Thursday, August 8, 2019

Parking Ticket

Parry Shen shared this on twitter today! He was supposed to be only in a handful of episodes and HERE HE IS at 200!! I love Brad so I'm so happy. 


For some reason, Drew and Curtis are sitting in a CAR just yammering on and on about Drew's memories. 

Lucy in the Metro Bar telling the bartender about her day--and Sam in the freezer. VERY VERY WEIRD SCENE. I mean?? Then.. she meets Drew and Curtis there who ask her if she ever had a client named "Cabot". She says no. Curtis shows her a photo.  She said that the guy wanted a quiet place to "Work"....but she can't remember where.  Then she realizes he said he was swedish and knows the address. They leave to go there. 

Also weird and awkward, Franco in the warehouse. Weird pauses...strange dialog? And?? Man..?? They talk about the flashdrive-- and Shiloh holds a gun on Franco. "Did you implant those memories in Cameron"?? he yells. He realizes they didn't. Many yelling scenes later, Franco says he'll take the memories if they let Cam go. He tells them he had a bad childhood and then did things with the tumor he wishes he'd forget-- and he could be a good candidate. Cam says What about MOM?? Franco says she's better off losing him, not losing Cameron. "If you got rid of me, Port Charles would throw a parade". 
Finally, SHank agrees to put the memories in Franco. 

Sam's walking around. Finn sees her tells her to take it easy. Michael's glad St. Jaysus rescued her. Liz walks up and Finn is explaining that Dr. Creep could implant the memories in anyone. Ok, watch that scene. When Michael gets a text, it's like there is the BIGGEST PAUSE ever. Such a bad scene. Sam and Jason talk mushy stuff in her room later on. 

Sasha in ER... Nina's freaking out. Lucas tends her. She wakes up and her fever is VERY high she feels like it's hurting all over.  Michael gets there. Lucas says she has some different flu strain he's never seen. Um, can anyone just go in there?? Wouldn't she be contagious? 
I bet Valentin told Cassie to do it to Sasha. Lucas calls Finn in on the case. 
Finn asked if Sasha was out of the country.   NOW they move her to isolation. 

Liz asks Jason to help find Franco and Cameron. Because he's St. Jaysus.  Jason is going to call Spinelli. Liz knows it's Dewitt Street but needs the exact location.  Liz is going to Dewitt-- to find Cam (she thinks it's a party). She calls Det. Chase. 

WOW...TODAY'S show... was NOT great for me. SO many technical problems and .. the dialog just seemed... weird. I usually love when they do the 'final' stages of things but--MEH. I struggled to get into it today. 


  1. no matter who the writers are jaspam has to be front and center. so tired of them. they are a middle aged couple still playing 25yrs. old. they do not have the talent sorry. definitely not a genie francis or tony geary

  2. also this shiloh storyline is sick

    1. And Jason constantly having to pick Sam up and carry her off like a poor weak damsel in distress is just plain nauseating. She's supposed to be a trained PI and she still has to look to her "man" to take care of her. I wish the writers would stop pandering to the the fans that want her jammed into this mold. The last few years they've turned all the strong women into blubbering messes. Get rid of the woman haters and hire some writers who live in this century.

  3. Oh my God! Get to it already!! I do not want Franco having Drew's memories damn it. I'm glad Liz called Chase. Glad she isn't going alone, she should have had Jason go with her.
    I hope Curtis and Drew get to Franco tomorrow!

    1. Anyone but Jason. I'm sick of him rescuing everyone.Having Chase ( a cop) would be a welcome change of pace.

    2. I know me too Michelle. I really love ROHO and I would love him as any character but I really don't want him to be Drew and leave Liz & the kids! I really like them and Liz is so happy!

    3. I'm ok with Franco/Drew but it will suck for hardcore Friz fans. Becky has had to endure many changes with Liz's character over the years. Feel bad for her.

  4. I'm glad it's not just me Karen. The scenes in the warehouse with Franco & Skank felt forced & disconnected. I agree with everyone above about Jason & Sam...ALL of It! And couldn't agree more Di about how they're writing woman. And if one more person told Sam to go back to bed and rest like she just had major surgery or she was some fragile china doll! Like Di said she's supposed to be a kick ass PI,independent woman let her be that!

    1. I had eye surgery and had to rest, so.....being locked in a freezer is a step above that. But yes instead of walking around everyone should not have been telling her to get back into bed, she never should have left it.

    2. I felt like at GH, they JUST handed the actors the scripts and told them to get out there and DO IT! lol

  5. I love Roger Howarth. He can play any character the man has TALENT! GH should center around the weber, baldwin and quartmaine families. enough with the corinthos clan.

  6. I love RoHo. If he does become Drew, Liz can still fall in love with him. The entire memory switch/face switch story is so beyond absurd the rest doesn't really matter.
    Nina's phone should ping soon with the Cassandra selfie.
    The whole Shank thing needs to end.

  7. I'm sobbing. Most of today was choppy, but Cam and Franco did me in. That kid is a hell of an actor.

  8. The acting for Franco and Cam were so captivating for me. So much suspense!

    1. Yes, William Lipton and RoHo were perfection at the end. I was so stunned at the rest of the mess I didn't even put that in the blog

  9. "Parry Shen shared this on twitter today! He was supposed to be only in a handful of episodes and HERE HE IS at 200!! I love Brad so I'm so happy."

    WOW!!! Congrats to him!!!! :) I love Brad too!!!

    The hospital: Liz is so worried!!!!!

    Jasam, Finchy, and Michael: Geez Sam! Stop talking about King Mufasa and just go back to bed!!!

    Jasam: Love how he picked her up to take her back to bed hahahahaha!

    Sasha's room: Boy I'm glad they didn't reshow Sasha falling hard on the floor! That would be way too hard to watch. So she has the flu? Cassie gave her the flu?!?!! How did she do that?!?!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lucy and the bartender: Poor Lucy!!! Writers give her someone to love!!!!!! Wait Lucy, Sam is your friend? HUH?! Since when? :)

    Lucy, Curtis, and Drew: Curtis and Drew stole her 2 drinks! Hahahaha! Glad Lucy could help them.

    The kidnapped place:

    BobTodd, Cam, Dr. Cabot, and King Mufasa: Cam and BobTodd made me cry!!!! :( Great acting coming from those 4!!! BRAVO!!! They all just drew me into the scene!!!! :) BobTodd told Cam I will be back. Oh?! So BobTodd will be back?!!?!?! :) I wonder when. King Mufasa won the line of the day.

    King Mufasa: You know what, that was lovely. That was touching. Really it was.


    1. Sonya, remember, Cassie injected her grapefruit!

    2. "AntJoan says Sonya, remember, Cassie injected her grapefruit!"

      Haha! I know that, I was just wondering where did Cassie get the flu strain to put in the grapefruit. :)

  10. Good acting yesterday, but I kept thinking how damn stupid that memories storyline is. I noticed that when Sasha collapsed she had full makeup on yet when they brought her in on the stretcher she had no makeup. I guess they thought that would make her look sick - duh! Sam was really being obnoxious and for some reason the mother daughter thing (although a fraud) doesn't look real to me with Nina and Sasha.

    1. They often ignore details, like the make-up. It just seems unimportant to all involved. But we know differently. Details can be important for story flow which is something that is sorely missing these days.
      And yes to what Karen said the other day...bring back the vampires! Might as well.

  11. Any Pulp Fiction fans out there? GH needs a character like Winston Wolf.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...