Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Surgery: One Year Old

I"m So glad you're my baby boy and I found you... DUN DUN DUN...

Wiley is one...and so's the baby switch!! You think it's gone on too long?? Twitter thinks so. I think it should have come to a head at the beginning of the summer and played out more in July but maybe JUST maybe it's going to be done by the end of August. 

I went to the drive-in last night! Hub's first time (they didn't have them in England). Let's have some stale popcorn to celebrate. 


LULU'S SORROW:  Between she and Kim I'm done. No, I shouldn't say that--I mean in real-time Oscar just died and Lulu just got served but -- I'm already tired. I also thought it predictable that Lulu reaches for the alcohol. Doesn't every woman on this soap? *sigh*. Mom's pep talk was a good one but where was Rocco? Peter gets a scene with the kid and not Lulu? Huh? 

PS..unable to find a photo of the recent stint, so here's an old one...

CASSSSSANDRA PIERCE:  Oh boy. WHY. Now, here's hoping there's some fabulous story hooked to this because the first time around?? Um.. not so much. Jessica Tuck is too good of an actress to waste on boring stuff. Speaking of boring stuff...


MISHA:  Michael and Sasha. Yeah,  I get nothing. Sorry to be Debbie downer but I think it may be the character of Michael at this point--he's just.. not interesting. He's not! He's bounced from woman to woman (all end up dead or crazy) and... he's still like vanilla ice cream. Sasha used to have an edge but now? She's sweet as pie which I guess is to make "the truth" all the more stunning? 


JON-WILEY This is what's keeping me going at the moment. Nelle and her vicious ways coupled with the knowledge that it will be a double whammy: Michael's baby and Willow's baby's death. I don't have all summer tho, so speed it up! 


HEY-DEN:  Love Becky Buding.. like her with Ingo and of course ME. She is very comfortable in her role and it shows. What are she and Jax looking for? What does it have to do with Cassandra? :throwsuphands: The truth serum was a cute touch and at least it got she and Finn talking. You know he's still invested in her and she sends his heart pounding. WHAT. ABOUT. THE. BABY THO??!! We saw her bid ol' belly at the end of that one show! It would make it more intriguing to know what's going on with all that. 


HANK THE SHANK:  We've been treated to numerous flashbacks of he and Old-Faced Drew and it seems he was dabbling in selling fuel to the enemy. Drew was going to turn him in but-- something happened. Now Hank wants his "money" and steals Drew's memories to get it. BUT..why would he want to implant memories that would force Drew to remember he was doing something illegal? Why would he want them planted in Jason and not Drew? I mean, Jason's Jason-- plus with the brain damage they said long ago he wasn't a candidate. Lord help me with this. I still think they'll be planted in Shiloh--ergo, "making him" Drew. It would be a convoluted way of keeping the actor and character on the show?? 


DR PATIENT DIVIDE:  We got a delicious Diane/Alexis scene out of this so I'm happy as pie. Sure they got stuck in an elevator together but...the actors really made it work.  Dr. Neal could prob lose his license for dating even a former patient but..hey, 'it's a soap'! 


Oh my GOD, why don't you like Franco?? 
Blink, stare. 
Seriously..he's like the B-e-s-t 
Blink, stare
He's totally changed.
Blink, blink.
Nice talk, Jason. 


FRANCO IS A FRIEND: Geesh, WE GET IT.. you want us to like Franco. Let me let you in on something...those of us that do-- like him no matter what (Mainly because he's sort of Todd) and those that don't aren't ever gonna like him, mmmmm'kay? You can do whatever but they just are not going to be on that bandwagon. 


Wiley turned one, Michael threw Shiloh into the elevator.
Same elevator trapped Alexis and Neal who talked about his daughter's death
Dr O moved into Wyndemere
Lulu's sad about Dante
Sonny told Dev to work in the warehouse
Carly tried to horn in on Michael and Sasha's "Island" vacation
Bland Misha sex
Hayden told Finn she still thinks about him
She and Jax didn't find what they are looking for
Oscar sent medals to Drew
Shiloh stole the flashdrive and gave it to Dr. Evil; wants memories implanted in someone (Jason is the latest suggestion) 


LINE OF THE WEEK:   'I know dis house vell, I was taking people hostage here long befores you came here" . OMG Love Dr. O in the clutches of Wyndemere!! Why she wasn't at the dinner party I'll never know. 


SCENE OF THE WEEK: Who can do any better than Maura and Jon?? 


WUBS PICK OF THE WEEK: Drew and Franco. What a nice, easy scenes. Roger ate for me (while Billy just looked at his soda lol) and they talked about past stuff and Drew's medals. I liked it. 


FACE OF THE WEEK:  Yeah, we were all shocked Michael managed to get Shank into that elevator. 

That's a wrap!! I felt like this week was very disconnected. I know it was mostly about the Wiley stuff but.. I don't know, just didn't jive with me. There were cute parts but -- meh. I'm still not sure why Cassandra is making yet another appearance and if it's just to drug Sasha, well....zzzzz. 
Franco has his accident...or ends up with Drew's memories or..or..?? We shall see. Do you even care about the whole Afghanistan deal?  Now that Billy Miller is leaving--it's weird. I can only see things working if they make "Shiloh/Hank" Drew by giving him his memories. NOT that I want that but it at least makes sense. 
Have a good one--see ya during the week!! 

Photo credits: @Redbil,  


  1. I don't want Shiloh having any part of Drew....
    If Franco were to have memories of Drew, different story.
    Do I care about the Afghanistan deal? No.....not really. Wish they'd drop it.
    Wish that Hayden would tell Finn about the baby and lastly I really wish Michael would get his baby back.

    1. I agree. I don't want Shiloh becoming Drew. The actor who plays Shiloh is doing a good job but that doesn't mean we want him reinvented. They still have people resenting Franco for just that reason. Kill Shiloh off. There are lots of really good actors out there if you need a new Drew. (Preferably one who soap fans don't know by another name!!)

    2. I agree, kill Shiloh....we need a good who dun it?

  2. So maybe Cassie injected Sasha's grapefruit with the truth serum? So we can look forward to that relationship imploding sooner rather than later when Sasha tells Michael she is NOT Nina's daughter?

    1. Oh that would be good! I like!! I wonder who she is, a nobody? Or is she related to someone else on the canvas?

  3. Karen said, "can only see things working if they make "Shiloh/Hank" Drew by giving him his memories. NOT that I want that but it at least makes sense."

    ONLY in the soap world would this make sense! And, EVEN in the soap world, I think that the memory transfer story is crazy.

    1. you 'caught' me.. LOL... I was actually going to write ONLY IN SOAPLAND... What I meant was, if they want to keep the actor that plays Shank, making him a different person would do it. But yes, all signs are pointing to Franco now. Which will make character #3 for RoHo lol

  4. I think they are looking for a document at Wyndemere that claims "something'---it's not the diamonds......
    I scream daily at the TV - KILL SHILOH - let's find out about the baby switch!!!!!!! DO NOT make Franco have the memories and something stupid!!!! the writers have gotten worse- you think they even READ comments? Diane and Alexis are solid gold - Dr. O at WYndemere - these are the things we want - and we just dropped Bobbi's diabetes diagnosis and Scott wanting to get married.......I can't remember about Cassandra - isn't she like a fugitive that the WSB wants? and stupid Sasha telling a stranger about her mother???? Obviously Cassandra knew they were on the island. really - this whole writing is getting ridiculous....

    1. Yes, sonny's island is supposed to be a private island. How would she get there?

  5. ALSO - who is keeping Hayden's baby???????
    so stupid

    1. At lease make us wonder about the baby. Like cell phone calls that could be the nanny or something. Give us a hint or a tease PLEASE

  6. Kill Shiloh already, and give us a GOOD who dun it? Just like Diana Taylor. That is my wish. AND, for poor Michael to find out about Jonah BEFORE November sweeps.

    Thanks again Karen

  7. I know it's a soap, but I do like Alexis with Neil. She needs to be with a "good" guy for once. She ditched poor Ned.

    1. I know ...I loved her with Ned. He was good with Lois too. Hopefully Neil is a good guy.

  8. With the psychic telling Franco "don't take the drive" are we meant to think that he will get Drew's memories? This story is stale. Like the baby story.
    Do the writers read comments? Surely they are on twitter and can see what people think but do they care.
    I am grateful for this blog and comments as I find myself looking forward to each days entries. More than what's happening, or not happening, on GH.
    It really is time for the outing of Wiley. Or will he be grown before that.
    I love Alexis and Neil too.
    Thanks Karen, and Delco Dave...for giving us this outlet and entertaining us with your humor!

  9. Maybe Cassandra is making Sasha ill to get even with Nina. Pretty dumb regardless. And it seems they are actually in PR and not on Sonny’s private island. How are the memories transferred-by listening to them or watching them on a computer?

    1. The title card said Puerto Rico. But then, I got confused when Michael told Sasha that his father's employees could make sure she would win at the casino. At that point, I wasn't sure where they were.

    2. Yes, it made no sense, what are the writers thinking? . . .

    3. Maybe Sonny owns an island off the coast of Puerto Rico that is considered part of PR?

  10. I still don't understand the Afghanistan timeline. If this stuff with Hank happened in 2012, Oscar would have been around 9 years old, and Drew wouldn't have seen Kim in a decade. Yet, Hank referred to Kim as Drew's girl. Or, do I have the year wrong?

    1. It wasn't 2012 tho..was before that .. I thought like in the middle of the war..Afghanistan has been going on forever. Why did I think they said like 2009?

    2. I googled it and it said 2001....go figure?



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...