Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Drug Dealer

Chase comes to Sonny's...asks about Barry Z from the warehouse. Geesh they have a LOT of flowers for a 4.5 second wedding.  Sonny and Jason feign ignorance. Dev walks in Chase starts questioning him. Sonny's trying to tell him to SHUT UP lol Dev says I can answer his questions. 

HE says Barry was well loved and nice at work. He did talk about surprising his wife with an Atlantic CIty vacation this week. Can't imagine what happened. OH he said WAY WAY too much LOL. Jason and Sonny are like: Ummm.. you idiot. They said he shouldn't have told the truth but he gave way too much info out. 


Bobbie and Scotty at Charlie's. He sees she caught the bouquet. She apparently knows about Franco. Scotty wants help. He wants him to stay in town.  SO, he thinks if Bobbie says that Franco "caught" the flu from Sasha he'd have to be held at the hospital in isolation. She throws her water on him lol.  He talks about Losing Karen and Logan and Lee and Gail. Serena is gone away too..he has no one. He thought he was getting close to him and helping him. Bobbie hugs him. 

DrewCo at the Metro Court. I guess he has a room. He's dressed in all black. Dr. O is at the door, he thinks it's the maid, asks her for more towels. She slaps him "Snap out of it"!! She says she's his best friend and he's her only friend and she won't coddle his delusions. He says she seems like a lunatic and he's Drew Cain, not Franco. She says she's done stuff with memory transfer and can help him reverse it. He says he doesn't WANT it reversed because he's Drew Cain now. Don't mess with MY memories!  Dr. O tells him he was dark and a world famous artist. She pleads with him. 

Kim in the Park. Liz calls. Kim flashes back to the KISS with Franco (DrewCo) and doesn't answer.  Jules comes into the park, he's excited about his NYC move.  Kim wants "Charlie" to marry her. He thinks he wants to get married because of Franco. They talk about getting married, Julian doesn't want to for "the wrong reasons'. JUST like the baby story. 


Epiphany visits Elizabeth. Asks how she is..they hug. Awww Epiphany says to cry and scream if she needs to.  Liz is afraid he's going to leave town at some point. Liz says Drew said not to push Franco too hard because he'll pull away. Epiphany thinks that's stupid and tells her to do what her heart says. They hug.

Michael and Finn...he tells him it's Bird Flu. At the same time, Nina sees the pic Cassandra sent of she and Sasha. Nina figures out it's Cassssandra that did it. Tells Val, they tell Finn. Finn's like Ut. Oh... I have to call the CDC. Valentin says no, they'll expose our secrets. Finn is like TOO BAD. Chase comes in and wants to go to lunch. Finn says no-- and fills him in on the situation with the bird flu.
Michael had to get a shot as a preventative. He and Sasha talk soapy talk. Nina and Val tell them who "Sandy" really is and she was going after Nina. 

For some reason, DrewCo walks into GH just in time to see Kim and Julian kissing. 

Franco goes to Liz' house. She opens the door, they stare at each other. 

That's about it. 


  1. it amazes me then can never ev er mention Dawn but they can mention Logan?

    I liked Logan. Handsome man and a good actor. looked like he could have been scotty's son. I hate the fact they killed him. does anyone know why? Karen?

    logan was the perfect additional to the cast at the time. lulu and logan were the perfect romeo and juliet soap storyline. both fathers hated each other. luke hated scotty and vice versa and both were pissed as hell that their "spawn" as luke would say were dating. this could have been such a great storyline. imagine the wedding? or children?

    plus the definitive mark of the perfect storyline: both names began with the letter "L"

    why was this storyline ended? why didnt logan make it?

    1. The rumor at the time was that the actor was often late and difficult to work with. I agree that he was a great casting choice for Scotty's son. I just don`t think he was cut out for the fast-pace, long days of soap opera acting.

    2. that's when Guza was on a tear, wasn't it? Everyone was dying-- all the Q's.. Georgie... him.. seemed like a murder a month.

  2. Still binging PC. On the arc Miracles Happen now, realized it was 330 and GH was on, oh well....LOL, there's always Hulu tonight.

  3. I thought today's show was pretty good. Probably due to Obrecht and Franco scenes but the rest was okay too.
    This Cassandra story may be the next way too long story. Guess GH has a problem with ending story lines. Which does make me think that Michael will find out about Wiley at his high school graduation. Of course with SORAS that could be coming right up. lol
    Logan sounds like an interesting character. Wasn't watching then. Who played him?

    1. Logan was played by an actor named Josh Duhon.

  4. Another person who never seems to be mentioned is Lucy and Scotts adopted daughter Christina Baldwin. I looked online and from what I found she is 20 and living in Paris with Serena.

    1. OMG, they have an adopted daughter, I never knew . . .

    2. Yes she left Port Charles with Lucy and Kevin and when they returned it was without Christina.

  5. Drew Jr's hotel room:

    Drew Jr and Dr. O: Dr O wins the lines of the day! After slapping him.

    Dr. O: Snap out of it! Should I try again?!

    ROFL! Love it! And love how she isn't coddling him!!! :) Great scene!!! So funny how he calls her ma'am! :) Hmm I DID detect a little bit of an accent from him! WHOA!

    The REAL park:

    CarlyKim and "Charlie" Oh no! I don't want them to get married! The way she treats him, no way. I don't even want them together anymore.

    Carson's home:

    Sonny and Dev: Oh oh! Dev you better run! The Don don't like what you did!!!! Run as fast as you can!!! I meant to ask, was the tribbles at the wedding?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Scotty and Bobbie: Awww Scotty!!! :( Back in the day, Bobbie WOULD have helped Scotty. She would do just about anything for him back then. I'm glad she isn't going to help him now! Scotty you are not thinking!! Give him the bird flu? No no no! :(

    The hospital:

    CarlyKim and "Charlie": Kissy kissy oh hi Drew Jr!! Are you going to punch him?

    Sasha's room: Oh come on! Aren't they going to cure Sasha or not? How long will she be in the hospital bed sick? Another 2 months?

    Friz home:

    Piffy and Liz: Awwwwwww! Great scene. :)

    1. Did Scotty ask Bobbie to give Drewco the bird flu? I thought he asked for her to say, or certify, that he was infected, not make him sick, now I'm not clear, did I miss something?

    2. Alas Sonya I saw no tribbles at the wedding. They were probably jealous of all the flowers, lol!

      What was that butt-ugly dress that Neener was wearing, did you see the cuffs? Eeewwwww!

      There is something seriously wrong with Kim. If I was Charlie I would make tracks and fast, away from her. Lol!

    3. "AntJoan says Did Scotty ask Bobbie to give Drewco the bird flu? I thought he asked for her to say, or certify, that he was infected, not make him sick, now I'm not clear, did I miss something?"

      Okay I just watched it again, and yeah it does sound like Scotty was asking her just to say he was sick. Whew. :)

    4. Sonya, thanks for checking, I know that I rarely miss anything . . .

  6. Oops forgot to mention.

    Liz and Drew Jr: WOW! What Dr. O said worked!!! :)

  7. SCOTTY scenes today! GOLD! Loved the mentions of his past...Logan was cool and I wish he had worked out long term. Still miss Serena being around, she and Scotty had the elusive child/parent actor chemistry that Robin had with Anna/Robert. Honestly, I had forgotten about Christina though...dang what a blast from the past.
    Please put Scotty with Lucy or Bobbie or Ava. Kin Shriner would do well paired with any of those actresses.

    1. She's a cutie. Watching her now on PC. Julie just gave her back to Lucy cause she's dying.

  8. Kin was amazing in his scenes, as always, just so subtle, but amazing, I could watch him forever . . .

  9. I thought you had all the tribbles now, sonya. lol

    And I detected a bit of a Bronx accent in a few places, something Drew never had. (He had no accent, just generic American as we say)

    1. "Di says, I thought you had all the tribbles now, sonya. lol"

      Hahaha! No that's just at night! ROFL!

      "And I detected a bit of a Bronx accent in a few places, something Drew never had. (He had no accent, just generic American as we say)"

      ROFL! That is odd and so funny! Hahaha!

    2. Maybe to distinguish Franco from Drew?

    3. lol because we couldn't tell the difference otherwise.hahaha

      Maybe because Roger is still trying to get a laugh. He can't help himself.

    4. "Di lol because we couldn't tell the difference otherwise.hahaha"


      "Maybe because Roger is still trying to get a laugh. He can't help himself."

      ROFL! No he isn't. He isn't acting like Todd Manning. See! He can do it! :)

  10. Dr.O slapping Franco would make a great GIF

  11. Yes it would!! That would be priceless and I would use the hell out of it these days!! Good idea!!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...