Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Casting at General Hosptial

Lisa Waltz, who I've seen on numerous TV shows (including the X-files)...she's was also on Y&R--is reported by SON as playing Keifer's Mama. Guess the boy's gettin a whole family! (see below for his daddy). His last name is Bauer. I hear shades o' "24" !! 

 Also, Annie Ilonzeh has been cast as Maya Ward. She'll be an intern at GH.  Read all about it on TV Guide Mag.  

OLTL: I so wish I didn't hear that Stacey was leaving. I love her...she's just a perfect ditzy character. To her baby: "We'll be best friends, just don't tell Kimmy"... She's just a delight.
Uh..oh, Carlie and Dorian in big SHEEZE for shooting Jessica! whoops! TODD called Tea Sweetheart!! Stacey named her baby Ciera Rose after dolls she and Gigi had as kids.

GH: It's been hard to blog the last few days...I've been busy, busy! Trying to sit here and do it real time is just madness. I do like the Tweet when I can, especially since all the people read from work or when they are snowed in.
The DEKE story AGAIN. AGAIN! Ok....I'm just tired of  it. I know it's a big deal, but it's been on forever....

Lucky-- gettin all over Liason!! hee hee. JJ is killin' it again today! Lucky mentions Head Trauma to Jason!! He's getting all cyborg on him...saying he wants to have an accident not to "feel anything anymore".  Short Liason thing--and big JASAM thing. Just an observation. I am rooting for neither, really.
DIANE! hello!!!! She so totally needs to be related to Helena! Not the Cassadine side, but the HELENA McCrackin' side (I made that up for her).  Helena goes to Liz' house! brahahaha. She says HI to Cam. Nice. Then she tries to mess with her meds! yepper! Anyone notice Hells isn't all banshee anymore over Valentin? I mean..uh..whattheguza!
Molly and Morgan drinking malts trying to get info on the whole court thing. LOL. So cute. GH is dark again next week, BTW. Saving money by not taping. We supposedly won't notice but they do an awful lot of block taping around it.
Michael confesses and we JUST KNOW Mac won't believe him..sigh.

RIP Alexander MCQueen...


  1. The new Ward girl is gorgeous! I look forward to an Ethan/Kristina story they are hinting at such.

    I say why bother with the Liason teaser. Yeah they have history and they used to be my fav couple but that jason is gone to me. For Sam to say she now has Self Respect I don't know where she found it cause she still dresses as if she doesn't!

  2. Gigi & Stacy on OLTL today were actually kind of normal?? When Gigi told Stacy to think of all the things that made her - all those flashbacks - awesome....this show rocks!!
    I really liked Sonny giving Dante his life's story today - you could never how Dante was going to react during the whole conversation. Helena going to see Elizabeth - amazing!!!! Loved it - and there was Ethan again - he is defintely growing on me. Molly and Morgan are adorable

  3. I loved Stacey and Gigi today, and I was thinking the other day that it is too bad that Stacey is leaving. She and Kim are great together, and it will be interesting to see how Kim reacts once Stacey is gone. I'm spoiler free (most of the time for OLTL), so I don't know how Stacey is leaving, but i really would like some kind of happy ending for her. It would be nice to see her and Ceira Rose (such a pretty name) leave town together. I have a feeling that is not what will happen, though.

  4. LOVE Ethan especially with Kristina! I think I am the only one that thinks helana's timing is off. There were plenty of other opportunities previously, but who knows maybe they'll tie in a side story for our favorite villian.

    I am floored by JJ's Lucky. He has just been perfect.

    I can't enjoy Sonny telling anything to Dante. Just means nothing to me since the character is just too flawed and high and nmmighty. Oh silly me, that's Carly.

  5. I don't see the point of bringing in parents for Keifer. They stick in a little Keifer/Kristina moment every week or two and now we have to have his parents flickering in and out too. They should have wrapped that storyline up long ago because quite frankly I've lost interest as I'm sure everyone else has too. Let's face it, he's not a very interesting character. He looks like he's anemic as is his personality. Have someone walk in on him smacking kristina and have him dealt with and gone already.

  6. according to Stacey's baby is named Sierra Rose.

  7. Sonny telling Dante his story yesterday was the ultimate pity party. Yes, being abused as a kid is horrific and the horror show factor is doubled if your mother is being abused, too. How many kids who survive that come out of it unscathed? I would guess none. But how many become mob kingpins? Pretty small percentage, I bet. Sonny looks for scapegoats and excuses under every rock he turns over rather than take responsibility for any of his chocies that were made as a fully formed adult. Bugs the heck out of me. I feel sorry for the kid Sonny was but can't stand the man he has become. Loved watching Dante's face though. He is so good! And easy on the eyes.
    Sam and Jason? Sigh. Not feeling much love for them, either. Lulu and Dante are a bright spot for me. Scrubs in the closet, cute.
    Poor Charlie! I felt so awful for him. You just know Viki and Clint are going to make him feel like dirt. OLTL was great again!

  8. I disagree about the Keifer story and the actor. I think he's done great with what they've given him. He turns on the charm with Alexis and has several others fooled. Michael is on to him and now Ethan. I love the actress that plays Kristina and welcome any story she's a part of.

    Liked the Liason hug but it fell short for me. perhaps Guza will throw us a bone when she goes to shadybrook and have Jason visit her to further peal back their history of supporting one another. Thought it was pathetic sahowing Morgan and Molly saying it ws "unfair" for sonny to go to prison for claudia's murder. Really? well how about the murders he has gotten away with? I would believe it more if Morgan and Molly showed some fear of Sonny due to what he does. I mean shouldn't morgan and Sonny have a conversation about Dante? And carly trying to help Sonny seemed misplaced. The old days yes. But not since Michael got shot. She kept the boys from sonny & said his life was too dangerous for all involved. yeah, right. Not a Jasam fan but their scenes were lighthearted at least. I am bored with Spixie and want them both to move on. Spin not showing any remorse or struggle with his part of the Dante thing disgusts me.

  9. Ethan is growing more on me too. He seems to be the calm in everybody's storm.
    JJ is doing a great job with Lucky. I bet he feels really tired after every scene. All that crying!!
    I like that Jason was there to defend Liz and to tell Lucky that he is turning into something that isn't him, but I am still mad that Jason is being shown (again) as such a great person.
    I sure hope that sauna isn't going to be built. I've had enough of seeing Sam in a hot tub. I don't want to see her in a sauna too.

  10. Ethan is growing more on me too. He seems to be the calm in everybody's storm.
    JJ is doing a great job with Lucky. I bet he feels really tired after every scene. All that crying!!
    I like that Jason was there to defend Liz and to tell Lucky that he is turning into something that isn't him, but I am still mad that Jason is being shown (again) as such a great person.
    I sure hope that sauna isn't going to be built. I've had enough of seeing Sam in a hot tub. I don't want to see her in a sauna too.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...