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Finn and Anna were cute with Roxy. Discussing the difference between Iceberg and Romaine for Roxy. (Romaine is preferred). He asks Anna about Peter. Ok, didn't Finn have a suite at the Metro and not just a bedroom???
Peter talks about his mama with Chase Ford. He reminds him he's on tenderhooks with the WSB. yada yada..boring.
Then, Anna goes to talk to Peter and Chase goes to talk to Finn. They talk about the "case" and Canada and all that. Finn says "you and Roxy got off on the wrong foot...want to meet her again"? Aww
Peter wants nothing to do with Anna. She asks about the Intruder--he said Valentin gave her the money.
Kim tells Liz that Drew has cancer and she gets upset. Goes to talk to Oscar and Drew walks in. Oscar says he had low blood sugar. Kim runs out and Liz tells her to tell Drew about the cancer. Later she finally breaks down and tells him. Kim finally tells Drew that Oscar has a BRAIN TUMOR! that's right people!! another BRAIN TUMOR!! We find out that she's known for two years!! and Oscar has NO idea!! Well, that's stupid. The oncologists wouldn't allow that at his age. PLUS, he'd have a ton of tests..so... ugh.
Billy Miller bought all the feels. "Shouldn't he determine how to live the rest of his life"..sniff...
They have a heart to heart. Good stuff.
Terry is her oncologist
In the Park, Joss tells Cam he's being inappropriate "HASHTAG ME TOO" she yells. He says he's really into her and he's the one that had Oscar send her the text. She said they were in the "Friend Zone". They both go to GH. Liz sees Cam and says: UM... YOU ARE GROUNDED what are doing here? LOL
SEXIS!!!! DAVIS GIRLSS!!! SQUEEEE!! Ok, so Krissy is back, Sam went to Portland to talk to her because Parker was living the professor life and Kristina felt left out. Parker's friends didn't like her either. So she decided to live her own life, back in Port Charles.
I LOVE Sonny when he's with Alexis---and or Krissy. Sorry but I do. Whole different ballgame there.
SO, Krissy wants to manage Perks again and Sonny says she can't. Alexis says that she could get her a job as a paralegal. Krissy is like NOPE. So, we'll see what job she gets. Waitress at Charlies??
She doesn't want to live with Alexis or Sonny--she's going to live with Sam.
I enjoyed the show today!!!!!!
I often enjoy your blog more than the show itself. Personally I am tired of so many depressing story lines. Sickness, death and grief seem to be the constant topics. Maybe the writers are all depressed about something. Even in soap land there's happiness, adventure(not counting the silly Cassandra thingy) and fantasy. GH has lost their ability for fun except for the 3-4 episodes of the Nurses Ball each year. I miss OLTL.
ReplyDeleteI refuse to watch the twin story - like I refused to watch Carly in Ferncliff....it's not entertaining or fun or even watchable....what happened to romance?????
ReplyDeleteOscar is not gonna be Kim's ----- that is the only reason they would do this silly storyline....unless Drew is gonna get hit in the head and get all of his memories back....still have no clue why Kristina is back.....and poor Sam - living with Kristina....for sure now no Jason and Sam reunion.
will the writers ever FINISH stories???????????
Just read that Christopher Lawford passed away. Says AMC and GH. I forget what character he was
ReplyDeleteChristopher Lawford is a Kennedy
ReplyDeleteChristopher Lawford, best known to soap fans as Charlie Brent on All My Children from 1992-95, as well in the role of Senator Jordan on General Hospital in 2004, passed away at age 63.
ReplyDeleteI am just not happy about a cancer story for Oscar. Just ugh. I also agree with Barbara about the twin story. Can't stand it.
ReplyDeleteThis episode was so annoying!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe park:
Joss and Cam: Cam stop trashing Oscar!!!! When Cam was talking to Joss about that text, man they are so adorable together.. I'll call them Jam! :)
The hospital:
CarlyKim and Drew: Seriously?!!?! A feakin brain tumor?!!?!? For 2 years and you won't tell Oscar? When are you going to tell him? On his death bed? This is so stupid!!!
CarlyKim: Are you questioning my judgement?
Drew isn't but I am!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can't believe Drew is agreeing not to tell Oscar!!! STUPID!!!
JossCar: Awwwww! :) Well that wasn't annoying!
Metrocourt restaurant:
Davis family: This is so annoying! Why does Alexis have to walk on egg shells around Krissy? And why does Sam have to talk for her?!!?!?! And why is it okay that Krissy lives with her sister and not one of her parents? UGH!
Finchy's room:
Finchy and Anna: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Finchy wins the line of the day.
Anna: How's your dragon?
Finchy: It's uh. Oh Roxie she's she's good.
Hahahahaha. Oh Finchy you thought she was talking about something else didn't you? You naughty boy! :)
Finchy and Chase: This was a great scene!!! You can feel the awkwardness in the scene and you can see they were trying to bond! :) Yes Chase come see your niece Roxie! :)
The invader:
Anna and Hiney: Oh goodie. Anna is visiting her rewrite son.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The name on his door is Peter August? Seriously?! He doesn't want to put Hinrick Faison?
I love Michael Easton and Finola so I guess that is why I love their characters together. They were so cute yesterday. It's about time she found love. Do I wish it were Robert or Duke, yes. Just like I wish Hayden were here to couple with Finn but not happening and they have chemistry or I'm blind.
DeleteHe's keeping his made up name, I don't blame him, who wants to live with the last name of Faison. I too enjoyed the Finn and Chase scenes. Sam was seriously getting on my last dang nerves, she's been single all of 5 minutes and trying to help Kristina. I can get why Sonny didn't give her the job back, actually liked him then, true to life on his reason. Alexis wanting to help her was great and not overbearing but pssshhh big boobs knows better, uh ok......loved Drew yesterday. They should tell Oscar I agree.
DeleteSomeone on a soap board wonders if CarlyKim has Munchausen by proxy.. Hmmmm.. That would make more sense and make for a better storyline!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat is Munchausen?
DeleteInteresting theory about Munchausen, guess we'll see! Totally disagree with Kim and yes, I question her judgement, Oscar is 15 and has the right to know. Drew was awesome and yep, I was teary eyed too.
ReplyDeletePeter is a horse's butt. I heard Robin is coming back, and I hope she gets all up in his face. He's a lousy character.
I read on another board, someone asking when did Sam become the Kristina Whisperer. OMG, did I howl!! Seriously, if Krissie is 25 she is ridiculously immature. And poor Alexis trying to keep her mouth shut. She's going to having quite a time. LOL!
"Michelle Latta said...What is Munchausen?"
ReplyDeleteMunchausen by proxy
"Julie H said... Peter is a horse's butt."
"I read on another board, someone asking when did Sam become the Kristina Whisperer. OMG, did I howl!!"
Hahahahaha yes she is! :)
"Seriously, if Krissie is 25 she is ridiculously immature."
Is she 25? Yesterday she said her friends have graduated college and have careers, so I thought she was 21 or 22. 25 sounds about right. :)
Munchausen's syndrome is when someone makes themselves sick, or exaggerates their symptoms so as to gain attention. Munchausen's By Proxy is when the caregiver (usually the mother) makes their child sick, often resulting in the child's death, to gain attention.
ReplyDeleteSo funny, I JUST was reading up on this due to having just finished watching Sharp Objects. . .
Of course, as a psychotherapist, I know all about this syndrome anyway, there is some controversy as to whether it is a mental illness, or just child abuse done by an evil person. I personally believe it is the latter.
AntJoan, what did you think of Sharp Objects? I thought it was slow but had a great finale. Good actors, too! I mentioned to Karen that I had a hard timing hearing the dialogue and later read that lots of other people did, too. Apparently that low talking was for a certain mood they want to create.
Maybe KeMo (Sam) should join.. haha!
DeleteMichelle: Haha! Linda: I did watch the whole season, but had mixed emotions about the show. I found it watchable, but disturbing.
ReplyDeleteFurther to my comments on MBP, someone said that maybe CarlyKim has it. She does fit the profile in that she is a medical provider, but she has gone to great lengths to keep Oscar's diagnosis a secret, an MBP mother would be telling everyone and putting the story on the Internet to gain as much attention as possible. Also, it doesn't look like CarlyKim CAUSED Oscar's horrible illness, and it is just one illness. Children of MBP caregivers typically have tons of things wrong with them, usually caused by the caregiver, who takes them to many different doctors/hospitals so that no one becomes suspicious.
I like the MBP angle. AntJoan...you have pointed out clearly why the GH scenario wouldn't fit but we all know how much attention to detail the writers consider. They could actually make something up. We shall see.
ReplyDeleteZazu, yes, I hear you. Considering the show is General HOSPITAL, they should use medical consultants, but, even if they do, those details are distorted as need be to support the story.
ReplyDeleteOscars cancer can only be cured by a family member.....Wiley!