Thursday, September 30, 2021

Mean Sonny

 Trina shows up at Wyndemere just as Spencer is going to spill to Cam! UGH..Cam isn't happy. She ruined the confession. 

Esme tells Sonny that Nikolas might be in trouble...Joss listens in but she can't hear. Esme tells Sonny that Nik and Ava are leaving PC with Avery. Oh SONNY is mad, leaves GH. Joss is listening as she talks to Spencer on the phone. Kevin comes around the corner and about yells: HI JOSS!! and Esme sees her. 

Carly stomps out of the Q house, promises Jason she won't go off on Nina. :eyeroll: Ned wants to know what happened.  Jason tells Ned about Nina knowing. Ned says Michael and Willow are going to be so pissed. Then he says Monica will be really worried because Jason will be "second" now and doing the dirty work. 

Carly goes to Jax's house. He tries to justify not telling her about Sonny. He says there wasn't time to tell her. LOL THEN he tells her about Joss and the marinara sauce! Says that Nina convinced him Sonny was a hallucination after he got shot. Jax does say that Sonny was happier in NF and better "mentally". OH Carly is PISSED with this. OMG wait I think Jax is going to tell her that Nina and "Mike" love?? 

Alexis and Shaun at the jail. Playing checkers. She wants to get caught up on the Hayden investigation. He tells her the entire Jordan story. Alexis tells him about Creighton Clark and that Victor is dead. She does think that the Cassadines are probably involved with all this tho. 

Ava goes to see Kevin and wants a favor. She wants him to keep an eye on Nikolas and his 'dark impulses".  "Keep an eye on him" she asks. They hug. Then she goes to see..ALEXIS? what the. She's never leaving is she?  Oh, she's actually there to say bye to RYAN. She tells him she knows he's involved somehow with her stalker and she'll get the truth. 

SONNY SHOWS UP AT WYNDEMERE....Spencer and he hug... Sonny asks about Nikolas. Yada yada, then NIKOLAS COMES IN!! Sonny makes everyone leave the room!! (it's old Nik by the way). 


Sonny's goons move in on Nikolas

Jason tells Ned he knows he's part of the Q family; he's going to tell Monica about Sonny and such

Jax ALMOST tells Carly about Nina and Sonny but.. show ends! DAMN IT 


  1. Gosh when was the last time Nancy and Maura had a scene? After Julian died, I guess?
    She has been leaving for over 3 weeks now. LOL
    at least Alexis put two and two together Shawn + Hayden = Cassadine ALTHOUGH it wasn't that way YEARS AGO!
    Way too soon for Esme to be caught - if Nicholas is beat up cause Esme lied, then I think the rumors are true - next week Spencer confesses cause of his guilt finding out everyone lied about Ava and Nicholas running away together
    and Nicholas has him arrested.......
    but Sonny would take care of Esme if he found out? Don't know-don't like Esme at all...
    beyond stupid that Sonny would CALL HOME ET and see where Avery is - does he have a phone, though???? He had time to get the goons with him (since they aren't guarding the house) SO he had to CALL THEM?
    lots of screaming today - I was the one screaming "HOW STUPID"

    1. mufasa, I think you are right about Spencer confessing. I saw a spoiler saying that Spencer was going to break Nik's heart - and Nik finding out Spencer is Ava's stalker would do that.

    2. I was also screaming that. Especially when Trina interrupted Cameron and Spencer. She knew he was there taping him and trying to get a confession. Very stupid move and it made no sense at all. So Joss went ahead without her. Big deal. Go find HER. Don't ruin the plan.

      I want Sonny to find out Esme lied to him. She can tell Spencer she just told him to get his father back, or she thought Avery was with them, but even with his cohones missing he should be able to figure out that was a lie.

    3. mufasa, I hope you're right. And yes, I was hollering too, lol!
      I have to say the Esme actress is doing her job well, because I want to smack her every time she's on. She plays smug very well. And when she's pissed she gets this cold look on her face. I might hate the character, but I like the actress. :)

  2. forgot this - TRINA, CAM and JOSS made up this story so get ready for guilt all around when Nicholas gets hurt = Spence "I will never forgive you all for lying".

    1. As long as we get rid of 'Es' I don't care 🤣😂 I had to laugh when Joss called Esme that!! 🤣 God I want to punch that girl!! Troublemaker!

  3. I soooooo can't wait until Jax spills the beans about Nina and "Mike" being in love. This is the one thing that makes all the Nixon Falls stuff bearable.

    1. Yes Kevin! 100% agree. Its almost worth it to sit through the fake Jarly junk too.

    2. Agree completely, I so hope Jax tells. Please! Fingers crossed!

    3. Can’t wait for that reveal. I can’t even watch Snarly baring her teeth and yelling anymore. And dumb ass Sonny takes the word of a total stranger about Nick.

  4. I guess VAnna disappeared again?

  5. HI! Sorry! I went to dinner with a couple of my friends to Applebees at 630 and then watched my shows Grey's and Big sky. I couldn't watch GH live because I had to go to the dentist. So didn't watch GH until midnight because I was watching Cheers at 11:00 and 11:30.. Anyway,

    Q mansion:

    Jarly: Oh come on!! So Cujo won't get revenge on Nina now? Dammit!!!! Come on Jason!!! I want a Cujo and Nina all out war fight!!!!! This stinks!

    Ned and Jason: Oh great scene!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Cujo: Get him Cujo! Get him! Rip his throat out! Since you can't rip Nina's throat out. Damn you Jason! Cujo wins the line of the day.

    Cujo: You thought Sonny was at a bar in Nixon Falls making sauce?


    The hospital:

    Ava and Doc: Geez more of Ava's goodbye tour? Who's next? The stupid recast Tribbles? Will she say goodbye to them? Love that Doc was talking to Laura on the phone. :)

    Sonny and Vampira: What is going on!?!?!?! What does Vampira have against Ava. Hmmmmmm..

    Carly Jr and Doc: DOC! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Vampira and Carly Jr:

    Vampira: Minding your business, is free. Minding mine, will cost you.

    Oooooo! Love Vampira!!! Great line!!! But uh do you really think Carly Jr is afraid of you? She will turn into Cujo Jr and rip you apart! :)

    Spring Ridge Prison:

    Alexis and Shaun: Is Alexis ever in jail? Do they even have cells there? Or is everyone just free as a bird?

    Ava and Ryan: Oh so that is next on her goodbye tour. Ryan. So give him a little kiss. :)


    Cam, Chad, and Trina: Okay this is so dumb. Cam and Trina don't have any communication with each other.

    Nik and Sonny: Oh crap! I want Smike back!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go and see Spinny, Ric, and Sonny together*



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...