Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Gladys gives Austin a nice bamboo plant for cheering her up at the Savoy when Joey Novak came in. 

Maxie and Brook they hire a guy KIP...to play..Brook's baby Daddy? HUH? 

Cassadine Island... PETRA idiot. Threatening everyone.  They are chopping this up so badly, it's SOooooooooooooooo boring. 

Michael and Willow bring Wiley in to see Carly at The Metro. Wiley is into whales now, btw. 
Carly wants to talk to Michael alone. 

OMG my net for the TV went down!! It's just grinding. I can type on here though. How weird!! Not sure what happened... hope it comes back on...


  1. I hope it came back on for you, kd. It improves a lot after that. And they made some progress today on a couple of fronts. I won't comment till others have seen it.

  2. It's okay Karen. I'll help!

    Cassadine Island:

    Britch and Hiney: Just someone give me a bed to sleep in please?

    Wine cellar:

    Britch, Hiney, Drew, Jason, and the guards: Okay this was so boring, until Hiney showed Drew a tarot card and told him his future. No but really, ACTIVATE! Then Hiney made him cut his own arm! Then DEACTIVATE! Then Jason threatens Hiney and it got boring again. Blahhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Port Chuckles:

    Q mansion:

    Kip, Maxie, and Brooky: Okay I was so confused about this scene.. I was like who is this guy? Oh he is the guy who worked as a bartender at the metrocourt restaurant and he is also an actor. Oh yes I remember him. Uh so pretend that baby Bailey is Kip's daughter? Oh so they can tell Gladys. Uh.. Okay this whole scene is strange. Although Kip is funny. And he is all TERMINATOR! I'LL BE BOCK! Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: No! No accents!

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Awwww why not? :) Oh and Brooky looks really good. She don't need that black jacket.

    Metrocourt offices:

    Carson and Michael: Sonny made it clear to Mikey and Carly what his promise was to Ms. Wu! Michael and his thin piece of hair dangling agrees just as long as Brad stays away from them and Wiley! Oh boy! STAY AWAY FROM THEM BRAD! :( I want Brad OUT and I want him out NOW! That is going to be very hard for him to not see Wiley and want to talk to him I bet.. I don't want Brad in jail anymore. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Gladys, Kip, and Brooky: Okay this was hysterical! Hahahaha. Kip acting all tough and threatening. He even had a gun! ROFL! Can we keep Kip? :)

    Carly, Mildew, and Wiley: Awwww Wiley seeing his grandmama! :) Picture time YAY! :)

    Harmonycom, Wiley, and Willow: This was a nice scene. Harmonycom wanted to give Wiley candy, but Wiley said that he isn't supposed to get candy from strangers. Awwwww what a smart little boy. :) Awww Wiley, she is your grandmama. :)

    Michael, Wiley, and Willow: Michael better be careful! Michael's piece of hair that is dangling could get angry and we don't want that!

    The hospital:

    Gladys and Pawtucket Holtster: Wait! So I thought Gladys would have told him in her drucken state all about Brooky and the baby. I guess not?

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: Oh he wants to get to know her more and she don't want to. She is pretending that seeing him triggers what happened with her baby.

    1. sonya said...." Then Jason threatens Hiney and it got boring again. Blahhhhhhhhhhhh."

      *** Didn't you see the part where jason told Drew how Hiney was activating him, and that he knew how to stop it. He said the tower tarot card activated him and Brett had the other card to deactivate him. .........I didn't find that boring. It told me this progammed Drew will hopefully be ending soon.

    2. Then I am ALL IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. "Di says, Didn't you see the part where jason told Drew how Hiney was activating him, and that he knew how to stop it. He said the tower tarot card activated him and Brett had the other card to deactivate him. ........."

      Yes yes I saw that!!! That was good. I'm glad Jason figured it out!!!! :)

      "I didn't find that boring. It told me this progammed Drew will hopefully be ending soon."

      Yeah HOPEFULLY it's ending soon!! :) Like ASAP!

    4. I never knew I had such violent tendencies. I was ready to go for PLP's throat just like Jason. Die already, die!

      BLQ is a unique and lovely looking woman. She needs to never wear a jacket again!

      I thought Kip was a hoot. I'm with you can we keep him and have in on occasionally like Alice and Reginald?

      Michael was good yesterday, but he needed to tell Sonny you don't EVER speak for me, and you're not the HEAD of my family. He was sooooooo close, lol!

    5. "Julie H says, I never knew I had such violent tendencies."


      "BLQ is a unique and lovely looking woman. She needs to never wear a jacket again!"

      Agree!!!!! :)

      "I thought Kip was a hoot. I'm with you can we keep him and have in on occasionally like Alice and Reginald?"

      Yes please!!! :)

      "Michael was good yesterday, but he needed to tell Sonny you don't EVER speak for me, and you're not the HEAD of my family. He was sooooooo close, lol!"

      Yes! So very close! His little piece of hair almost said it!

  3. When Austin realizes MAXIE is hurt because HE wanted to hurt Brook Lyn, he is gonna feel bad and I feel THAT alone will be another 3-5 months of 'apologizing' to her.....
    Maybe it's just my imagination, but all of a sudden Austin doesn't talk like he did when I thought he might be somewhat autistic?

    1. I noticed he stopped doing that too. Maybe the director talked to him because a lot of people were commenting on it.

    2. I noticed it also. I think they changed course with what his character is going to be.

    3. I don't think anybody knows what kind of character Austin should be. I find him pretty useless. But Roger and Kirsten act well together.

    4. Roger makes it worth it to me... but am I the only one that sees no chemistry with Kristen and Roger?

    5. As much as I love RoHo this character is yet to have substance. The fact that he is relatively new and has changed his way once or twice secures the fact, for me, that much of GH is written as they go.

  4. and WHY would Peter show Jason HOW he controls Drew? Stupid

    1. Because his hubris overcame his common sense. And maybe he had no way of knowing that Jason would know how to counteract that card.

    2. ooooh Di, you said hubris. Nice job! Word of the week! :)

  5. Fantastic article on Joe Sartore and the exhibition that will be shown at Ava's gallery on GH. Lots of pics too.


    1. Oh thank you for sharing! Wow I can't wait to see the episode. I wonder how much it cost for Frank to buy the art, or was it just borrowed for the scene. Hmmm.

    2. Did you read the article? It tells that Frank was a fan and bought several pieces before asking him to do this. And he'd never seen his pieces blown up so much.

    3. "Di says, Did you read the article? It tells that Frank was a fan and bought several pieces before asking him to do this. And he'd never seen his pieces blown up so much."

      Oops! Yeah I did. Then I forgot. Oy! Sonya focus! *Facepalm* Anyway I wonder how much all the pieces were. Can't wait to see the episode.

    4. Be careful, girl. You may forget soon how to type too. PMSL

    5. "Di says, Be careful, girl. You may forget soon how to type too. PMSL"


  6. Comcast had large outage in many states today. Could have been that if you have them.
    The 'men in chains' scenes are laughable. What the heck was Hiney doing.
    Baby daddy actor? Crazy.

  7. Wondering if they are going back to thinking an actual pairing with Britt and Jason. I would like it, but I want him to court her and really show its her he wants.

  8. SO if what I just read is true - Jason is presumed dead on Cassadine Island - cause Steve Burton is leaving fast.......IF SB and BA don't do a Patreon live today, I will know it's true - they cancelled last week at the last minute....same time the news broke he is leaving...BUT this is interesting----------- so Carly and Jason won't be an issue for Sonny---------Carly will blame Britt---------then Britt has no one - ---- I predict Brando becomes the new enforcer......
    I don't want Steve Burton to leave at all ---- but in the meantime, they are going to scramble for storylines..........until they possibly recast Jason?????

    1. Jason was gone for about 5 years. No recast. No missing him. Many people unhappy with SB at that time. Remember?

    2. yep - except they did the stupid Drew is Jason yada yada yada......

  9. Wish WR would refuse the vaccine-----------is that wrong? LOL

  10. He really needs the job - we don't need him! Absolutely cannot stomach him.

  11. I thought Kip was really ridiculous acting as the baby daddy. He seemed like he was a 1940's type of Bogart character. As much as they try I don't see Maxie with Austin, and she looks really bad in that wardrobe they give her.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...