Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Oh boy.. so my platform to watch GH Is You Tube TV and it was all down today and playing ads over ad over ads. 
Sorry I can't blog yet--I'll have to see it on Hulu. 

I was looking forward to hearing how that money got in CAM'S car since it was Tex's. Oh well. 

Meanwhile, here's a photo of what I loved about yesterday!! 

Vy..yes..I'm so excited for the hunk that iz Jaspah Jacks! 


  1. Jax sat at the same Metro Court table and had breakfast with Joss and then lunch with Dr. O. Will he still be sitting there today? Who will he have dinner with? Did the Metro Court become an "all you can eat" place?

    How does a coffee warehouse have cash deposits?

    Can Carly be any more tanned?

  2. I thought it was mentioned(or spoiled)that the car that Cameron has from Oscar once belonged to Tex's wife.I am confused as to what occurred in the middle & how Oscar got that particular car;know it was a gift(from Drew?).

  3. Here in CT we are expecting some severe storms which is common in summer but the local weather person came on for the first 10 minutes, 15 minutes in the middle...mid sentence, and the last 10 minutes of the show. Boy, did I let the network have it.
    The cash deposit might be from the coffee house, or cafe.
    Money was in the car of course. No matter how that came to be.
    Now we know how Drew leaves. I'll wait to place my bet.
    Hope they lay off the spray tans soon. Looking a bit Cheetoish.

    1. Can you give me a link so I can let them have it too, please, zazu. The last 10 minutes was impotant, but I guess they had to get another forcast in before Ellen came on. It can't be cut. I wish Disney would take the show away from them and give it to a channel that cares about the show.

      I'm lucky, when they started interrupting at the beginning I have another channel I could click a "record" on.

    2. I watched on regular TV so no link sorry. The end is Hiney and Shank. Hiney is a very bad man. KD will love it!
      ABC does what Disney says.

  4. Laura Wright went to the beach on vacation with Wes and her kids, so it's not spray tanned....she went that three weeks GH takes summer break.

    1. And now they're on another 3 week break;lucky.

  5. I think Drew's plane goes missing - OR he just keeps texting 'I need more time here'.....

    1. Today's only Wednesday. Do we think today was the last time we're seeing Billy Miller?

    2. I read that Friday is his last.

  6. I have an out of the box thought but could Dev be Brenda's son?

    1. Ohhh....I like your thought. I was wondering how they'd find a way to make him Sonny's.

  7. Didn`t Brenda have sex with Michael with a few years ago? She and Carly got into a huge cat-fight at the Metro Court because of it. Then, she left town? Maybe I am mis-remembering.

    1. It wouldn't have been 17 years ago, Michael would have been a kid.

    2. Perhaps Dev could be Brenda's son from the guy that Dante was trying to protect her from. I think it is when she married Sonny and then left him and went back to Europe.

    3. YES ZAK! Brenda took a drunk Michael to a room at the MetroCourt and we never saw what happened. Michael didn't remember and Brenda was sneaky and didn't say a word! I remember thinking that was clever writing and could leave a lot of doors open. Thanks, Zak, for the reminder. But, no, Dev couldn't be the product of that (possible) ONS.

    4. "Zak says, Didn`t Brenda have sex with Michael with a few years ago? She and Carly got into a huge cat-fight at the Metro Court because of it. Then, she left town? Maybe I am mis-remembering."

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! No no. Brenda never had sex with Michael. She only told Carly that they did to get under her skin. :)

    5. Brenda and Michael?????

      Now her telling Carly that, that I can see, but sex, no....

  8. The warehouse:

    Jason, Sonny, Turkey boy, and worker: I was thinking, this worker guy is SO setting Turkey boy up! I mean he is calling him a punk!!!! I WAS RIGHT! He was trying to make turkey boy look bad by making Jason and Sonny think that Turkey boy stole money!!! When he was caught, that guy just ran the hell out of there! HAHAHAHA.


    Lulu and Maxie: Oh it's done! Lante are OVER!!!! YAY! :) Now she can move on with Dustin. :) Oh Maxie thinks the same thing! :) Well I don't want Dustin to be the rebound.. Let time pass. Let them be friends first. Maxie notices that Dustin is on Lulu's contact list.. Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Lulu: In case I need a ride.

    Maxie: What kind of ride?

    BAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA! Lulu leaves, and Maxie calls Dustin for Lulu's ride! :)


    Hiney and King Mufasa:

    King Muasa: I know more than you think.

    Well after he said that, I'm thinking was Hiney the one in that flashback with Helena? YUPPER DUPPER HE WAS!!! :) In the flashback Hiney looked brainwashed! ROFL!

    Selling place:

    Trina and Cam: Cam wants to sell his car!!! Damn someone get this boy into therapy!!! Trina should be a therapist!!! :) She is so good at giving advice! She is so wise. Oh look buyer looks like Howard Wolowitz!! ROFL! You know, from the big bang theory. Gee Wolowitz has no heart damn! Oh glad Drew showed up! Oh look money in the car. Must have been really really hidden!

    The hospital:

    Drew Jr and CarlyKim: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! Drew wrote to her every month for 2 years?!!?!?! Where the hell were the letters? Cus she didn't get them.. How odd.

    Drew Jr and Drew: Drew got the money!!! Drew Jr wants to go to Afghanistan to give the money to a good cause. I was thinking OH is this how Drew leaves the show for good? Yup Drew doesn't want Drew Jr to go to Afghanistan! He is going to go himself!!! So what is going to happen when he goes there? He is going to die?

    Liz and Psychic lady: Yup!!! Liz don't give up on BobTodd!!!!! :)

    Liz and Drew: Oh my!! Drew is getting little bits and pieces of his memories back?!!?! Hmmmmm. That would be great!

    Selling place:

    Trina and Cam: Cam wants to sell his car!!! Damn someone get this boy into therapy!!! Trina should be a therapist!!! :) She is so good at giving advice! She is so wise. Oh look buyer looks like Howard Wolowitz!! ROFL! You know, from the big bang theory. Gee Wolowitz has no heart damn! Oh glad Drew showed up! Drew convinced Cam not to sell the car. Drew went searching for the money in the car! He knew exactly where it was!!! Must have been really really hidden!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Sonny: Okay what in the hell is this all about?!!?!? She was just minding her own business drinking, and he just walks up to her and starts harassing her!!! This was totally unnecessary Sonny! GO AWAY! LEAVE HER ALONE!

    Ava and Psychic lady: Ava had a dream about Kiwi! Psychic lady doesn't really buy it.

    Ava and Scotty: Ava says that BobTodd's memory loss is a gift. Yeah she has a good point there. :) She would love to forget things that she did in her life. She says Franco is still there inside. Oh she kisses Scotty on the cheek! Turn your head Scotty and kiss her on the lips!!! :)

    1. Isn't Sonny the most complete TOOL when he's around Ava?? Gah!!! I just want to kick him in the shins, hard! LOL! (Stole your "gah" there!)

      I liked Ava's take on the Franco situation. Isn't going to make Liz feel better, but I got it. And I love Trina, too. She is a good friend.

      On a side note I was waiting for Chelsea to tell Liz it was going to cost her $250 before she told her what she "saw". HA!

    2. Julie I wanted to kick him elsewhere. Hasn't she paid enough? Yes she is a real piece of work, A beetch, but she should be able to see Avery more than she does. Sonny is just a big bully with his little wee wee.....
      I know right, I thought the same about Chelsea.

    3. I agree 100% Michelle. I'm by no means a big Ava fan but it's beyond cruel and ridiculous how she's treated by holy than thow Sonny & Carly! She should be able to see more of Avery and not have her face rubbed in the mud by them every time she sees them. But I guess it's part of propping Sonny & Carly as the redeemed central couple now.

    4. "his little wee wee..." hahahahahah! Love it Michelle!

  9. The door to the GH elevator stayed open a bit too long. I think this is the last we see of Drew. He looked sad and it would be a crappy ending for Billy Miller.If nothing else he should go out in a blaze of glory not disappear off screen.

  10. I'm sooooo sad. The end is near (or if you're right gambilly33 already happened). I'm gonna miss Billy.
    It's bad ENOUGH that we lost him but we lost Franco too. 😭😭😭😭
    Now stupid dumb arse Hiney is probably getting outta Pentonville. 😡😡😡
    Upside maybe we'll see Dustin soon. 😁❤

    1. I miss Franco & will miss BM too! Yes I do think RH does a great job with whatever he's given but I really like him & Elizabeth and feel so bad for her & the boys. 😢

  11. If Drew is going to Afghanistan then they will probably have him pretend die. Like Holly. IDK

    1. Yes, Drew will probably disappear in Afghanistan, get kidnapped or something . . .

    2. Billy, PLEASE come back soon from Afghanistan! Your fans miss you already! Also, poor Scout will be an orphan, as the poor girl already seems not to have a mother . . .

  12. I commented earlier that it seemed like yesterday was Drew's last episode,especially with the elevator doors closing so slowly.I read on another site that Friday,8/23 will be his last episode.So hopefully,they do Billy justice in his last GH appearance.

  13. Miss him already. So weird, a soap actor leaving hasn't left me so sad like this since Micheal Easton. Maybe even sadder. I hope he comes back. GH did him wrong when Steve came back. So so....mad. I hope he knows how much his fans love him. He doesn't do social media....

  14. I'm going to miss Billy, too. Sad that he was given really good material as he leaves - always the case. He is a good actor and show a lot of warmth with his personality. At least if there is a plane incident he could come back later on. The old leave- in -the elevator bit aka Ric Lansing.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...