Monday, November 2, 2015

"The Love of my Life"

Liz is so flawless in looks GEESH.. She's going to go through with the wedding, even though she's crying to Paddy. 

Carly sees the FACE! She calls Spin to try to figure out if what she thinks is true, is true!! Sam, Patrick, Liz and Jake are all in the lobby. Carly stares at Jake-- she's unnerved. Doesn't know what to do.  She decides to call in a favor from a doc she knows from the Metro-- she's going to run a private DNA test. She gives him water to drink. 

Lulu demands the video be played, she finds out they slept together. She thinks Val lied to Dillon to break them up! "My husband would never cheat on me"!! Dante is all "I'm sorry baby, it's true".  Lulu demands to know what happened. NOW.  They tell her. Valerie says it's a little bit Lulu's fault because she was in a hotel room with Dillon. Oh SNAP!! Maxie is going to seriously KILL Val!! LOL 
Lulu runs out, Dante runs after her. Val figures out Dillon did the movie reel on purpose. Maxie realizes Nathan didn't tell her the truth about Dante's affair. 

Later: Lulu and Dante fight on "the dock of DOOM"..yep. ON the pier. 

Sam and Jake are wondering why Hayden's coming to the wedding-- like, why would she? SHE says it would be fun. "I got shot in the head so..I deserve to go".. 


  1. I can't wait to watch Lulu go off!

  2. Why Valerie didn't skulk out of the party as soon as she saw that reel I'll never know.

  3. No was able to stop the LONG clip from playing? Val or Dante should have unplugged the screens. (But I'm glad they didn't).

  4. An actor from OLTL named Nathaniel Marston was critically injured in an auto crash and reportedly is paralyzed. I never watched the show but I know lots of people here did.

  5. FINALLY! An episode worth watching.

    Only thing missing was a Dynasty-style catfight. But I have faith that Maxie will not let me down when she rips into Val

    Laura Wright was picture perfect today with the Jason info.

  6. Soapzone wrote that Passanante and Altman said this about Liz:
    "Nobody’s perfect. She hasn’t murdered anyone. She’s just not telling [Jake] who he is…"

    "just"??? Are you kidding me?
    Is that why in the previews Jake only goes after Nik? Does anybody have any rumours about if and when people are gonna find out that Liz knew?
    I can't believe this, but I think they're actually going to redeem Liz again.

  7. First I want to say, that last year there was Beggar's night, and this year there was no beggar's night!!! I am so glad because Beggar's night is so stupid. Oh and Carly said that Joss has outgrown children of the corn, so she didn't have a children of the corn Halloween costume! YAY! :)

    The Haunted Star:

    Darb and Morgan: They did the mambo mattress dance! Someone on another board said that Darb looks like Kylie Jenner! That person is right!!!! She also looks like Kendall Jenner!!! Damn! Now I want to call her Kendall! :)

    The truth video:

    Val to Dillon: Dante and I slept together.


    Dante: I'm sorry baby. It's true.

    DOUBLE BOOM!!!!!! Now I want to see some whippings! :)

    Maxie and Nathan: I think Maxie is gonna whip Nathan!

    Pier: Oh! Lulu slaps Dante!!! I hope they don't see any guns on the ground, or she will grab that gun and shoot him! Then he will be the next dead body in the water! Actually, the writers said that they will find their way back to each other. NOOOOOOOO! I don't want that! The only time they are really interesting and not boring, is when they are arguing. And that is just sad.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Patrick:

    Liz: He is the love of my life.

    SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! No no no! Lucky is the love of your life! Hey what happened to Jason Thompson's lip? Poor guy.

    Carly and the laptop: She got to see the facial recognition! YES!!!! :) Hmmm strange. Jason's face looks jaundice.

    Liz and the gang: I love how Carly is acting! She is imploding and freaking out in the inside! :) I like how she gave Jake her water bottle haha. DNA here we come! :)

    Sonny's room: Awww it's nice that Olivia and her cupcakes went to visit Sonny! :) They talk about Dante and he is all like,

    Sonny: Oh nobody is perfect. Don't put Dante up on a pedestal.

    ROFL! And Olivia is all like,

    Olivia: Huh!?!?!

    Hahahaha. Oh hi Carly! :) Carly does not have a poker face at all! Sonny can see something is wrong with her. :)

    The floating rib:

    GreenHayden, Sam, and Jake:

    GreenHayden: I admire you Jake!

    ROFL! Say what?! :) Poor Sam and Jake are all confused! Hahahahaha. Great scene. :)

    GreenHayden and Nik: HUH?! I still don't get what she is planning. Their scenes today were so boring. Come on GreenHayden show your hand! At least to the audience!!!!

    Carly and Liz scene when Carly found out little Jake is Jason's baby! I wonder if Carly is going to slap Liz like that! Hahaha. :)

    I don't know if you saw the GH promo for this week on the Sunday Sugary, but I will put it here in case you didn't. So fantastic! Jake finds out he is Jason!!! WOOT WOOT!

  8. "dar said...An actor from OLTL named Nathaniel Marston was critically injured in an auto crash and reportedly is paralyzed. I never watched the show but I know lots of people here did."

    I'm a OLTL watcher, and yeah I heard about it. So sad. :(

    "Lara said..Soapzone wrote that Passanante and Altman said this about Liz:
    "Nobody’s perfect. She hasn’t murdered anyone. She’s just not telling [Jake] who he is…"

    Um say what?!!?!?! Just?!!?! Uh oooooooooookayyyyyy.

  9. Thanks for that preview, Sonya. I think we're going to have an exciting week.

  10. Sonya since Jason is married to Sam, isn't bigamy against the law? Since Liz knows he is Jason, it is on her and if she goes through with this wedding she could end up in jail.

  11. "Di said...Thanks for that preview, Sonya. I think we're going to have an exciting week."

    You're welcome! Yeah it looks great!!! :)

    "screamingeagle said...Sonya since Jason is married to Sam, isn't bigamy against the law? Since Liz knows he is Jason, it is on her and if she goes through with this wedding she could end up in jail."

    Yes!!! Bigamy is against the law! Liz is going to be in huge hot water!

  12. Yes, I read about the OLTL actor. He was Michael and then Al. Very sad.

    I can only hope Thursday isn't a huge day, my HAIR day lol. I'm betting on Friday being the huge day?

  13. "kdmask said...I can only hope Thursday isn't a huge day, my HAIR day lol. I'm betting on Friday being the huge day?"

    Well, for your sake, I HOPE Friday is the huge day! :)

  14. Someone wake me up when Robin, Scorpio, or Johnny Z hits town. Until then, I'll be right over here..

  15. Karen, Wasn't Nathanial Al first and then Michael? And Michael was John McBain's brother. If Nathanial lives, he will be a quadriplegic. From the news story I read, he broke virtually every bone in his body. I cannot even imagine the horror his poor mother is going through. The news story said he did not have alcohol in his blood, though. Small comfort.

  16. I moved Sat and had to run errands and missed it since I have no dvr right it worth watching? If so where can I watch?

  17. ishouldreadmore, yes he was Al then Michael. Very sad what has happened to him. He has a long road ahead of him....

  18. "Michelle Latta said...I moved Sat and had to run errands and missed it since I have no dvr right it worth watching? If so where can I watch?"

    Yeah it's worth it. You can watch it right here.

  19. "Michelle Latta said...Thanks Sonya!!"

    You're welcome! :)

  20. If Sonny can be "redeemed" and idolized, and Jason is an angel hit man, I'm pretty sure Liz can be "redeemed

  21. Well said nance24...Liz's lie is really nothing in comparison to all of the crimes, etc. other characters have committed and you can tell she still has some inside torture for going through with this lie about Jake. Even Sam has a laundry list of crimes and yet she had the audacity to lecture Hayden yesterday. Yes, Sam. People CAN change. We forgave you for conning men out of their money, sleeping with your step-daddy, and hiring goons to terrorize children.

  22. and sam watched baby jake get kidnapped

  23. Did a quick Google Esq search in regards to real life info regarding a missing spouse that has been declared legally dead:

    No, that's what "legally dead" means. It doesn't mean, as you can deduce, actually dead. It means he's disappeared for a certain length of time under circumstances where he can be "presumed" dead so the survivors can move on with their lives, like get life insurance proceeds, remarry without being accused of bigamy and so forth.

    **********this was to satisfy my curiosity more than anything--as well all know the writers don't even try for any realism these days (hello, emergency room on the 10th floor).

  24. @nance24, witch and LiamAZ: I'm not interested in a Liason vs. Jasam war, I am not their fan and it's just a soap, btw I think both actresses are quite bad, even if they have some good moments. BUT the writers have shown us that Sam has been able to change, Liz hasn't. I remember the Jake thing, but after that, sam kept redeeming herself, whereas Liz kept lying, cheating, scheming, over and over again. You don't like what Sam did when Kake was kidnapped? What about what she did to help get him back and to help Liz? What about the reaction Sam had when she found out jake was alive? What about Liz, who has lied to everybody, including the man she says she loves? And having jason adopt all of her children without him even knowing the truth? The list goes on and you still want to defend her? Please. I used to like Liz as a character, especially with Lucky, but not to the point of denying what she did.

  25. I'm not denying anything or defending anyone, all I'm saying is there's no such thing as not being redeemable on a soap

  26. Geez Lara, you need to chill out. I was replying to nance24 and I too am not invested in that silly war. Having said that, I've also been a fan of the show since the late 70's and I have a good, long memory. There is certainly a difference between taking characters in certain directions for storyline purposes and writing teams picking and choosing who to redeem, who to pimp, and who to write out of character.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...