Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday Surgery: "Tomorrow"

AND I know all the craft beer from here to Portland. 

First full week I've watched since I've been back from vacation! Also my first full work week so ... my attention was up and down. All and all I liked the show-- and Friday's episode was pretty great.
I do have plenty to snark on however, so let's get TO IT!!

Let's have a piece of Vinessa's birthday cake-- :Giggle: We are singing the show tunes from Annie as well. Get your red curly wigs out! 

So, I put a pic of Vinessa's cake up yesterday not even catching her NAME IS SPELLED WRONG. :eyeroll: How sloppy is that? NO one caught it in time? She had tweeted earlier how much she loves her new show and the respect and 'attention to detail' that's given. Welp, now we know what that was about!


OMG this was supposed to be like, SO FUN! Balloons, candy..a clown...
Well, Oscar's a jerk. I would LOVE a clown..and some of those Skittles
Yeah, I mean, I bought SKITTLES, what is he thinking? 

So, now that we're having will our story get any better? 
What story? 
I don't know... the whole...'We're cute and like to banter and have some danger" stuff. 
There's the Peter factor. I think that's going to be part of it.
Oh, thrilled. I'd rather talk about Roxy's lettuce preference. 
We did that. 
Yeah. forgot. 

Oh, honey... all those MRIs and trips to the 'special doctor" were just for your low blood sugar...
I did wonder about the charts on the wall that showed gross tumors and brochures on "how to spot skin cancer a mile away"....
Sweetie, most "special doctors" have those, especially for "special little boys" Now, I'll get you a nice sugar-free popcicle and you just lay back while the nice nurse take 8 test tubes of blood and they prep you for that CAT Scan. Just for your blood sugar. Nothing else. 
Oh  gee Mom, you're the best

Why you here? 
I got a kid here. Why you here? 
I got a kid here too. 

It's a body... Sonny... I mean IT'S A BODY 
Dad...Dad.. geesh, keep it down will ya...
But...B-O-D-Y...see, I can even spell it. 
I'll take CARE OF IT!! Hear me!!! I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT! 
You took care if it in Croatia... I'll take care of it here..
Don't swear at me son.... 

I can't help it,'s in my contract. 

So Sorry I's tried to burn yous alive but... you know...

Oh my God, No problem, really. almost killed Peter was a good try. 

WUBULAR HIGHLIGHTS: Why am I entertained by this show lately? I love Ava in revenge mode and I'm hoping Kiki is Nina's bio-daughter. I also hope Ava didn't know this--she actually bought a baby because she wanted to keep Franco at the time. (or something like that). It would be way soapier if everyone was blindsided by this. 
Mike's going to put the gas on in Charlie's when Krissy is there! While I hate this mobular crap intruding on Mike's story, I do like this angle. By the way, Mike should have come to Port Charles, dated Stella... gotten close to Sonny and the body thing happen and then start showing signs of Alzheimer's. The body could have been something to bring him back-- now it's just weird to have this plopped in the middle of a health crisis. 

Valerie just happens to deliver Julian's permit to reconstruct and ... BOOM!! She sees Krissy and they are so cute. They talk about why she's back, what's happened and I really hope these two connect. You can't fake natural chemistry and they've had it since the lip gloss and Nurses Ball !! 

THE PETER PROBLEM:  The problem? He's still here. 

LEAP OF THE WEEK:  Look Maxie, a necklace... it's only half of it. My mom...and she knew I loved Annie because I'd sing it and named our dog Sandy. Wonder what this means? OMG I KNOW! The baby I thought died is alive and my Madenline knew all about it.  
In the most rapidly bizarre exchange ever, Nina figures out she has a kid out there somewhere. I mean, why not just have her read a note that says: YOUR BABY IS ALIVE. The necklace thing was so-- um.. weird. As Barb said on Twitter  (paraphrasing) "So glad she's paying Curtis the big bucks when she could have figured it out in 2 seconds" 

SHOCKER OF THE WEEK: Billy Miller made me... kind a tear up a bit! He was great during these scenes. I only glimpse what you all have been talking about once in a great while but it's there! It's THERE!

LOST MEMORY OF THE WEEK: Totally forgot there WAS a Scout.  She looks like baby Michael did with that hair and all. Did you realize that if Danny and or Scout were to commit a crime their DNA would be so messed up with each other's would be impossible to tell them apart? LOL. (don't know if that's true but--it's something to think about!) 

I ran a poll on Twitter asking about Nina's baby. IF that baby was actually Kiki, do you think she knew about it...or was in the dark?  36% said she had no idea Kiki was Nina's... and 64% said she knows.. I personally think it's more soapy if Ava had no clue. She bought the baby from that lawyer because she wanted to trap Franco. (remember she said Kiki was Franco's). Ava would freak out if that baby was brokered by Madeline. This would work too because as far as I know, it's not like Madeline and Ava ever even winked at each other. (yes, could have been off camera but--??)  What say you? Do you think if Kiki is Nina's Ava knows about it or Naw?  
Have a great week coming up. Tuesdays and Thursdays are total bitches for me lately. I get home at 2 and Tillie is ready for her walk. Paperwork and exhaustion. BOO HOO. I do wish they'd move it back up to 3 for the whole eastern seaboard. I'm selfish though! 


  1. Karen, thanks for the great SS. You know that some folks are speculating that KimCarly has Munhausen's by Proxy, but she is trying everything to hide Oscar's condition, MBP mothers will exaggerate any little symptom their child has (and cause a lot more), just to get attention, so it doesn't fit. She didn't even want to tell Drew, he got it out of her.

    MBP mothers are evil, horrible people, about the worst person you could be. It bothers me that people say they are "suffering" from this condition No, they are not suffering, all of the suffering is done by their victims.

  2. i read somewhere online that September is national childrens cancer month and that is why they are doing Oscar's story.

    so, using that logic,

    is August national "switch your dead baby with a homeless woman who happened to give birth and hand the baby to you" month?

  3. "Hey.
    Why you here?
    I got a kid here. Why you here?
    I got a kid here too.

    ROFL! Hmmm so what are saying? Sam is a slut? ROFL!

    "She sees Krissy and they are so cute. They talk about why she's back, what's happened and I really hope these two connect. You can't fake natural chemistry and they've had it since the lip gloss and Nurses Ball !!"

    Yes I agree!!! Chemistry since the lip gloss nurses ball!!!! :)

    "SHOCKER OF THE WEEK: Billy Miller made me... kind a tear up a bit! He was great during these scenes. I only glimpse what you all have been talking about once in a great while but it's there! It's THERE!"

    YAY! You saw it!!!!! Billy Miller is awesome!

    "What say you? Do you think if Kiki is Nina's Ava knows about it or Naw?"

    One part of me wants Kiwi to be Nina's and the other part of me wants Francesca to be Nina's! Hmmmm I will pick Ava didn't know Kiwi is Nina's.

    "DelcoDave says so, using that logic,

    is August national "switch your dead baby with a homeless woman who happened to give birth and hand the baby to you" month?"

    ROFL! Good one Dave!!!!! :)

    "AntJoan said...MBP mothers are evil, horrible people, about the worst person you could be. It bothers me that people say they are "suffering" from this condition No, they are not suffering, all of the suffering is done by their victims."

    Awwww AntJoan. :( I get what you are saying, They are sick and need help badly!

  4. I wish they'd move it back to 1 here in San Antonio. It was a weird spot but I got to see all of it before heading off to the salt mines. But oh well.

  5. Sonya, It is my contention, despite what most in my profession say, that MBP and other kinds of sociopathic behaviors are not "sick," but rather they are evil. They are not "sick" because they do not want to get better. These are ego-syntonic behaviors (meaning the person is fine being the way they are), versus ego-dystonic symptoms (such as depression, or OCD, where the person wants to change). Personality disorders, such as sociopathy, are not even covered by insurance, because they are personality disorders, and therefore ego-syntonic. If the person also has ego-dystonic stuff going on (such as they also are depressed, etc.) then insurance will cover it.

    When people rob and rape, etc., they are not considered to have "rapers syndrome," etc., they are considered criminals. MBP is child abuse of the most horrible kind. They only ones who need help are the victim of this horrible abuse. There is no "help" for evil.

  6. I hope Kiki is Nina's. It seems too obvious but I don't want a new actor to deal with. And if they write it so that Ava didn't know, that would be wonderful!! Otherwise it will be another child swap story and they sure have enough of those on GH. How many kids have gone through trauma of some kind, just about every one of them.... even Peter has gone through that.

  7. Thanks for another great SS. I chuckled in more than a few places. I hope they don't drag through the baby story all fall. I want a resolution and I agree that Ava not knowing would be the icing on the cake. Her evil head might explode and we'll be in for for one delicious angry storyline.

  8. My vote for worst line, maybe almost ever: Nina says about the necklace..."she's sending me a sign from the grave. I have a child"...or something like that. Jeez Louise...these writers are nuts. Great SS. Have a great Sunday.

  9. The whole thing with Nina's baby is so boring. Might as well have it be Kiki though. They kind of look similar with the red hair. Would piss Ava off if she didn't know. I am not an Ava fan, so have Kiki be Nina's baby.

  10. And, yes, these writers are NUTS.

  11. LOLOL Dave and LOLOL Karen on Sam/Drew/Jason Nina figuring out her child is alive was so ridiculous. And I love Finn and Anna but come on they need a real story

  12. "AntJoan said...Sonya, It is my contention, despite what most in my profession say, that MBP
    and other kinds of sociopathic behaviors are not "sick," but rather they are evil."

    What about women who have postpartum depression after having a baby?

    "Sonya, It is my contention, despite what most in my profession say, that MBP and other kinds of sociopathic behaviors are not "sick," but rather they are evil. They are not "sick" because they do not want to get better."

    That is just sad and awful that some don't want to get better. :(

    "zazu said.. My vote for worst line, maybe almost ever: Nina says about the necklace..."she's sending me a sign from the grave. I have a child".."

    ROFL! Nina hates her mother and she thinks her mother hates her, so why would her mother send her a sign?! :)

  13. Sonya, postpartum depression is definitely a medical condition. It most often is ego-dystonic (the person doesn't want to be this way), and can respond well to medication.

    Mothers with MBP often carry on this behavior for years and years, with no remorse, regret, or desire to change. It is motivated by a need for attention, and the child, to them, is the object by which they can achieve this desire. People with personality disorders see others as "need-gratifying objects" generally, that is, they lack empathy for others and see them as a way to meet their needs. They may have different needs, but usually these needs include some kind of power and control. If you have empathy for others, you never would want to hurt an innocent person (of course, if you are angry at someone because they did you harm, that is another story, but you would not initiate causing anyone else pain).

    Think of someone like Madeleine--she totally lacks empathy and used Nina for her own ends, not caring that she was her daughter and was in a coma for decades and lost her child. That is a personality disorder, she is not "sick," as, again, there is no cure for evil.

  14. MBP is very "trendy" now --I won't spoil why--as it was years ago with "I see dead people" movie. That said, I don't see signs of Kim having it because Oscar hasn't been dragged through testing that we've seen or her taking care of him when he's 'sick".... I think they are going for the old Young Readers "Someone dying of Cancer" route.

  15. Dave you didn't know August was baby-switching month? WHERE you been? Hallmark even has cards for it!

  16. Great Sunday Surgery, I snickered many times, especially the Peter problem. He needs to go away, far, far, away.

    Nina is as ridiculous as the writers. Maxie's face was my face. HUH???

    I'm going to miss Vinessa, but she and Curtis are kind of dull together. It would be pretty awesome though if Marcus (Auntie Stella's boy-toy) was really Marcus Taggert. I used to giggle every time he called Jason "Anger Boy". Good times!! :)

    Dave you're pretty funny. LOL!

    1. OMG I loved me some Taggert!!
      Really good times!

  17. OMG. I liked the actor that played Taggert. I saw him somewhere else at some point, but don't remember where. Think he is doing guest roles on nighttime shows???

    Good actor

    "Anger boy". Loved that

  18. Ya, with Oscar I guess they are going "Fault in your stars" route. Good movie

  19. lindie....Check Réal Andrews out on IMDb. he's been very busy since leaving GH.


Crummy Custody Stuff

  Here I am!! I have only watched the clips with Tracey--first with Jason and then with Carly from the last 2 days. That's all I could d...