Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 I guess it's .... Tuesday? oh yes, my 18 month old group day. LORDY lol. I'm so tired. You have no idea!! EIGHT of them!! They are really adorable but some miss their mamas--and others run around like chickens. 

Dr. O and Drew Cain together in the jail cell. She gives him an antibiotic. She tells him that Peter was one of the people holding him captive. Then goes over the whole Peter story since he's been gone. Tells him about Victor. 

Vanna are in Crete together, drinking OUZO. Val tells her about this time in Greece, wanting her..getting his operation to get rid of the spinal deformity. Flirty, flirty..he tells her he wants to tell her 'everything". They get more Ouzo. If you like them, WATCH THESE SCENES. THEY KISS!! 

Michael and Willow are together. Wiley is HUGE!! HOLY HELL..it's like he's 6@@!! Anyway, Nina comes in to visit. Brings a gift. She tells Millow she has something to tell them. Oh it's just thank you for another chance. 

Maxie is going to tell Carly about Nina. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. MAXIE WOULD NEVER EVER TELL!! WTF!! UGH LULU would drop something like that but...Maxie? NO. Anyway, she does tell Carly and Joss that Nina has known for months that Sonny is alive. Joss freaks out. Carly freaks out. Wubsy freaks out because WTF. Maxie tries to explain it but come on, Carly just gets livid. Joss says 'it's like you're defending her" and Maxie says she gets it, she's been backed into a corner and is she really one to judge? THEN she asks CARLY IF SHE CAN REALLY JUDGE. OMG Carly gonna KILL HER!! Carly says that Nina will have to live with the CONSEQUENCES and stomps out of the kitchen. 

Jason and Sonny talk in the cemetery about all the business. The guys blowing up, Ms. Wu helping. Sonny wishes he could see Cyrus' face when he finds out his 2 guys are dead and he's alive. Jason then mentions his bipolar disorder. Sonny says Phyllis helped him regulate. Jason thinks Sonny needs to go his his own psyche ..Sonny looks a little miffed.  Sonny then tells Jason about Nina knowing. Jason is pissed. He doesn't think Sonny is mad enough!! 


Carly comes into the Q house to basically end Nina LOL 

Sonny says he doesn't want to waste his time hating Nina (Jason is like WHAT???????) 

The guy at the Greek bar is part of the Cassadine Crew and will tell on Anna 


  1. Yay VANNA. and that KISS!!! I was leaning into the TV sadly.

    Loved Maxie saying to Carly basically you have been forgiven before when it wasn't deserved.. although I do think what Nina did was awful. Now we will have to listen to Carly rip her a new one for hours.

    Cutie pie Wiley (aged) recast.

    New Drew does nothing for me, I am missing Billy. I know we need to give it time.

    1. I actually like nuDrew. can't wait for him and Dr. O to escape.

  2. is there ANYONE not working with Victor?
    SO weird that it's just the next day, right? I wanna see Diane hug Sonny - and Britt----
    I posted yesterday that Mike's tombstone states he died September 17 SO that is why they (the writers) chose that as a wedding day.........Sonny said, "Dad I'm home"
    Tomorrow is Nicholas (new Nik for a day I read) and Esme and Trina and maybe Ava?
    Sonny not being angry makes no sense - the real Sonny - now maybe Mike crept in, but I still think he's toning it down so the real story of Mike and Nina doesn't get out.
    just the next day still? WOW.

    1. Maybe Sonny's meds are too strong and that's why he's so mellow. I'm glad Jason suggested he go see his own doctor. Then again, maybe the doctor will think he should stay on that dose. lol

    2. I did NOT catch the gravestone date!! GOOD ONE!! WOW.. did they mention it was a year after? Because..um, that's pretty huge LOL

    3. Yep they did - Sonny said a year ago you left us and I am back home, Dad,

  3. The new Wiley is adorable.
    Maxie tattling on Nina, who she adores, is beyond ridiculous but at least we saw the first sign of emotion from Carly about Sonny's return. Nina will be fine and all will continue on. Bye bye Val.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Crete Greece:


    Vanna: Man V.C. has got game!!! :) He could teach Finchy a thing or 2! :)


    V.C.: I have 2 beautiful daughters.

    V.C. is going to be destroyed when he finds out Bailey isn't his!! :(

    V.C.: You think I'm handsome now? Wait until you get a buzz going.

    Hahahaha. He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.. OH THE VANNA KISS YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) Hawt stuff baby! :) Oh my V.C. passed out! Hahahahahaha. Take care of him Anna! :)

    The hotel room:

    Vanna: Awwww so sweet she put him in bed. :) How did she get him there? Did someone help her? They showed his tattoo, and I was wondering why!


    Anna and the greek guy: WHOA! That greek guy is HAWT! :) Where did he come from! :) Oh he has got the same tattoo that V.C. has!!! A mystery!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Kidnapped place:

    Dr. O and Drew: Oh they are teaming up.. Good. Now they need to find a way to get the hell out of there!

    Port Chuckles:

    Carson kitchen:

    Maxie, Joss, and Carly: MAXIE! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO TELL CARLY NINA'S SECRET!!! Now where the hell are the Tribbles? *Throws the recast out the window* Oh boy! Carly turns into CUJO!!!! Did you see that?!?!!

    Cujo: That doesn't justify what Nina did!

    Well Cujo has a good point there. Joss turned into a mini Cujo! :)

    Q mansion:


    Mildew, NuWiley, Yuri, and Nina: HI YURI!!!! :) You going to see Monica now? :) Nina gives NuWiley a gift, and Willow says he loves it? He isn't playing with it he just set it aside, so I don't know what the hell you are saying Willow!

    Michael: You want to take a walk with me?

    Willow: I would love nothing more.

    Does taking a walk mean sex?



    Jason and Sonny: Love that Sonny was defending Nina! :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I'm going to have to talk to my psychiatrist about that one.


    1. I'm so glad they had a mature adult write those scenes for Vanna as opposed to the middle schoolers who wrote the scenes for Liz and Finn.

      I think they're Cassadine tattoos.

    2. "Di says,I'm so glad they had a mature adult write those scenes for Vanna as opposed to the middle schoolers who wrote the scenes for Liz and Finn."

      Haha I wonder if it's the same writers.. Man V.C. was so charming! :)

      "I think they're Cassadine tattoos."

      Yeah they are.. Hmmm does that mean the Greek guy and V.C. are BROTHERS?!?!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! :)

    3. It could just mean he works for them. And Cassadine island is in Greece, isn't it.

    4. "Di says, It could just mean he works for them."

      Yeah he could be! :)

      "And Cassadine island is in Greece, isn't it."

      Yup! It is! :)

    5. Great line of the day, I was rolling!

      I really enjoyed Drew and Dr. O. Really good scenes.
      I don't even want to speculate on the tatoos.
      Vanna was hot, hot, hot!

      I don't think I'm going to like Snarly/Nina today. But boy, oh boy, I won't be able to not watch if you know what I mean, lol!

    6. "Julie H says, Great line of the day, I was rolling!"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah!!!! :)

      "I don't even want to speculate on the tatoos."

      Yeah but it's very interesting. :)

      "Vanna was hot, hot, hot!"

      YES!!! :)

      "I don't think I'm going to like Snarly/Nina today. But boy, oh boy, I won't be able to not watch if you know what I mean, lol!"

      It's like a car accident. You can't help but look!!!! :)

  6. When Anna said : ..and taking your place as THE cassadine, it gave me flashbacks of when Stefan was grooming Nikolas to become THE cassadine back in '96. Haven't heard that expression since then. Makes me think that Nikolas is slacking in that department when it comes to Spencer.

  7. It's official...The character of Mariah Maximiliana Jones has been destroyed. For Maxie to turn on Nina especially since Nina knows about Louise is incomprehensible. What the writers have done to Maxie and Anna as well has been extremely distressing.

    1. Thta was bl...ridiculous.

    2. Lulu would have told for SURE.. but Maxie? Just weird. ESPECIALLY since she has her baby secret with Nina! GEESH!!

    3. well, actually every character is being destroyed, right? Sigh.....

    4. I agree, still can't believe that Maxie spilled. The scenes were good though, but I needed Joss to shut up, lol! Today is going to be a car wreck!

  8. I don't think it destroyed Maxie's character. Ever since she deceived Lulu about the baby, she has been guilty and *trying* to do better. I also don't think she betrayed Nina, she made it clear that "we've all made mistakes." I looooved the fact she basically reminded Carly of her past. I think Maxie thought, "It's better she hear it from me than other people."

    Anyhow, I liked the Maxie/Carly scene and the Anna/Valentin scene. A and V make a great couple.

  9. Well, I guess we know which other cast member tested positive for COVID...


    1. Ah so the actor that plays Nic has COVID?

    2. I definitely haven't read that anywhere. I think Kevin is just speculating.

  10. The Ouzo scenes are awesome and hawt

  11. I like NuDrew. Wish they kept old Wiley

  12. Wubs, I have such fond memories of my classrooms with 18mo-3yr. Exhausting as hell,yet so funny and charming,so I understand you so much :)

    And yes, that's my comment about #GH today. Hope everyone is doing well! :)

  13. Why did they recast the other Wiley twins? This one is cute. Love Vanna!! JPS is so damn sexy and endearing. He really is an exceptional actor and has such great chemistry with Finola. Is everyone in Crete working for Victor?

    1. I just read a post on FB from Parry Shen that they moved to France with their family.

    2. Yep - the family moved to France and Parry said good-bye but he also posted 'before they were put in TV jail' which I thought funny------as in no kids/COVID I guess? But still aged Wily to much and it bothers me that Willow says things like "he missed you' when the little boy is clearly not acting/can't act - whatever - and she said, "He loves his toy you gave him".....sigh.

    3. Yes. At least the other Wiley interacted. This little guy is cute and it will probably take him a while to get comfortable on set. I guess they had to have an actor for Wiley since every scene with Willow and Michael involves him. They need to show them both at work- with other people, once in a while. (Although they may be staying in closed groups for a while yet.)

  14. I thought it was definitely odd that Maxie would bust her sister-in-law. Sonny should have been the one to tell Carly. And how did Carly immediately know Nina was with Wiley - psychic? I understand Joss's anger, too, but I just wanted her to shut up.

    1. well in all fairness, Sonny left the house right after seeing Carly to go to his grave - THAT for me was THE oddest thing ------------didn't tell her - she didn't ask and he went to his TOMBSTONE! LOL

    2. gone 9 months - no sex and he went to his TOMBSTONE?????????? LOL again

    3. Regarding Carly knowing where Nina would be: good point and a perfect example of the writers writing whatever fits the days purpose.

    4. It would have made more sense for Sonny to go to his office or his warehouse instead of the cemetery. And still hasn't kissed Carly. And slept in the guest room.

  15. Ohhhh You have to read this feel good article that parry had a hand in.


  16. And here's why the twins who played Wiley left. (Nice picture of them too. They've also grown.)



Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...