. Jax's hotel room: CarJax YAY! :) I thought maybe they would kiss. :)

    CarJax: Man Carly is all over the place! Pregnancy brain? :) Jax wins the line of the day.

    Jax: I suppose I should wake her up so you could ask her yourself.


    Friz home:

    Cam, Joss, and Trina: DAMN I LOVE TRINA! She is so wise and like a 50 year old! :) I'm surprised Cam and Joss don't think that Trina is lecturing them!!!

    The hospital:

    Finchy, Monica, and Michael: WOW! Michael!!! You are acting like you are in love with Sasha!!!

    Finchy and Monica: MONICA HAHAHAHAHAAHHA! Finchy looks like a vampire?!!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Love the inside joke. :) Ahem well he used to be a vampire. ROFL! *wink wink* :)

    Sasha's hospital room:

    Michael and Sasha: This is so stupid. She is getting worse? I really hate seeing Michael at her bedside.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Hiney and Robert: I really like Hiney, but I LOVE how Robert despises him. It's funny. :)

    Hiney, Robert, and Finchy: So since we can't have BobTodd talking and eating with his mouth full, the writers give us Finchy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Cracked me up! ROFL! Great scene! And leaving Robert with the check! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Hiney: Hiney is on the phone and he ordered something happen to Drew?!!?!?! Oh no!! You trying to kill him!?!?! Oh I WON'T like you after this and you then need to get the hell out of here!! Out of my face!!!

    "Karen says OMG I HATE Maxie now. She used to be one of my fave characters and now? I see her and literally cringe. It's sad. Peter was going to tell her but she runs her mouth"

    Oh I forgot to talk about that.. UGH! Shut up Maxie with your I love you! UGH!

    The REAL park:

    Jasam: Sam is trying to be a mother to her son!!!! Left handed right handed hahaha. Oh dear got boring now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. OH HI MONICA!!!! :) Oh no don't go!!! Crap.

    Ava's home:

    Ava and ghost Kiwi: Oh look ghost Kiwi.. Awww Kiwi IS in hell because she said she isn't in peace! Hahahaha! Oh man Ghost Kiwi or dream Kiwi still judgemental! NO AVA YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You have Scotty!!!!!!!

  6. sonya said... Sam is trying to be a mother to her son!!!! Left handed right handed hahaha

    *** What was Sam's problem? Being a switch hitter is really useful.

    1. My question is, where was Scout? Sure hope she doesn't go with Drew LOL!

    2. My question is...Would she notice? lol

    3. "Di says What was Sam's problem? Being a switch hitter is really useful."

      ROFL! She was just being a protective mother. :) For once!! :)

    4. But what was she protecting him from? They put in a right handed pitcher and he changed over and batted left. Was she afraid he'd be consumed by the evil left-handed virus? lol

    5. Di says, But what was she protecting him from? They put in a right handed pitcher and he changed over and batted left. Was she afraid he'd be consumed by the evil left-handed virus? lol

      HAHAHAHAHHA! Oh Di! :) You won! :) HAHAHAHA! Maybe Sam thinks that he was not being himself. That maybe someone was bullying him. Maybe he is ambidextrous and she doesn't know it. I got to stop reading your post, I can't stop laughing. ROFL!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Boy is this cast accident prone.( or maybe they're all looking for an out. lol)

    1. And then we had Scotty on the scooter that no one seemed to notice, and I read that LW injured her leg or something, but haven't seen her injury on the show.

    2. Anyone else notice Monica with her hand in her purse and trying to put her purse behind her to cover her hand surgery?

    3. I think that Laura Wright had an accident where she said she fell down the stairs;it was only about 2 or 3 weeks ago.She posted pictures of her leg in a cast&also riding a scooter.Right now(pardon the pun),she's on a tour with Steve Burton to different cities; GH is on another 3 week break.

    4. Oh wow!!!! Geez! A lot of people are getting hurt on set!

    5. I don't think that Kirsten, Laura,or Kin got hurt on set.

    6. Sorry;forgot Leslie Charleson.She got injured off set too.

    7. "Shelley D. says, I don't think that Kirsten, Laura,or Kin got hurt on set."

      Oops. Well, for some reason people are getting hurt!! Ouch. :(

  9. check out the pic from Sonny and Carly's wedding - Sam (KM) - her face says it all - i so made me mad - she's not even trying---------bored and angry - get her outta there

  10. Just finished watching/ff yesterday's show.
    Mumbles and Borg take up way too much air time. They contribute nothing to this show.
    Yes! Monica to Finn: " look like a damn vampire". Definitely the best line of this very long month.
    Billy Miller really got a bad deal. From the start to the finish. They brought back Genie Francis and Rebecca Budig. Maybe someday.


Uncut Filler

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