Friday, October 11, 2013

Yes..Faison ...time to freaks out@@@!!! He's so good for the month of October!!  Obrect's teeth looked a bit like Anna's. heh. Great Lipstick too. Man.. Faison hates Obrect!!  Dr.  O tells him he has a grandson. Faison hardly remembers Brita because she 'wasn't  a boy'.  She's going to try to smuggle him out.

Luke had some nice crusty eye-make up on Luke!!  Luke says he loves Tracy and will give her the "whole enchilada" when they get home.  Tracy jumps  Jerry Jacks.

Paddy looking at the round the world tickets. Sabrina getting her stupid ideas in there. Damn, I tell you what. IF this was Liz, it may tug my heartstrings!! 

Nik finds out Faison is Brit's Daddy. 

JERRY LEFT THE PHONE THERE!! she's calling Patrick!! Hurry up before he takes Betty abroad!



  2. OMG, can you say "cliffhanger"? Luckily I was working after today's show, which helped me take my mind off all the anxiety I'm feeling about Robin.

    WHY can't Tracey just shoot Jerry Jacks? He deserves it, otherwise the villain always gets the best of you, don't you know, you have to fight fire with fire!!

  3. I guess I'm not the only one who was yelling, "Shoot him! Shoot him!" at the screen AntJoan.

    Can't wait till Monday.

    And how good is Finola! She played Dr. O playing her so perfectly.

  4. Switzerland jail: Poor Faison is disgusted with Dr O ROFL! He even hits his head on the hard wall! OUCH! The Anna mask is hanging on the hook! ROFL! Wait Faison vaguely remembers his daughter? HUH?! By the way Britch and Dr O have been talking about Faison, they have been acting like he has been in Britch's life!!! I'm confused. Faison wants to see his grandson. :) I want to see that scene. :) Duke calling Anna about Olivia's vision hahaha! Yeah Anna you tell him that kissing Faison would be repulsive haha! OH "Anna" sees Anna! Delicious! :)

    Sabrina and Patrick: Wait a second! Today is Sabrina's birthday? Happy 19th birthday Sabrina! Er I mean 28. :)

    Cassadine Island: Man Luke looks awful! And what is this?!!?! Telling Tracy he wuvs her? And wanting to give her what she wants! And that they are soul mates? I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Well at least the Robin and Jax scene isn't disappointing. Wow I think Jerry cares about Robin. :) OH! Jerry left his phone!!!! OH SHE IS CALLING PATRICK YESSSSSSSSSSS! :)

    Wyndemere: Oh! Finally Britch tells Nik who her father is!!! :)

  5. doesnt dr. o have a heavier face than anna? much wider. how can a mask be a double?

    and she is shorter.

    wow. switzerland much have one hell of a collection of compression garmets!

    and poor baby Benny. Still no food. How does Robin feed him? Or change him for that matter? Has Jerry brought in any diapers?

    and here is another question....

    was that vial of "the cure" nothing more than Benny's baby urine?

  6. david said...was that vial of "the cure" nothing more than Benny's baby urine?
    David! Ewwwwwww! ROFL!

  7. How many see the fight between 2 Annas ending with Obrect somehow winning, and then taking Anna's credentials and getting Faison out? Anna is too adept at karate to lose this hand-to-hand combat, but to further plot, Obrect has to win.

    I recently read where Geary has said he does not want to go back to lovey-dovey with Laura--that's old news. He wants to be with Tracy. He and Jane are good friends and enjoy working together. I suspected maybe he was behind the L&L breakup.
    There didn't seem to be any good reason for it. Luke had loved that woman like she was his good right arm so it seemed weird that after waiting all that time for Laura to be well, he wouldn't join her at once. It was certainly what most fans wanted.

    I don't respect Luke much anymore. A woman like Tracy would not likely appeal to the real Luke and certainly she isn't his 'soulmate'. To dump Laura after her terrible illness--that also seems un-Luke-like. There are many things he has done lately that has turned me off somewhat. But it is also what some of the writers have done to Laura, turning her into a timid hausfrau--that isn't the real Laura, who was brave and loved Luke unconditionally and was able to don disguises and play his cons right along with him. She would be bored silly with sulky Scotty.

    However, the damage is done and today's show (aside from the above) was a real nail-biter and fun to watch!

  8. soaplover said...I recently read where Geary has said he does not want to go back to lovey-dovey with Laura--that's old news. He wants to be with Tracy. He and Jane are good friends and enjoy working together. I suspected maybe he was behind the L&L breakup.
    That sucks. Is that in the new Geary interview? I've been trying to find the new interview and I can't find it.

  9. It was on the TV Guide site. I sorta agree with Tony. Luke/Laura were soulmates, but Luke's life moved on when Laura was not able to be there. I always thought of him as a widower. I can totally buy the magic not being there anymore.

  10. lol David. I also thought it looks like a vial of pee.

  11. Thanks Gary. I've accepted that L&L are no longer going to be together a long time ago, but I don't want Tracy and Luke together and they are not soul mates UGH!

  12. That scene with Tracy and Luke was just wrong. Tracy is a glutton for punishment. Luke leaves her constantly. And she just takes it. I mean really, he goes off for months at a time and she is always there waiting for him when he gets back. He does not love her. He uses her when he is in town. Wake up Tracy, you are just convenient, because you chase after him. Grow a backbone. He wouldn't say he loved you before he got sick, this is a death bed declaration, don't be stupid.

    Sabrina is just so pathetic. He was mooning after his wife and she has been dead for 2 years. He is not over her yet. Back off. Stop being so understanding. you are a doormat!!!

    Anna losing in a fight against Dr. Obrect would be ridiculous.
    I'm guessing Dr. O just shoots her first thing and escapes with Faison.

  13. Andrea said...Sabrina is just so pathetic. He was mooning after his wife and she has been dead for 2 years.
    Well, actually it's been a year and a half, but yes he hasn't let his wife go. He didn't take off his ring because it was his idea!

    Anna losing in a fight against Dr. Obrect would be ridiculous.
    Yeah that WOULD be ridiculous!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...