Carlos and Juilan. Jules gets Carlos an attorney. It's Alexis!
Jordan says to Paul "I'm busting you, Hornsby"... she says he's aiding and abetting Carlos. AND she knows the body was planted. Anna totally ratted Paul out about Sloan. Paul yells and says if Anna tells, SHE's GOING TO JAIL TOO Neener Neener.
Jordan arrests BOTH of them. Anna for attempted murder of Carlos.
Nina and Franco. Nino's sad he doesn't want kids. Nothing new here. You know, we never HEARD Dr. Kelly say that Nina couldn't have kids. Nina 'heard' something on the phone. WE Didn' maybe??
Nina booked a trip-- Franco is like I can't go. Kiki is here. I have to take care of her.
Maxie and Nate. So, Maxie introduces Nate to Griffin and Nate doesn't recognize him. BUT!! Griffin recognizes NATE!! AAAAH HA! DUN DUN DUN....
Maxie is like, proposed to me out of the blue. She finally says yes.
Sam and Alexis. Talking about Sonny, Anna and Duke. that was about it.

Krissy still doesn't want to tell Sonny Parker is a girl. She's still not really sure if she's gay. Sam said "Get some experience and find out"... Oh lah lah
END: Sonny and Max kidnap Julian to "take him for a ride" ..
I hope that the powers that be continue the Kristina and Parker storyline I love the chemistry between the characters
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the scenes between Kristina and Sam, I wish I were closer with my sister. Fell asleep for most the show until a truck outside went barreling over a speed bump and scared me awake. Haha!! Today was pretty boring otherwise. As for Nina, got me thinking....any time I have a sonogram for my ovarian cyst or an EGG/MRI for my seizures, I always have to go in for the results, they don't ever tell you over the phone..
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the scenes between Kristina and Sam, I wish I were closer with my sister. Fell asleep for most the show until a truck outside went barreling over a speed bump and scared me awake. Haha!! Today was pretty boring otherwise. As for Nina, got me thinking....any time I have a sonogram for my ovarian cyst or an EGG/MRI for my seizures, I always have to go in for the results, they don't ever tell you over the phone..
ReplyDeleteThey never tell results over the phone, Michelle. They get paid if you come in even if they just tell you all is well.
ReplyDeleteI hope they don't continue that storyline, Donna Jackson. It looked like Parker was being kissed by a child.
Yeh I know, that's what was so unrealistic about it. It's also what I hate cause I have to go in and pay just to be told I'm fine haha!!
DeleteMaybe Dr. Griffin is Claudette. That would explain why Nate doesn't recognize him. I think that would not be a storyline that these writers can handle.
ReplyDeleteI love Matt Cohen. He seemed kinda feminine (only compared to Nate). Maybe that is where they are going...
ReplyDeleteI love Matt Cohen. He seemed kinda feminine (only compared to Nate). Maybe that is where they are going...
ReplyDeleteMetrocourt restaurant: Oh WOW! Nathan doesn't recognize Griffy!!!! Griffy IS Claudette!!!!!! Oh Naxie are engaged.. Ummm yay? I can see it now! Naxie are getting married, and Griffy aka Claudette runs in and says Nathan you can't get married! Because it's me Claudette and we are still married! :) And I DO love you! I was lying about not loving you!!! I would LOVE to see that! :)
ReplyDeleteNico's home: Mmmmm. BobTodd in a bathing suit. I would LOVE to see that! :)
BobTodd: Yeah she is she is my kid.
Nina: You don't want a kid with me.
DING DING DING! That's what I have been saying Nina!!!
Nina: Because you already have one. And one is enough.
BobTodd: Stay. Please please stay.
That didn't sound very convincing! ROFL!
Sonny's office:
Max and Krissy: MAX YAY!!!! :) Awwww sweet scene!!! Max knows!!! :) Glad he is letting her tell her father on her own. :)
Krissy and Sonny: Awwww come on Krissy tell your father that Parker is a woman! See he is even giving you a job! You can trust him! He loves you!
Griffy and Sonny: Preacher Griffy (aka Claudette?) is preaching the good word to Sonny hahahaha!
The REAL park: Awww love the sisters scene!!! When Sam talked about Stone, it made me cry. :(
Julexis's home: Oh! I wonder how Alexis being Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos lawyer is going to pan out. Did Julian get another hair cut? It looks so high hahaha.
Police station/Jordan's office:
Anna: Sloan raped Paul's daughter Susan, and he killed Sloan to avenge her.
ANNA!!!!!!!! How could you do that to Paul?!!?! That is so wrong!!!! I am so mad at you right now!!!! And you want Susan here?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ANNA!!!! I really need a Robert and Anna scene right now! It will get me happy and I will forgive her. I need something that will get me to forgive Anna!!!!
Jordan: Anna Devane you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Carlos Rivera.
Well that is a start. Now Anna just needs to apologize to Paul! And even though Anna says she wants to be arrested first, Paul is still protecting her!!! He wuvs her. :) Man Richard Burgi is a fantastic actor!!! He does anger very well!
Interrogation room:
Phone chat between Caaaaaaaaros and Julian: Mmmmm Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos so sexy. :)
Outside: Awwwww does Sonny want his bromance with Julian rekindled? :) Where is Sonny taking him? A park? Oh does Sonny want a picnic at the park? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)
Sidenote: I have been reading past posts. I have been having fun here for the past 5 years or so! We all have been having fun here for the past 5 years or so.. Awwwww. :)
Sandi said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Dr. Griffin is Claudette. That would explain why Nate doesn't recognize him. I think that would not be a storyline that these writers can handle.
It's definitely a story line I can't handle. They need to stop looking for political stories and finish some of the truckload of unfinished ones we still have going. And Griffin is a cute, likeable young man with a moral compass.
P.S.I don't find him kinda feminine at all. Lack of over developed muscles doesn't equal femininity.
Maybe this is just Buffalo but I get test results over the phone all the time. Because I've had elcerative colitis for more than 25 years I have to have a colonoscopy every other year (UGH) and they have to do a bunch of biopsies. I get to call and get the results - he has never made me come in to get them My primary care doctor and gynecologist also give me test results by phone.
ReplyDeleteI loved the moment between Kristina and Max, very sweet and Max is such an Italian Uncle telling Krissy not to underestimate her father. At the same time still protecting her by leaving out certain details. It's great to have Max back but the All Sonny All the time Show is really starting to grate on my nerves.
ReplyDeleteReally, Really Alexis compromising her ethics. Actually now that I think about it - everything else flies out the window when Alexis is in love
I can't believe nobody mentioned Badger Bob was back!!!!?!!!!
ReplyDelete"CareyN said...I can't believe nobody mentioned Badger Bob was back!!!!?!!!!"
ReplyDeleteREALLY?!!?!! Where?!?!?!?! :0
He's in Sonny's new office. In a weird alcove just for him. I couldn't take my eyes off it!
ReplyDeleteDar... I also live in Buffalo, and until a couple of months ago worked over 20 years in a doctors office. We gave results out over the phone all the time. Especially those patients who have chronic testing for one reason or another. Even if we did not, I watch General Hospital for escapism and do not mind the "fantasy" that is used. I just pretend it's real and go along with it... And, as someone else mentioned, I hope they don't make Dr Monroe into Claudette. I hate stories that are so obviously ripped from the headlines.
ReplyDelete"CareyN said...He's in Sonny's new office. In a weird alcove just for him. I couldn't take my eyes off it!"
ReplyDeleteI will have to check it out!!!! :)
Oh, 2 fellow Buffalonians!! Well, I no longer live there, but I left (part of) my heart in Buffalo, whenever I go to visit, I never want to leave!! (Of course, I visit only in the summer . . .)
ReplyDeleteWhere do you guys live in Buffalo? I lived in West Buffalo, near Gates Circle.
Awwww, Laura Wright announced her divorce after 20 years of marriage. That's too bad. I wonder if their Standing Sun winery will continue.
ReplyDeleteI am soooo tired of Sonny/mobular crap.
Maybe Griffin is the guy Claudette was with when she cheated on Nathan.
"Wanda Woman said...Awwww, Laura Wright announced her divorce after 20 years of marriage. That's too bad."
ReplyDeleteYeah I heard about that. So sad. :(
I can't see Griffy as Claudette. Have you ever noticed his 'Adams Apple'. It's huge. He'd never pass for a woman. Lol. Nathan would have to be blind not to have noticed.
ReplyDelete"GHfan said...I can't see Griffy as Claudette. Have you ever noticed his 'Adams Apple'. It's huge. He'd never pass for a woman. Lol."
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