Friday, September 28, 2018


Happy Friday Everyone! Today is the day we welcome home Genie. This is your blog for the day. Karen is busy and asked me to open a portal for all of you to use for comments on today's show. (Turning into a Friday habit, arent we, Karen?) I wont be able to watch until tomorrow. Tonight is a Golden Knights game so I have my Vegas priorities! Please post your comments below and remember to tune in to Sunday Surgery on.... well.... Sunday.

PS. Side note: did anyone watch any of the new premieres this week? Manifest? Mom? Murphy Brown? Big Bang?

PSS. I know it is an older pic of Genie, but I just love the way she looks and smiles in it. Besides, we all know what she looks like, right?


  1. It'll be last 5 mins of Monday then back in full on Tues because of hearing.

  2. Forgot to add, I too love this photo.

  3. How was Murphy Brown? Want to see that. Used to LOVE the show

  4. you're right, there was a postponement. oh well. nice picture anyway. I guess Karen and I forgot about the hearings. I know I blocked that out of my world.

    I watched Murphy Brown. how objective of an answer would you like to hear?

    1. Ditto for me. I watched Mom and Friends reruns instead.

  5. I watched Manifest. It definitely pulled me in.

    1. I loved Manifest too Di!! My friend asked me how it was and I told her I liked it so I expect the network to cancel after one season LOL!! Always the way...

  6. WELCOME HOME GENIE!! I called, wrote, called, wrote, had others call and write after they let her go, SO HAPPY SHE IS BACK IN PC!!

    I didn't watch Murphy Brown because it got bad reviews. My husband and I watched Manifest--it is like Lost meets 4400 meets whatever else, so derivative, there are so many TV shows, hard for anything to be original. Glad to see "Prince Charming," though.

    I watched "A Million Little Things" and "Single Parents" (think I have those names correct), not impressed with either, won't bother with them.

    1. I loved Manifest but also compared it to Lost. I'll give it a chance. I'm unsure about AMLT, looked forward to it as the next big thing to This is Us but didn't really give me the feels. I'll give it a chance though.

  7. Ok, here it goes.

    I watched Manifest. I like shows like this. I was a big LOST fan. There was a similar show on a few years back called The Returned. It got cancelled but it is on Netflix now. I liked how FAST the storyline went. They could have just taken their time and stretched it but instead within 20 minutes they were in present day with present day storylines. I did not feel invested in the characters. No one really caught me. I am intrigued as to how everyone will be linked together and they already are playing with numbers like LOST. Im going to give it a few more episodes, but if it doesnt grab me, I will be binging it on a saturday 5 yrs from now.

    MOM - Always a guilty pleasure. I think it ran its course tho. Or jumped the shark. Whatever you want to call it. But the actresses are very very good so I still watch.

    BIG BANG - I cant do it. I just cant. Sheldon is a big baby and always gets his way and is seriously a BULLY to the rest of the cast and no one sticks up for themselves with him. Its the last season and kinda rightfully so

    Murphy Brown - I had hopes. I knew going into it that it was going to be a 30 minute Trump bashing and I was prepared for that. But I was hoping that her son was going to be conservative and there would be some arguing and better banter. It felt like it was a bunch of adults from the 90s trying to receite current humor using the "voice" of the 90s. If tha makes sense. They tried to update it and make it current but it still seemed really dated. Having a really really really old Frank Fontana skirt chasing milennial girls is not funny. It is creepy. I dont think this is going to make it. I watched once, that's all I need.

    I wanted to see a million little things because I really like James Roday and wanted to see him tackle drama. I will check it out eventually.

    I will watch one ep of will and grace but it seems this season they are doing nothing but guest stars which annoyed me the first time they did it. And The Conners... No. Just, no. Sorry

    Oh, and I watched Dancing with the Stars for the first time in about 12 years. From the previews... I actually heard of some of these people this year! Normally, One person posts a 5 second video on youtube and suddenly they are considered a "star". I will probably tune in a few times since I recognize some people

    Does anyone still watch Survivor? or Big Brother?

    1. I love Mom! Was so glad to see the blonde who plays Christy who's name escapes me now, since I loved her as Erika on Friends. Also Allison Janney is freakin' funny! I tried watching BB, but Sheldon....he is too much to take.
      A million little things, I want to like cause I love James Roday from Psych and so glad he's back on tv. But, jury is still out...
      I love W&G and am watching DWTS this season, so far. Loved Roseanne, and will give The Conners a try. Never seen Survivor or BB.

  8. I watched DWTS for years, but finally got sick of it. I also noticed that the contestants this year were not as well-known--at least not to me.

    I also loved James Roday from Psych, but he seems to be playing the same snarky character as before.

  9. Well I was surprised that it was on today. I checked and it was the hearings but my bro called and said it was on after they ended and that the hearings weren't lont. ( he was watching them) I checked and City tv had the whole episode on.

  10. I got nothing today, anyone know how long it takes Comcast to have it.?

    1. I have Comcast and its normally up the next morning.

  11. and hulu usually has todays episode up and ready to watch at 5pm. thats pacific time. or, as we call it in las vegas, happy hour.

    i dont know if that helps anyone.

  12. THANK YOU!! :) I guess I was off a day even if I KNEW things would be pushed out. I thought Genie was due back THURSDAY--ergo, today. OH well, gets us excited right??

    I watched Big Bang-- I KNEW what that thing was as soon as they opened it. Not Murphy Brown but I want to.
    I'm into Better Call Saul right now.

  13. re: murphy brown

    see, i am looking forward to last man standing. tim allen is die hard republican BUT his daughters and especially his son in law is 100% liberal. therefore, there is a tit for tat and a good balance of arguing and debate. kind of like all in the family. archie had his meathead.

    MB is 100% all liberal. Now, I know some of you will LOVE that. (and there is nothing wrong with that). But if there is an antagonist, then there is a good story, with back and forth and that leads to good writing.

    I just through MB was too one sided, although I was really hoping her son was going to be her antagonist.

    Karen, you will love it!

  14. Thanks for the tip Dave, I think that was Thursday’s show, but it was pretty good.

  15. The hospital:

    Maxie and Kiwi: A fashion spread? Seriously Maxie? UGH!

    Kiwi and Griffin: UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    "Doc" and Hiney: Hiney what's wrong? Why do you need to be on meds? You in pain?

    Hiney and Maxie: UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Finchy and Chase: LOVE THEIR SCENES!!!! :) They are bonding and they don't even know it haha.

    Maxie and Lulu: Maxie!!!! Just admit you have feelings for Hiney!!! UGH!

    Sam's home:

    Jasam: They are so boring talking about Oscar!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Until they started talking about Monica! And that life is too short! Then they have eye sex.. :) KISS ALREADY!!!! :) And Jason, when are you going to start calling Monica, mom?

    Inside Central Perk:

    Felicia and Lulu: Great scene!!!!!!!! :) Felicia wins the line of the day!

    Felicia: I am not Ryan Chamberlin's victim! He came after me he didn't get me. He lost I won! He's dead I survived. And now I get to go see the man that I love and later I'll be seeing my remarkable daughter and grandson. I get to have the life that Ryan tried to take from me. And I will never be his victim again!


    The floating rib:

    Lucy and Mac's table: YAY!!!!! :) HI MAC!!!! :) Love the scene!

    Lucy, Mac, "Doc" and Felicia: Oh man! Their scenes made me so nervous!!!!!! Especially when Ryan touched Felicia's hand!!!!!

    Felicia: I don't have to ever worry about him touching me again.

    *Ryan touches Felicia's hand*


    Chandler Mansion:


    Anna, Finchy, and Chase: Oh! Anna good luck in finding Dr. O! :) Oh man! Has Robert left already? :(

  16. Oops forgot.

    Floating rib:

    Ava and BobTodd: Oh a truce!!!! How long will this last? :)

    Kiwi and Griffin: UGH!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Griffin and Anna: UGH! Griffin stop whining. Anna doesn't deserve this!

  17. "AntJoan said...I watched "A Million Little Things"

    I watched the beginning, but after the guy killed himself, I couldn't watch the rest of the show. Too depressing.

    "and "Single Parents"

    I watched it. I liked most of the episode. When the guy was singing to his daughter over the phone it made me cry. The only thing annoying was when the guy tried to say it takes a village, the group wouldn't let them.. So stupid! It's true! It does take a village! I hope it's not a running thing that they won't let him say it. I'll give the show a chance.

  18. "delcodave said...BIG BANG - I cant do it."

    What is with Raj?!!?!! The writers never give him any character growth and now they turned him into a jerk! What is with the twitter war with Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Grow up Raj!!! DAMN! I don't like him anymore.

    1. I read they may give the blonde on BB her own spin off, I like her enough to watch. But no Sheldon LOL!!

  19. I saw Manifest and thought it was great I'm also a big fan of The Good Doctor which started back this week.

    1. I've never seen the good doctor, only dr show I watch is Greys.

  20. Michelle, Just started 15th season of Grey's, still a fan! I started watching Good Doctor last year, liked it enough to watch for the entire season. If you like Grey's, you might like it.

  21. I am watching the new Murphy Brown. I kind of like it. Getting a few laughs. Think you need to be a certain demographic for sure. Over 50, female and democrat. IMO anyway.

    1. My mom watched MB back in the day and she's liberal as well and enjoyed the show so she'll probably watch again. I might check it out, now that I'm older haha!!

  22. Lindie, well then, I might like it. Was curios to see it, at least once, now I have to find it.

  23. Oh, MB, that is confusing, thought you meant Maurice Benard!!



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