Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Day 7 of 9


Fire in the hole! Body Doubles must be scared AF..that fire was huge! Jax stops Sonny from breaking the window out because...BackDraft. They run in the back delivery door.  Jax takes Phyllis out and Sonny and Nina TALK--I mean JUST UNTIE HER!  Then Jax runs back in after getting Phyllis out. A beam falls on Sonny and Jax drags Nina out. 

Jason at the church..Michael comes in. Michael always WANTED CARLY AND JASON TOGETHER since we was little. Yep. He said it. AAHAHAHAHA OKAY. Spinelli comes in then. LOVES Carly and Jason together!!

Carly getting ready, thinking back to Jason and she talking. Sigh, she's happy. Joss comes in. Gives her a bracelet that's an infinity knot and blue stones. "You make the impossible possible". 

Sam and Dante questioning Harmony about Shiloh and Drew Cain. They wonder if Shiloh had anything to do with Drew's plane. Or SHE did. Harmony gets all pissy that they would think that. Alexis tries to talk to her.  She gives them a name: Dallas Kurby. 

Drew Cain all beat up in his cell. Thinks because the guards speak Greek, they must be Cassadines. He gets knee-capped again. He talks money to the guard because he's a mercenary and Drew knows he can give him more money. 

Olivia and Ned arrive at the church they talk about Leo. Liv thinks that Austin is just trying to get to them. 

Maxie goes to pick up Austin. Runs into Britt. She's sad about the wedding but also wishes her mom was there.  Then Maxie asks Liz and Terry to cheer Britt up. OMG her dress is sooooo bad. EESH. I think they are trying to make Austin Sheldon Cooper type. 

Sonny's still in the fire


  1. How in the Hell would Carly be allowed to be married in a church? Esp a Catholic one.

    Sonny may be Sonny when he wakes up.

    1. Sonny has been declared dead. She's legally a widow. Why couldn't she get married in a church?

    2. Wasn't she married to other people? Which requires an annulment in the catholic church
      AJ, Jax, Sonny, Alcazar

    3. She remarried Sonny in the church....4 times

    4. Has Sonny been declared dead? I don’t remember that, but I miss days here and there when I get frustrated with the show.

  2. He's gonna get hit in the head and remember everything. BUT will he remember what Nina did? NOW I am thinking "I now pronounce you man and wife" WILL happen before Sonny/Jax get there.....Phyllis is a nurse - can she clear them to travel? LOL?
    Will Chloe come back to PC and be in love with Drew?

    1. That was my first thought. The hit on the head and it will all come back.

  3. Funny you mention Maxie's dress which I like except it's black. My mood today is not great and then...Carly. Her dress made me laugh out so loud my dog jumped from his bed. OMG. Is she going to the Oscars or Hussy of the month. Thanks to GH I feel better.
    Backdraft? Smike had already opened the front door. The writing on GH is sloppy.

  4. Yeah....Nina is unconscious from smoke inhalation and Mike decides to have a long conversation with her. lol Cause the old man knows he can't carry her out.

    And maybe Jax could have gone back to help him if Nina hadn't kept trying to go back in.

    And maybe Mike's face is burned and he's unrecognizable after he's rescued.

  5. Oh that's a great picture!!! Not today Peter! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Nixon falls spin off:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar: FIIIIIIIIIIIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Gee Mike is deaf.

    Mike and Jax: I was wondering why the hell Jax took the chair from Mike... Oh backdraft!!! Didn't think about that. Good to know!

    Nina, Phyllis, Jax and Mike: Whew so glad Jax took Phyllis!!! But why didn't the men pick up the chairs with them in it? Are the men too weak?! :) Oh Mike stop talking to Nina!!!!! GET HER OUT!!! When Nina woke up I thought she was going to say, Sonny! :) Oh oh! That beam hit Mike!!! Ouch that looked like it hurt!!!! MAN DOWN MAN DOWN! And I bet Sonny will regain his memory! :)

    Jax and Nina: Jax stop jibber jabbering with Nina and GO GET MIKE YOU IDIOT!

    Port Chuckles:

    Spring ridge nursing home: Man this place looks like a nursing home than a jail! The scenes today were a little boring. and Alexis: Really? Trying to convince to help? What was the point?! Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sam, Dante,, and Alexis: BORING!!!! Go find the Tribbles!!!!

    The hospital:

    Terry and Liz: Liz just tell her that you and Finchy almost kissed!!! You know you want to tell her! :)

    Liz: But you're my friend, so whatever you want to do, I'm in.

    Hmmm. That sounded strange.. She sounded a little petty. Like she wants to do something bad to Britch. Just had a strange vibe.

    Terry, Liz, and Britch: Their plan backfired!!! Britch knew!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!

    Maxie and Dr. Holtster: The top half of Maxie's dress I really loved, but the bottom half, uh NO!

    Maxie and Dr. Holtser:

    Dr. Holtster: I know this one. I said something wrong.

    Yeah I think he DOES have autism..

    Liz, Terry, Dr. Holtster, and Maxie: Liz didn't even look at Dr. Holtster! Hahahaha.

    The church:

    Carly and Carly Jr: They are both calm and not yelling. :) I hope the Tribbles are at the wedding!!!

    Jason and Michael: Michael wins the line of the day.

    Michael: This is something I wanted when I was a kid.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What?!?!?!! No you didn't! I don't buy it. What a stupid line. Usually a kid wants their parents to be together.. So yeah nope nope nope don't buy it.

    Spinny and Jason: Spinny, you want to marry Jason yourself don't you? :) You wuv him! :)

    Nedlia: OHHHH! I love that dress on Olivia! She looks great in yellow! Oh oh Olivia isn't happy! RUN NED RUN!

    Nedlia and Dr. Holtster: Of course Olivia is going to stick up for her son. She don't want to hear anything negative about her son! I can't wait for her to apologize to Dr. Holtster though. :) And then Maxie comes in like a mother hen and wants them to behave! HAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Hi Sonya! Seriously, the line of the day was hilarious! And total BS. :)
      The name still makes me laugh. Thanks for that, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Hi Sonya!"

      Hi Julie! :)

      "Seriously, the line of the day was hilarious! And total BS. :)"

      Hahahaha TOTAL BS! :)

      "The name still makes me laugh. Thanks for that, lol!"

      Hahahahaha. You're welcome! :)

  6. The propping of Carly and Jason by Michael Joss and Spinelli is so horrible.

    The rope necklaces were too funny on Nina and Phyllis. Why wouldn't you just stand up and walk with a chair in your butt? They could have escaped easily.

  7. I guess the wedding is Friday. Nina and Mime declared their wub.

  8. The fire scenes were excellent, especially for daytime. I was impressed! But so much jibber jabber. Lord, just get them ALL out. Have mercy!

    I really do like Joss and Carly together and I loved the bracelet. However. Carly's hair looked gray, and that dress! Very pretty but not for a wedding! Sheesh,

    I'm not feeling the new Drew or Austin, but I have missed a lot of episodes so I'm cutting them some slack.

    I am truly sick to death (like others here!) of the Borg/Snarly propping. Give me strength.

    1. I actually like new Drew better. I found it hard to understand the old Drew at times. He talked fast and didn't enunciate. I couldn't understand why people liked him so much when he always sounded like he was talking with something in his mouth.

    2. I agree Di. I thought old Drew mumbled. So far like Cameron Mathison as Drew. Liked him immediately.

  9. I think some of the fire was CGI. They have made great advances in the during the past few years.

    So, it looks like Sonny will stagger out of the fire dazed and disappear. Jax, Phyllis and Nina will think he's dead or injured someplace. The knock on the head returns his memory and he goes to PC just in time to see Carly and Jason get married. He will not reveal himself to them, wondering what's going on since he's been gone. (I hope I am wrong.)

    1. I can't see him getting himself out or coming out injured. And he'd never get past Nina. She track him down like an ol' hound dog.

    2. "Kevin said, So, it looks like Sonny will stagger out of the fire dazed and disappear. Jax, Phyllis and Nina will think he's dead or injured someplace. The knock on the head returns his memory and he goes to PC just in time to see Carly and Jason get married. He will not reveal himself to them, wondering what's going on since he's been gone. (I hope I am wrong.)"

      Oh I hope you are wrong too!!!!!

      "Di says he'd never get past Nina. She track him down like an ol' hound dog."

      Hahahahaha. Yeah she would find him. :)

    3. And that should have said I can't see him getting himself out or coming out UNinjured.

  10. I love how Austin had 😍 when looking at Liz.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...