Thursday, November 19, 2015

Snakes..erm..."Ladies" on a Plane

"Patrick's gonna realize he was a placeholder Just someone between your legs until you could hop back on to Jason's motorcycle"

HOLY HELLO...Liz said this!! wowwwww. That's why Sam throws water in her face.  Then, Sam says Liz isn't Jason's equal, never has been never will be. Water thrown.  They decide to play nice for Jason's sake and are "glad they are together"... Believe it or not. 

Shawn is on with Hayden!!  She tells him about Jason.  She says she's 99.9% positive the bullet they took from my head didn't come from your gun.  

Feta Platter? 

Jason goes to Cassa Isle on a rope. LMAO. SO Mission Impossible. OMG Nikolas is there!! I had no idea. Surprised me. He's there to "see Helena' before she dies. NOT MY HELENA!! 
They go in. She says she wants to "right her wrongs" and tell the truth. Then, Sam and Liz get brought in by the goons. (Pretty fast) 
Liz, Nik, Sam and Jake all gather around her bed. She's going to (supposedly) tell all. 

Stupid Franco is taking the fall for KIKI! UGH!!  Morgan is all for it. Nina is confused because she knows Franco was home. Nate thinks she's covering for him. Nina figures out Franco is covering for Nina though. 

Morgan is back to being Manic and ALL over the place. He wants Kiki to run away with him. *sigh*  She says yes. thank you..go. 

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On the set at GH. Having a great time. Brings back many memorie



  1. No....No....No....Helena don't DIE :( :(

  2. I bet that's why Robin is still being held, to save Helena.......

  3. Kiki deciding to go with Morgan made my day. I vote for... FOREVER!

    Loved seeing Shawn back. Hope he gets his lawyer to check that bullet that wasting away in the Property Room. Then they can let Morgan stay gone and give Shawn a decent story line.

    Poor Helena. The actress is looking frail. I love seeing her though. I hope she spills her guts. lol I bet Nicholas is peeing his pants now, Sonya. ROFL

    As for the snakes on the plane, I can't believe the stewardess kept refilling their glasses. lol

    btw...I've flown to Europe and believe me it's a long tiring flight and in a much bigger plane than the one they were on. And we definitely didn't come off and head right into the action.

    Loved all the movement today. I hope they keep up the pace.

  4. Okay this episode sounds a lot better than yesterday's. I think that Morgan was actually the one who ran Carly off the road. That's why he doesn't seem upset at Kiki about it and the real reason he wants to leave. Why else would the writers have Kiki black it out and not show us that much of the actident?

  5. although I adore the actress, I feel that the Helena character has run its course. It makes sense to kill her off is they can have a good after-effect storyline where her death impacts a variety of characters beyond the grave. Without Luke, she has no foil. Her threats seem empty. And lets face it (at least I will), the character has become a cartoon with all the constant threats, etc. It's one-note.

  6. "david said...
    although I adore the actress, I feel that the Helena character has run its course."

    I feel the same way. Rather than run the character into the ground or past usefulness let her go out now. I think there are a few characters that GH let go past their prime to its own detement such as Luke and Sonny and now Jason.

  7. She actually should have killed Luke and then herself. :) Synergy.

  8. Random thoughts ...
    - Hayden was visiting Shawn for several hours, or so it seems
    - The Liz/Sam scenes amused me (Not proud of that)
    - It took Franco and then Nina THAT long to figure out that Kiki took the car?
    - Agree about Helena being cartoonish, although I have thought that for years now
    - I did like the pacing of today's show. I think GH has improved a lot since the new writers have taken over

  9. Oh for the love of...who do you think they'll bring back with them from the island that we've all thought long dead? Any guesses? I swear that island has the worst gift shop!

  10. To those who think Helena has run her course, I don't agree. As long as there is even one Casadine on the show there is room for, and a need of, Helena. She's the evil Empress that's the glue for so many story lines over the years. As long as Constance Towers is willing to portray her I hope the character stays. She is a history the show needs to keep.

  11. I still delight in seeing Helena. CT is so glamorous and an occasional appearance is fine with me. The time travel was totally ridiculous as always. Nice surprise to see Shawn but Hayden should help him get out of prison since he was innocent. Michelle S. has a really annoying habit of repeating words twice.

  12. GreenHaden's dream: Wow! What a dream! Nik licks her like a lollypop and then tries to kill her! ROFL! What is with the dream?! Is she into S&M? ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant: Huh?!!?! Morgan?! What the hell?! So it's okay if BobTodd goes to jail for something he didn't do, but it's not okay if Kiwi turns herself in?! I don't think Morgan even cares that his mom got run off the road and almost died!

    The plane:

    Liz: Patrick's gonna realize he was a placeholder Just someone between your legs until you could hop back on to Jason's motorcycle.

    ROFL! Liz would have won the line of the day, but then the Flight attendant lady had to say her line and that wins the line of the day!

    Flight attendant: If you two don't calm down the pilot is ready to have the police waiting to take you into custody, as soon as we land. Now these will go from your mouths to the trays and no where else. ON no one else.

    ROFL! She was treating Sam and Liz like children! I love it! Hahahahahaha!

    Flight attendant: Oh and whoever this Jason may be, God help him!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE THIS WOMAN! Can we keep her? She can be related to Dr O! She sure looks like Dr O! :)

    Cassadine Island: Mission Impossible Karen? I was thinking James Bond movies. :) Oh come on! Helena with a breathing tube in her nose?!!?! She is dying?!! Please! She is SOOOO faking this! :) Oh hi Sam and Liz! Yes join the party! :)

    Police station:

    BobTodd, Nathan, and Nina: Awwwww! BobTodd is protecting Kiwi!!! :( I love how BobTodd is a surrogate father to her!

    Morgan: You're good people! You're good people.

    Oh shut up Morgan! You are ruining the scene for me!!! Go away!!! Did Carly take Morgan to the therapist while they were there?!!?! Or was BobTodd's arrest distract Carly and she forgot to take Morgan to the therapist?!!?!?! Oh Nina bounces in hahahahaha!

    Nina: You are enabling her. You are teaching her that you don't have to take responsibility. That consequences don't mean anything.

    Oh damn she's right!!!!! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant part 2:

    Morgan: Let's get out of here! Let's leave Port Charles. We can go far away!

    HUH?!!?!!?! Shut up Morgan!

    Prison: WOAH HI SHAUN!!!!! Hmmmm I thought GreenHayden already knew that Nik shot her?! She overheard Nik and Laura talking about the shooting. I'm confused. I wonder if Jordan visited Shaun. I wonder if TJ has been visiting him.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "Di says I bet Nicholas is peeing his pants now, Sonya. ROFL"

    Hahahahahaha! I bet he is!!!! :)

    "LindaV says Michelle S. has a really annoying habit of repeating words twice."

    She used to do that all the time on Y&R. I often wondered if it was in the script or if she just does it on her own. Now that she is on GH, yeah I think she does it all on her own.

  15. Karen, I saw the beginning of the show, and was dying to tweet you to ask if Helena was back, but I had to get out of here to be someplace, and didn't have time. Now I am gonna go watch her. Personally, I am hoping she is lying her head off about coming clean. Now that she is not against Luke, I want her to win. In fact, if she had been there at the end of the Luke travesty, I would have been screaming for her to kill him. How things change!!
    Constance Towers is so classy. I hope she is well in real life!

  16. lipslikesugar said, "Oh for the love of...who do you think they'll bring back with them from the island that we've all thought long dead? Any guesses? I swear that island has the worst gift shop!"

    BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!! Funniest stuff I've heard today!!!!! Thank lls!

  17. Sonya, I think this woman is an homage to DR. O, as Kathleen Gati is in the online/during-commercials spinoff of Fear the Walking Dead as...a flight attendant!!

    "BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE THIS WOMAN! Can we keep her? She can be related to Dr O! She sure looks like Dr O! :

  18. I was pleasantly surprised to see both Shawn and Helena on the show, in the age of "who's coming and going" (I get SOD) nothing was spoiled so it was nice to see something unexpected. I think R. Budig is a good actress and I enjoyed the scene.

    I would have enjoyed the Sam and Liz sniping if Liz hadn't known about Jason previously. I really hate that the writers had her know for so long. I like Liz but not what they've had her do.

    Re repeating lines, I had heard that MS did that on Y&R, and it's an old actor's trick if you repeat your lines or do a lot of physical "business," the camera is on you much longer.

    Can't wait for Robert!

  19. "Julie Langley said...Kathleen Gati is in the online/during-commercials spinoff of Fear the Walking Dead as...a flight attendant!!"

    I heard about that!!!! :) I bookmarked that clip, but forgot to watch it ooops!

    "Sonya, I think this woman is an homage to DR. O,"

    That would be awesome! :)

    "Panda says it's an old actor's trick if you repeat your lines or do a lot of physical "business," the camera is on you much longer."

    Hmmmmm. I never heard of that.

  20. Wouldn't it be kinda awesome if, on her "death bed", Helena produced the Lante child--fully born and not in embryo form? What a great wrench in the Lante/Val situation. That would be super-soapy goodness.

    Also--No one commented on the painting of sexy, young Helena hanging on her bedroom wall?!?! LOL.

  21. "CareyN said...Also--No one commented on the painting of sexy, young Helena hanging on her bedroom wall?!?! LOL."

    WHAT?!!?!?! You mean the naked one?! The one that used to hang at Luke's club?!!? :0 She has that?!!?!! I missed it! Hopefully I will see it today!

  22. Oops when I said I missed it CareyN, I meant I didn't see it.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...