Saturday, October 19, 2013

GH Stars to Appear on "That Show"

Which is on before GH and I refuse to name!! LOL..On 10/24 Sam,  Nikolas... Shaun...Patrick and Todd will be on. Who knows what they'll cook up. Maybe "Humble Pie" (yeah, right!) Of course the actors are on the show--I'm just too lazy to name them all :)


  1. Maybe they will mention the ratings and prove that no lousy reality show can kill GH.

  2. as long as they don't actually poison the "stars." lmao

  3. as long as they don't actually poison the "stars." lmao



  Take a look at Alan and Monica moving into the Q Mansion!  Well, I need my usual GH break about now. I just can't watch live so I'...