Monday, August 12, 2019

Open Eyes

Alexis goes to Kevin about needing a therapist. He says he can't be hers..too many conflicts of interest. Kevin sees Dr. Neal as a patient so he can't see her. She leaves, wants a woman therapist next. 

Laura and Drew talk about how brave Franco was-- " I want to thank him". Drew tells her he might not be Franco when he wakes up. 


Liz tells Epiphany to tell Franco to wake up "He listens to you". Epiphany calls him a hero. Leaves. Liz cries "Wake up Franco, wake up".. Laura comes in and hugs Liz. They go for a walk and Drew comes in and talks to Franco. "you need to wake up for the family" He gives him one of his medals. 
Later Kevin checks on him..beepers go off and Franco twitches. Opens his eyes. Asks for water. Kevin asks him if he know what his name is. Franco says 'Is that a real question"?? (I would give a million bucks if he said "Sure, I'm Todd Manning" LOL) Then Kevin asks him what the last thing he remembers is. THEN they don't show the answer--Kevin comes out and Liz rushes in. Franco looks at her and she says "why are you out of bed"?? Stares. Then there's a commercial.
For Cripes sake. 

See the end down there for what happens. 

Cam is cleaning up..he's pissed. Throws his stick. OMG I'm going to love "Angry Cam"! Trina and Joss ask why he didn't go to the movies. "I was busy being kidnapped" . Tells them the whole story. Says it's his fault. They say it's not. 

CarSon is visiting Mike at the home. I think Mike is getting "Married" today. He didn't know Carly.  Sonny's sad and says he's losing him day by day.  Marcus brings Yvonne's fave dress but can't watch the wedding. Stella asks him out to dinner. 
Mike tells Sonny he's sad not to have family there. He used to have a wife and son but he 'blew it" Sonny says "what happened to the boy"? Mike says "we don't talk and I don't blame's too late now". 

Lucy is in Charlie's appraising the place for Julian. She wants to know if he's keeping the decor. Kim wants Lucy to sell her place too. Kristina wonders if Julian told Alexis he's leaving. Of course, Alexis walks in 2 minutes later and tells her he's moving to Manhattan with Kim. Alexis' face says it all. She's pretty anxious and upset. BUT tries to be brave. Dr. Neal walks in. They work at different  tables. 

Stella tells Marcus that her DNA relative has had a change of heart and wants to meet her. 
Liz asks if she can get Franco anything and he says "Yes, my superior officer".. and tomorrow he tells her he's never seen her before in his life. 


  1. There's a rumor going around that Josslyn and Camerons friend Trina is going to be Curtis daughter.

    1. That would be the BEST Guess I would think...

  2. YES! I want Franco to be Todd Manning!!! Get another flash drive for him.

  3. Can't watch yet, working until 8. But, want to say, Alexis, I will be your therapist! Come see me! Also, I hope that Kevin didn't tell her that Dr. Neal is his patient, total HIPAA violation!!

    1. He didn't just that there was a conflict. Neil was going for a session with Kevin as Alexis was leaving and she figured it out.

  4. i need for someone to tell me exactly WHEN the memories end - what year/what event? Is it like he just woke up from a coma? HELP please -

    1. I THINK It's up to 2009 .. So BEFORE he came to Port Charles

    2. Dr. Cabot said it would be the Drew he was in 2012 before he was grabbed and his memory was erased.

  5. Have I mentioned how much I hate this storyline? 🙄 I mean I knew he was going to be Drew but I still held out hope that he might be Franco.

  6. THis DOES explain though why Kim is staying - she will get back with Franco/Drew.... still can't figure out WHY Drew leaves town unless it's to go get that money??????

  7. "Sure, I'm Todd Manning." Yes! That would be such fun.
    So what will happen to make Kim/Charlie change their minds? Franco with Drew inside him? This will be the new ongoing story I think. Maybe they can resolve the baby switch story some time in this decade.

  8. I have NOT heard Tams is leaving the show. If she is it's a HUGE secret. SO, I'm suspecting "Drew' (Franco) will ask to see KIM.. and .. there it goes.

    1. Ugh just no......fighting this. LOL!! Even though it's happening I'm in denial. Just better be damn good. Cause I detested James Franco as Franco and RoHo came along and made it his and I loved Franco and now this.....there is only one Drew, and he's leaving and I hate it. 🙄😡

  9. So what happens to Elizabeth? Franco (Drew) goes to Kim and doesn't know Liz. I always liked Drew ( Jake) and Liz together but Billy Miller is leaving. Maybe Nicholas will come back and be with her. They had a lot of chemistry.

    1. I agree nik or lucky comes back for liz. rebecca herbst has chemistry with anyone she is paired with, just want liz to have a love story. liz is my favorite character on GH.

    2. I liked Drew with Liz too, I don't want tomatoes thrown Haha but as much as I loved Nik, I was never a fan of the Nik&Liz pairing. I have loved all her other pairings though.

    3. I'll be honest, Michelle. I love Nick and Liz but I never liked them together either.

  10. I really think Roger and Becky will stay together even if Roger continues as Drew2012. They are too good together and with kids too. Show has way too much invested in them. Quite frankly show would be in an even bigger hole if it wasn't for them.

    1. I hope so. I love them together. Maybe somewhere in the back of his mind Franco is there fighting to get out and eventually they will be one and the same. They were raised together for a short time when they were little so.....

  11. Billy Miller really blew me away today in his scenes with Franco, what a crying shame that he is leaving . . .

  12. The hospital:

    Laura and Liz: So glad Laura is there for Liz!!! :)

    BobTodd's room:

    Drew and BobTodd: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Great scene!!! Damn it! Drew made me all emotional!!!

    Doc and BobTodd: For a second I thought BobTodd was having a seizure!! Oh my! The way he was looking at Doc and Piffy! ROFL!

    Liz and BobTodd: Oh oh! He wants to see his superior officer!!!

    Doc's office: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis and Doc:

    Alexis: How many times can a person get dumped by their therapist?


    Alexis and Neil: Ohhhhh so that is why Doc can't treat Alexis!!! Well I hope Doc finds her a woman therapist. :)

    The home: Oh Sonny is going to marry Mike and Yvonne. Are they going to forget each other after they get "married"?

    Mike and Sonny: GAH! So sad!!! :(

    The REAL park:

    Cam, Trina, and Joss: Come on!!! This is stupid! FREE CAM from community service!!!! Great scene though. CAM STOP BLAMING YOURSELF. :( He really should be going to therapy!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Oh selling the place! HI LUCY! :)

    Krissy and Julian: Krissy is going to miss him hahaha awwwww. :)

    Stella and Marcus: Great scene with them! Oh and a family member decides to meet her!!! YAY! Who is this family member?

  13. Kevin is telling Neil that he can start to see Alexis now that the "boundaries" are gone. NO, NO, NO, therapists can NEVER date their patients even when they no longer are their patients. I know this is a soap, and I have been harping on this, but it is SO wrong. I have had patients who wanted me to hang out with them as their friend after they left treatment, and it's been really hard to explain why I cannot do this. Now this show is giving people the wrong idea . . .

  14. Laura was wearing winter clothes again yesterday and Alexis had boots on. Who in the world is doing their wardrobe? Becky looks like she is still 17. Love her scenes with Laura.

    1. Maybe it's cold onset in the summer?

    2. I remember noticing the same issue many times on All My Children, & the setting was in Pennsylvania. Erica Kane& all the other female actors were in sleeveless summer dresses in the middle of winter.I was a young girl then,but still questioned the common sense of it all.

    3. My works a/c is freezing (at least in the breakroom) so I sometimes will bring my hoodie to work. So how silly do I look in Aug when yesterday we hit 103 and I'm carrying my hoodie into work. LOL!! So......a/c in summer it's colder on set and heater it's hotter?

    4. Next time one of y'all go to one of their super soap weekends or whatever you should ask. Just a thought....

  15. Here's news for those who don't mind a spoiler. It's from tvline so it should be reliable.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...