Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Day 6 of 9-- and Jordan is GONE!

 I was right, something about her leaving yesterday felt real!! Here's Briana Henry's  Instapost that she put up just this morning: (Update: actress is pregnant) 

OK Today's SHOW: 

Sam and Dante at the batting cages. I probably won't report much on them. Boring and didn't we have baseball stuff from them before? FILLER

Peter hisses at Nina and Phyllis..."I'll get you my pretties". He sends Phyllis off for duct tape. She does get it-- and ties Nina up. Oh !! Peter tells Phyllis Mike is really Sonny and Nina knew. AND he has a wife and kids. Phyllis is aghast. But doesn't matter because Peter pours gas on the floor and lights it up on fire. 

Jax and Sonny: Jax is like..Nina didn't tell you the truth? Sonny says he doesn't want the truth. Jax is like "too bad, pal" .  Anyway, Mike leaves to go find Nina. Finds them with the place on fire. Can't get in, stuff falling. 

Harmony and Alexis... Alexis says that Ryan is dangerous. Harmony isn't so fure. Alexis said she fell for a cult leader before, she could again. Oh, burn. Alexis wants to talk to Harmony about the problem her friend had. WHAT? WHY? It's weird. Filler. 

Drew and that nurse are trying to get out of that jail. They fake Drew having a collapsed lung. They end up fighting the goon and run. But then Drew goes back in at the end and lets Chloe escape? I don't even know why. 

Joss is bitching at Spencer about pretending to be Victor. She's yelling at him about being selfish and a prick. Esme comes over. Banter.. and Boy I wish these teens drank or something. Just ... not a lot going on there. Anyway 


Will Nina and Phyllis burn?

Sam and Dante go to talk to Harmony about Drew's case

Drew is getting beaten up by the goons again. 


  1. Joss has a crush on Spencer - I know I keep repeating that.....
    September 17th is the wedding - WHY aren't they IN THEIR DORM in class?
    So Jax just leaves????? RIGHT THERE by the Tan-O and he leaves in HOPES that Nina tells Mike? I STILL think something falls, and hits Sonny and he remembers who he is.....or an explosion and he thinks of Lily......please make PLP go away.
    I won't miss Jordan - there I said it -

  2. I knew she was leaving when I saw her tears. The most she’s ever emoted. I’m sure she’s a great person but I want OG Jordan back stay! Plus I think her show is over and I want Sean and Curtis fighting over her!

    1. Yeah I want the OG Jordan back too!!!!

    2. Hopefully, Frank will bring her back. Fingers crossed!

    3. "Clew500 says, Hopefully, Frank will bring her back. Fingers crossed!"

      Oh I hope so!!! *Fingers crossed* Oh and welcome to Wubsy's blog! :)

    4. OG. Does that stand for original?

    5. "lindie says, OG. Does that stand for original?"

      Yup! That's what it stands for! :)

  3. This whole Drew story is repetitive and who cares. Same with Sam/Dante.
    Alexis and Harmony had the same conversation a while back.
    Hiney outing Nina was pretty good. No, they won't fry. Smike will save the day.
    Looking forward to Esme's first kill. lol

    1. Esme's first kill LOL! She is getting better as a villainess

    2. Lol @ Smike & Esme’s first kill!

  4. I didn't mind Sam and Dante today. Kemo was actually smiling and laughing. I forget how pretty she can be.

    NF: They're building up for a reveal but I'm sure Mike will save Nina but then get hit on the head and be unconscious. Who knows maybe Jax & Phyllis too.

    I think I would be more on board if I thought Spenser & Trina had a couples future. I don't fee the chemistry there. I'm still team Trina I just don't feel the connection.

    1. I wish they’d recast Spencer. He doesn’t have that dark, brooding sexy look like his daddy. He looks like a frat boy.

    2. i agree, I don't like Spencer, and he doesn't have that spark young Spencer had. Espe is a good villain........who's daughter will she be?

  5. I am in shock that the actress playing Jordan left for good. I had no idea. I didn't read up on it anywhere! WOW!!!!! I wonder why.

    Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river park:

    Mike and Jax: Oh Jax just tell Mike the truth! Stop nagging!!!

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTano mountain bar:

    Hiney, Phyllis, and Nina: Wow Hiney is just all whispering in Nina's ear and blowing.. Gee Hiney why don't you just kiss her. Then kneeling down and waving the gun to both of them! He basically played who will I shoot first game. Come on Phyllis don't get the tape and rope! Just grab something and hit him over the head!!! Why did he tie them up with the rope above their boobs? That is so strange. Hiney wins the line of the day.

    Hiney: Next time, choose better friends.

    ROFL! Oh no! FIRE!!!!!

    "Will Nina and Phyllis burn?"

    ROFL! Gee Saint Jason isn't going to swoop in and save the day?! :0 Oh there is Mike!!!

    Port Chuckles:

    Batting cages:

    Sam and Dante: So they started out all flirty like a couple of horny teenagers, then turned into two serious adults talking about Drew! Strange scene.

    Spring ridge: FINALLY GOT THE NAME! :)

    Harmony.com and Alexis: Yes Alexis listen to her! Vampire girl is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!

    Harmony.com, Alexis, Dante and Sam: HUH?! They want Harmony.com's help now? What for?!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Chad and Joss: Geez what was all the yelling about Joss? You are acting like your mother. OH MY! Chad likes and is interested in Trina! :)

    Chad, Joss, and Vampire girl: Vampire girl wants to bite Joss and turn here into a vampire too! Yes Joss leave! Before you get turned!

    Kidnapped room away from Port Chuckles: Or is it Chriten Clark?

    Chloe and NuDrew: Uh. Are they going to eventually be a couple? They have spent a lot of time together.

    1. sonya said..." Why did he tie them up with the rope above their boobs? That is so strange."

      *** I was wondering the same thing. Maybe when he rescues them he just drags out the chairs with them on them and he doesn't want the rope to pull their boobs off. lol He won't have time to untie them.

      Did you notice that when Sam was acting like a teenager he voiuce sounded strong and she was able to speak clearly and quickly, but as soon as her 40 something self too over she was back to slow talking with a 70 something voice.

    2. "Di says, I was wondering the same thing. Maybe when he rescues them he just drags out the chairs with them on them and he doesn't want the rope to pull their boobs off. lol He won't have time to untie them."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "Did you notice that when Sam was acting like a teenager he voiuce sounded strong and she was able to speak clearly and quickly, but as soon as her 40 something self too over she was back to slow talking with a 70 something voice."

      OH! Now that I think about it, You're right!!!! What is going on with her?

  6. Replies
    1. Hahahahaha. Her name makes me think of the harmony.com singles website hahahaha!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...