Monday, April 25, 2016

Late to the Party

I came in at 2:40.... 

Jules and Nina? Just sitting there chewing the fat? Hmmmm?? He says Franco obviously cares about her...

Franco and Jake...yelling about the dog-- Franco says that Jason is "all about Sam...and he's a lonely kid"... "He reminds me of myself" Jason gets pretty mad. "He's nothing like you!" 

I missed new Jake was he? 

Alexis is telling Molly why she's defending Carlos.  Molly makes her cry. 

The baby IS at the Aunt's house. 


  1. I love Molly. I hope they never screw up her character the way they did Morgan's. He used to have that moral compass as a kid too.

    I'm not sure where they're going with the Franco/Jason stuff. I guess they're going to turn them both evil because everyone on this show has to be bad. (I assume that's to make Saint Sonny look good.)

    And I was really hoping that Sabrina's baby had blue eyes or red hair. *sigh*

    Can anyone tell me why men with gorgeous black hair want to grow grey beards?

  2. I thought NuJake did really well on his first day! I can see why they picked him. He also looks so much like Billy Miller. I wonder if BM has a picture of himself at same age....bowl cuts were big back then..they'd probably look like twins!

    Can't wait to have Becky Herbst back. The show is just not the same without her.

    Molly had some great lines today...loved every second of the reality check she was giving her mother. I hope they continue with this.

    Same with Franco reading Jason. Spectacular!

    Di - I'm with you about Sabrina's baby. I really wanted that baby to be Michael's. Ugh.

  3. Why are they always backward SORASing Liz's kids? I'd love to see them aged up a little, and then one of Cam's teenage friends can have a crush on Cam's mega-hot mom. LOL. Her kids are the only ones in daytime history to be their actual ages given when they were born in TV time. At this rate, Sabrina's baby will be off to college before Aidan even starts high school.

  4. Karen you say that it looks like "our Griffin was a priest long ago." That makes sense that he was a priest, he sure acts like one, but he looks about 25, how could he have been a priest, gone to med school, worked as a doctor? Not so long ago, he was a child!!

  5. Police station/interrogation room: Boy sarcasm is dripping from Alexis! Hahahaha


    Crimson: Poor Nina. :( Hmmm this is a strange but interesting scene with Julian and Nina! :) Strange because she is talking to him about her problems. It started out nice and light, and then it became dark!!! Oh I like that too. :) Hmmmm. Friendship? Coupleship? Nulian! :)

    Julexis's home: Great scene between them!!!! Hey hey Molly! You can spill a lot of truths to your mother, but have some respect!!!!!! I like how Alexis called her out on that! And LOVE that she showed her daughter that knife and explained the knife to her!!!! Julian and his big hair are home!!!! :)

    Puerto Rico: I was thinking is that toy really her friend's son's toy? Or is that a lie? I WAS RIGHT IT WAS A LIE! :) WOW CAAAAAAAAAAAAAABRINA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! WOOT WOOT! The baby looks like a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Jr!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Monica and BobTodd: I love the acid tongue that he had for Monica!!!! :) Of course he is taking his problems out on Monica. :)BobTodd won the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: Organs. Explosives. I don't know. Anything that will get you to leave me alone. No you don't care about anything do you? You are an unfeeling harpy. You care more about your house than you do about people.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :) Well Alan DID give her that house. :)

    Jason, BobTodd, and Jake with a sprinkle of Monica: Jake looks like Adam Rich from eight is enough when he was a kid!

    The little actor did a pretty good job today! :) I don't get why Monica is all up in BobTodd's face! BobTodd was just doing a sweet thing for Jake!! Of course he should have talked to Jason or Liz before giving Jake a puppy, but Monica is acting like BobTodd did an evil thing!

    Jason and Jake: Oh great scene!!!! So real! I want Liz back!!!! I can't wait until she is back!

    Jason and BobTodd: Oh geez! This is basically, I have a bigger penis than you! :)Come on just punch each other and get it all out of your system, and then move on!


    BobTodd: Time to be the Franco I was born to be.

    Oh oh! What does THAT mean?!!?!! :(

  6. I was googling general hospital, and I came upon 2 pictures of Griffin, and it was from Celebrity dirty laundry, and it cracked me up!!! Griffin who could be Claudette..


  7. Fun link Sonya. I was thinking maybe Grif was a priest or going to become a priest, but fell in love with Claudette (thinking she was single), left the church for her, then found out she was a skanky married ho. I bet he feels really guilty for "breaking up" Nathanette's marriage. As for the gunshot? Maybe Claudette shot him to keep him from telling Nathan the truth about their affair? After that, he turned to medicine.

    Lots of possibilities.

  8. "CareyN said...Fun link Sonya. I was thinking maybe Grif was a priest or going to become a priest, but fell in love with Claudette (thinking she was single), left the church for her, then found out she was a skanky married ho. I bet he feels really guilty for "breaking up" Nathanette's marriage. As for the gunshot? Maybe Claudette shot him to keep him from telling Nathan the truth about their affair? After that, he turned to medicine."

    Lots of possibilities.

    Ohhhh! Love your theory!!! Yes so many possibilities!!!

  9. Griffey cannot be Claudette, he has an Adan's Apple. I don't think that is part of gender reassignment surgery.
    Gotta go watch today.

  10. What is up with Franco's long hair ????

  11. sonya said...., but Monica is acting like BobTodd did an evil thing!

    A teacher gave my 7 year old a mynah bird once. She was truly EVIL! It never shut up. It started talking when the sun came up and we lived up north. It was light 24 hours a day in the summer!! No one should ever give your child a pet which requires mega amounts of attention without asking you first. *has major flashbacks to insane yakking mynah bird...AWWWWKKKK!*

    And I don't read celebrity dirty laundry anymore, sonya. They just like to speculate and call it truth.

    Griffin definitely acts like he's done some divinity training or maybe he was a brother for a while.

  12. Monica was mean to Franco because she hates him because of all of his evil deeds, not because of the puppy.

    I don't understand the logic of the scene with Sabrina's aunt. First, the aunt could have had the toy because she has other grandchildren, or great-nieces or -nephews, is Sabrina's baby the only baby in the world? Also, the baby was RIGHT there, it could have cried or made a noise that Michael and Felix would have heard, yet she didn't seem nervous at all that they were in the house.

    I thought the other Jake was as good of an actor as this one, I am VERY disappointed that they re-cast him. It was a MIRACLE that he came back to Liz, and they had the SAME actor years later, so the miracle seemed so real. Now it's just some other kid.

  13. "Di said...A teacher gave my 7 year old a mynah bird once. She was truly EVIL! It never shut up. It started talking when the sun came up and we lived up north. It was light 24 hours a day in the summer!!"

    I never heard of that kind of bird before, so I googled it. There are a lot of them on youtube. Wow! They are very smart birds who mimic!!! :0 How long did you have that bird?!

    "No one should ever give your child a pet which requires mega amounts of attention without asking you first."

    I agree. Always ask the parents first!!!

    *has major flashbacks to insane yakking mynah bird...AWWWWKKKK!*


    "And I don't read celebrity dirty laundry anymore, sonya. They just like to speculate and call it truth."

    Yeah I don't read them anymore either. I just saw the pictures and just had to share it hahaha.

  14. sonya said... How long did you have that bird?!

    Many many years. They can live up to the age of 25!!!!!

    Now that my son's grown up he has a nice quiet lizard!

    AntJoan, I think they replaced the other Jake because he was growing too fast. He was already as big as Cameron. He soon would have been much taller since the actor playing Cam hasn't seemed to grow in years.

  15. I agree with AntJoan regarding the recast Jake. It really felt special that it was the same boy when he came back. I thought James Nigbor was doing a good job at the end and he would have continued to grow with his acting.

  16. "Di said...Many many years. They can live up to the age of 25!!!!!"

    Oh WOW!!!!!!

    "Now that my son's grown up he has a nice quiet lizard!"

    A bearded lizard? :)

  17. "Di said...

    I'm not sure where they're going with the Franco/Jason stuff. I guess they're going to turn them both evil because everyone on this show has to be bad. (I assume that's to make Saint Sonny look good.)"

    I think they are both going to go a little dark before they go light. I think this is all about exploring who they were in the past and how that will effect they're choices now & in the future. I don't think either man wants to be a killer anymore.

    Saint Sonny has been duller than dish water. Everyone else in this Carlos/Duke's murder story line is being reflective and affected by the fallout. They all have layers except for Sonny. Sonny remains predictable and one note and unfeeling and self-serving. Why is this The Lead?

  18. This week's GH promo!!!!

  19. I am really glad to see Monica on more often. The new Jake is adorable and a good little actor. The other one was growing really fast. If no one wants that puppy I will gladly take it!! Molly was great putting her mom on the spot. Didn't really care for the Nina/Julian scenes - MS really overacted. Ahhh - Ric is back finally!! If only Sonny would leave-just cannot stand him.

  20. In Molly's eyes Sonny can do no wrong. So that's why I didn't care for Molly calling Alexis out.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...