Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Mid-Week GH Rant


It's raining out and I can either go to the gym, clean the house or sit here and bitch. Hmmm... hard choice? NOT!! 

The show really bothered me yesterday and I need to get out why without waiting until Sunday Surgery. I can always link this post to that and save some time. 


Sam being saved by St. Jaysus who apparently can see through junk, realize Sam's in the freezer and get her out. HOW did he even know she'd be at the DOD house?? How is this any different than him finding her all drugged and tied up the LAST time Shiloh took her?? 
That would have made sense, right? She's the one that was there--she's also a Slayer, remember? She was pretty bad-ass on Port Charles. Why not have Lucy get her out? Because...we need to see a man rescue a woman again? WTF? Seriously? Most of us aren't 12 anymore and get the fact that "women in peril" aren't all that in a story. I'm not even getting into the fact of Sam going to his room to get the flashdrive by herself...because why bother? 


TWENTY CHARACTERS were on yesterday. TWENTY. Most of whom did not have scenes together. The scenes were SO chopped up it was ridiculous. Not only that, Alexis and Dr. Neal could have said the same things the last 3 scenes they were in. I'm tired of the exposition dragging out over a course of. days and days. 

SPEAKING OF WHICH:  What the hell with Peter and Maxie?? I really want to sit and count up the times they've been in the Metro dining room talking about Lulu. I imagine it's over a dozen. I was hella shocked Valentin and Sasha weren't in there talking about CHAP-a -QUAH. Sure, TJ and Molly were a nice touch but come on, you and I know they'll be on screen for a blip then...

What was the point of: Michael and Sonny talking in Kelly's? To mention Michael saw Cassandra Pierce? He didn't even know her real name? Was it to give Sasha Sonny's seal of approval? Does Michael EVER work? Shouldn't the fact of the ELQ shares being in limbo be some kind of story?  
Well, I shut it for now. LOL. Sorry to rant first thing. 

BRIGHT NOTE: The Trina/Joss/Cam stuff was light and cute. Thank you to whomever put on Molly and TJ for however briefly-- I owe you one.  

See ya later, taters! 


  1. Twenty characters. Ten sets. TONS of repetitive dialogue. Definitely does not make for a good episode. Less is more should be their plan.

  2. I was just thinking that it is so nice to see a family with Elizabeth, the boys, and Franco. Please don't mess it up by implanting Drew's memories in Cam. If Billy Miller is leaving, let him rescue Cam, get his memories implanted and leave. The Sam and Jason relationship is stale. Yes, Lucy could have saved Sam. Get the baby swap story, Shiloh ( he is so repulsive, kuddos to the actor), and Sasha/Nina story finished. Please have Kim leave or begin to heal. Have Maxie and Peter do something besides eat and talk. Miss seeing Laura, Robert, and Mac more frequently. Christina and Molly are much more interesting then Sam and get so much less screen time. And lastly, I agree with so many, why don't Sam and Maxi take care of their children. We haven't seen James in ages.

  3. Agree. With every thing you said.

  4. Karen, did you see that I basically ranted yesterday? Did you agree with what I said? Also, I forgot to say that I found out that the actors who play TJ and NuJordan are the same age! Great casting, people!

    1. Oh I think I saw ONE of your rants!! LOL Let me go look-- I was starting to write some Sunday Surgery and I had to post this because the blog on Sunday would have been MASSIVE

  5. SO GOOD KAren - my thoughts:
    I think Jason and Sam have no chemistry in real life anymore, so the writers keep this 'save the damsel' in order to give them a storyline----they don't work being normal happy parents (i.e. in the park was blah)....
    I think Peter and Lulu are going to have a one night stand - and this whole "I care about Lulu" is build-up for that
    PLUS Peter has NOTHING to do since Anna is gone....and WHEN is she coming back?????????
    Diane and Alexis - I would watch them daily........

  6. My sentiments exactly, too! Thanks for the rant - we sure do enough ranting ourselves! And why has almost everyone been wearing long sleeves all summer? And Sam is wearing boots! I don't know about CA but I've never seen anyone wear boots in the heat of the summer. I kind of wish Johnny Z would come back for Lulu, but not this one - the old one. Yeah, when is Anna coming back?

    1. Sam wears those damn boots ALL the time!It's one of my secret peeves! I actually think they're the same boots all the time. And now the fall/winter clothing in the dead heat of summer is too. And it seems like they all wear short sleeves and stuff in the winter! Right?? 🙄

  7. Do we know yet who broke into Drew's safe?

  8. I agree with everyone today! Long sleeves and boots in summer, the entire Sam debacle (no chem with Jason and the damsel in distress crap) the uselessness of Peter, and the oh so repetitive dialog. And really, who asks for a summer internship in freaking AUGUST!!! Bah!

    And yeah, exactly who did break into Drew's safe? (thanks JSL for reminding me of that!) Shank was behind it, but he didn't do it.

    And why hasn't Sasha keeled over yet? By the time she does, we will have forgotten that good old Sandy spiked her grapefruit. :(

  9. Such a treat seeing Scotty with Laura right off the bat!! I LOVE him!!

  10. He makes me smile!!! Sorry I guess I have a little crush!

  11. I too love Kin Shriner! One of the only bright lights left on GH.

  12. It just occurred to me...maybe the reason we haven't seen James or Scout is because they are looking to age them just a bit and trying to find to find the perfect little actors to play him/her. Just a thought......


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...