Thursday, September 16, 2021

Day 8 of 9 --Um, Plans CHANGED!

 OH! ONE Day to GO GO!! 

You ready for the wedding tomorrow? This seems like the LONG EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. GEESsssssssh. It really didn't need to be this long. Could have done 1/2 of it without being "on the day of"...

Monica's at the wedding. She looks so pretty. Bobbie looks good too..I like her dress better than Carly's!  Bobbie is there too...she looks better than Carly imo LOL 

Gladys comes to her "dead cousin's widow's wedding" LOL. Sasha is home, putting her feet up says Brando. 

Diane is there.. nice dress. She talks to Spinelli about the 3 families. Ms. WU looks amazing. 

AND CARLY IS COMING DOWN THE AISLE!! what! It's not the 17th!! WHAT .. I'm not dressed yet. Minister talks. Joss reads something. Jason says his vows. Carly says her vows. 

Sonny... wakes up in the flames--sees the vision of Carly. Firefighters are there. Everyone coughing up a lung. Sonny goes back to that place he went after falling into the river--and Mike, his Dad is there. This is just... I mean, the firefighters are taking forever. Phyllis, Jax and Nina aren't even believable. It's edited so badly. There's no urgency.. Jax is mad that Nina kept the fact that Peter is alive a secret. 
Mike is telling Sonny to go look for his past. Anyway, Sonny remembers his past in flashbacks. Mike tells him well, he was a killer but a GOOD guy killer yada yada. Then Sonny finally sees Carly turn around. 


Jax is going to tell everyone in PC that Peter set the fire. Tries to call Maxie. You'd think he'd text 

Sonny has flashbacks of he and Carly...he's STILL LAYING ON THE FLOOR!


  1. Can we move on to the screaming and yelling from everyone to Nina when they find out Sonny is alive? Cause THAT is gonna be good.......Nina needs to just go away for now....
    so timing is not right - I guess the spoilers are right - Sonny finds Carly and Jason in bed at his house.....they DO get Michael, Dante, etc. won't even know for - what weeks??????????? Thanksgiving??????? LOL

    1. "Mufasa says, Can we move on to the screaming and yelling from everyone to Nina when they find out Sonny is alive? Cause THAT is gonna be good......."

      Yeah it will! Can't waitt! :)

      "Nina needs to just go away for now...."

      Yeah I'm afraid so. Poor Nina. :( She went from one mess to another.

      "They DO get married......"

      Well, yes they do, but technically they aren't really married because Sonny is still alive! :)

    2. but Diane made Carly declare Sonny dead so they ARE married - yikes.

    3. "mufasa says, but Diane made Carly declare Sonny dead so they ARE married - yikes."

      But that can't happen for another 2 years! It's only been 9 months. I'm so confused! ROFL! When Sonny shows up I wonder what Diane would say! If she would say they ARE still married or not.

    4. two years? Remember Carly signed all the papers that Sonny was legally dead----otherwise Diane said something/something about money/power - I dunno......

    5. "mufasa says, two years? Remember Carly signed all the papers that Sonny was legally dead----otherwise Diane said something/something about money/power - I dunno......"

      Yeah Carly did.. So I guess Jarly are really married then! :) Sonny is going to be so PISSED! :)

    6. I am well aware of what Nina has done, but I'm not happy they're going to dump on her....and "poor Carly" I hope after everything, Sonny does choose Nina, it will have to shut everybody up. Do the writers even remember everything Carly has done? The Sarah Brown "Carly"?
      BTW they need new makeup and wardrobe people.......Joss looked from Star Trek, and some of the dresses were awful. Best dressed for me was Monica.

    7. Yeh can you just see it now, barware flying every which way! 😄

    8. Really? Dresses...I loved Joss dress. I think Willow looked good too. Monica's was pretty and I didn't see anything wrong with Carlys, the color was not that great but I liked the cut.

    9. I don't count the "young ones" they look great with anything! Carly's dress was beautiful, but with her hair, I don't think it worked, I think a navy maybe would have looked better, I liked Monica because I think she looked classy........
      and I'm not referring only to the wedding......they've put some outfits on Sam lately that were horrendous...

    10. Agree about the young ones and Carly's hair! I thought Bobbie looked lovely, and Monica too!

    11. "...barware flying every which way!" LOL, I love it! (We even got a flashback to one of the many Sonny tantrums.)

  2. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river lanTANO mountain bar:

    Phyllis, Nina, Jax, and firefighters: Nina! Let Jax go get Mike! GAHHHHH! Yesterday you had your chance to tell Mike who he really is when you woke up from your sleepy time! Or when Mike was calling out to you!!!! You should have said YOU ARE REALLY SONNY! ROFL! Oh Jax shut up! Stop judging her!!!! You have no right!

    Phyllis: If Sonny dies in there? Which man will you mourn?

    Great question!!

    Sonny and Mike: Or maybe Mike and Mike. :) Mike & Ike's? :) ROFL! Great scene... Love the flashbacks. I don't want Sonny to remember who he is and then go back to the mob life. I want him to decide to reject that life.

    Port Chuckles:

    The wedding church:

    Mildew: Wow Willow looks beautiful. She looks different. Must be the hair. It's grown. :)

    Nedlia: Olivia shooting daggers at Dr. Pawtucket Holtster hahahaha. I don't blame her really, because she is only protecting her son, but I really really can't wait until she learns the truth and apologizes to him. :)

    Diane and Spinny: Hahahahaha I loved their scenes.. Especially the way they were looking at Jason and Monica! It's like give them some popcorn! :) I NEED more scenes with them!

    Carly and Bobbie: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene! I love Bobbie's dress!

    The 5 families: Delicious! Ms Wu there, YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    Monica and Jason: I love how she was smiling! Love how he was smiling! :) Monica wins the line of the day.

    Monica: I wonder if she brought a prenup for you to sign.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Thank you Monica. :)

    Gladys, Novak, and Brando: Gladys looks like Carly. With the blonde hair. Will Gladys get shot because one of the 5 families thinks she is Carly? Man Gladys still nagging at Brando for not working with the Novaks! Someone shoot her!

    Gladys and Brando: Hmmm Sasha not there.. I wonder if she isn't there because she was having her baby in real life at this time.

    The wedding starts: When Carly winked at Michael, I thought Michael was the one to marry them.. Oh wait no.. Whew. :) JARLY GETTING MARRIED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) My Jarly heart exploding..

    Carly's thoughts: YAY! I'm finally marrying Jason!!!! The REAL love of my life!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990* Lucy and Tracy.

    1. A double yes and amen to someone shooting Gladys! HA! I thought Bobbie looked fab and Monica's line was the best! It was great to see Max Gail again, and sorry I'm team Jax on this debacle. Nina is beyond delusional. However, I'm not looking forward to everyone dumping on her. But I can't wait for the flying from everywhere barware that Sonny is going to toss!

      Spin/Diane reminded me of the Britch and Brad watching the Nurses Ball red carpet. What a hoot! :)

  3. The only thing not cringe worthy was seeing Max Gail again. The rest made me want to be sick.

    1. he's fabulous, it's the best acting Maurice has done opposite him.

    2. Yes! I got a bit teary at seeing Max Gail! 🙂 Such a nice surprise! ❤

  4. I think tbe 5 families planted a bomb or something.

    1. The mob was planning to take out Sonny's warehouses while the wedding was going on. The heads of the families were at the wedding so they'd have alibis. Jason and Spin had something planned so I think they had their guys head off the men targeting the warehouses. Maybe they take them out and then target their businesses. I think the "four" heads are going to be in for a big surprise.

    2. I thought the at the reception?

  5. I may be in the minority but Carly and Jason have been like brother and sister all these years that it seems like incest to me. Yuck 🤮

  6. What a nightmare this Jarly hookup is. Good grief. Propping/forcing and rewriting history all over the place.

    1. Which is why GH hit an 11-Month Low In Total Viewers last week.

    2. Makes you wonder if they are intentionally sabotaging the show or what is going on

    3. It’s really a head scratcher. What are they thinking?? It seems like 99% of people don’t like Jarly.

    4. I wish Jason would have thought of Brit........

    5. And has an article about making Jason Michael's bio father instead of AJ.

    6. That would really be jumping the shark, Gary.

    7. Actually, GH last September 9/21 had 2.066 million and last week had 2.120, so they would actually be up. You can find the ratings here:

  7. Personally I'd rather have Jason with Britt, but if I can't have that I'd have Jarly. I liked them back in the day, and I can't have liason so....might as well...🤣

    1. Noooo Michelle, don't give up on the Britch. Stay strong, lol! Jarly is icky. :)


Another Day another Dollar!

  I've heard I should watch the last 10 min of yesterday's show and that's about it! LOL.. I'll watch Friday on Hulu and cat...