Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wedded Bliss: Wub Fan Fiction

 Below are our predictions for the wedding. Remember this is fan fiction, not spoilers. What are your predictions?

Karen:  As we know, all of Port Charles is invited to the Jarly celebration, even the Five Families. Carly readies in the anti-room of the church (ha ha, yes, she's getting married in the church) and Bobbie helps her prepare. Carly's nervous and a little giddy. She thinks back to her time with Jason and is realizing this was meant to be.  

Meanwhile:  Jax finds his way to Nixon Falls via Joss' spaghetti dinner and remembering he saw Sonny when he was shot. Curious, he goes to see Nina. Maxie told him she was "serious" with someone and he needs to know who. Could she have a secret? Jax sees MikeSon from afar, realizes Nina's ruse and leaves. 

The wedding takes place without a hitch... When Carly and Jason kiss at the altar it's a real kiss. They beam with happiness. Even the Five Families clap. The head to the Metro Court for their reception bash. Cut to toasts to the happy couple and their first dance together. While they are playing Jarly's song ....Jax is seen emerging from the elevator. You watch both Carly and Jason in an embrace, slowly twirling across the floor. Jax begins to walk towards them. He walks on the dance floor, smirking. 

Music stops.  Jax leans in and whispers: He's alive. Sonny's alive. Carly looks at Jason; Jason looks at Carly. 



Nina realizes that the way she is leading Sonny on is wrong. She tells him she cant see him anymore and goes back to Port Charles. Sonny decides to go to PC to find Nina and talk to her. He pulls out the Crimson business card that she once gave him and heads to PC.

Once there, he walks through different areas of town and people do double takes and recognize him and some go up to him and call him Sonny. He winds up at Crimson and the secretary there tells him that Nina is at the Morgan wedding at the Metro Court hotel. (Maxie got her a press pass and is covering the wedding for Crimson) 

Jason and Carly say their vows and then when asked "Is there anyone who objects, speak now..." the audience at home is expecting Sonny, but no one says anything and Jason and Carly are pronounced man and wife. They kiss. And after they kiss, Carly glances over in the doorway and there is Sonny. (cue the slow motion glass drop from Carly's hand)


We resume with Sonny getting bits and pieces of his memory back at the reception, but at the same time he remembers everything about his time in Nixon Falls. He announces his betrayal of both Carly and Jason and does the standard "you're dead to me" and storms out. Nina follows him outside to console him and he rebuffs her as well. 

Sonny then walks off. 


  1. I think it goes more like this. We see Jax talking to Nina, Nina desperately tries to bargain with Jax. Jax, for some weird reason listens to Nina. THey give Mike the clues he needs to go back to PC.
    Jason and Carly get married. Right after they say "I do" the church erupts in mob violence. Shooting and mayhem ensures. Jason protects Carly and then fight back. Gladys dies. Later that night, Jason comes to Carly. They declare their hapiness that each other is alive and reaffirm their commitment to be together. They have sex.
    The next day Sonny comes across Carly. She is shocked. He doesn't remember. She tells him everything. He doesn't remember. Jason sees Sonny. Jason tells him this changes everything, and he wills step out. Carly is crushed but puts on a brave face. Jason is crushed but puts on a brave face.

    1. Yes! Sounds good to me! Especially when Gladys dies. :)

    2. The part of the whole thing that doesn’t make sense to me that you alluded to and we have seen on screen is when Nina tells Mike s to figure out who he is first before they can be together. Why doesn’t she just tell him? He’s going to know that she knew the whole time who he was when he figures it out.

    3. Kathy because he keeps telling her he doesn't want to know. And also it's more soapier and more explosive if he finds out another way. :)

    4. Right. But he was screaming at Peter 🤮 and accusing him of knowing who he is.

    5. "Kathy M says, Right. But he was screaming at Peter 🤮 and accusing him of knowing who he is."

      Yeah that's because Hiney said he knows who he is, and then Mike became suspicious of him.

    6. Ok. Either way, I don’t see how Mike is not upset that Nina knew the whole time.

    7. "Kathy M says, Ok. Either way, I don’t see how Mike is not upset that Nina knew the whole time."

      Oh yeah I am sure he will be so angry with her, but hopefully he will be angry with Carly and Jason for getting married, and then he runs to Nina and forgives her.

  2. There are so many open ended situations going on it is almost impossible to speculate. Both of your scenarios sound good. Dave's a bit more dramatic. IMO the wedding will probably have a normal mob shoot out. It is really hard to guess when the writers just write whatever comes into their heads. Like bringing back Victor C. And Drew. Maybe they have a story line suggestion APP. LOL

    1. Agree!I have a feeling it won't happen any way close to what anyone can speculate for the reasons you've already shared.

    2. Mayb they are bringing back drew &vc so they can dump Jax for no vax

  3. "Karen says, Jax finds his way to Nixon Falls via Joss' spaghetti dinner"

    ROFL! For some reason that is funny. :)

    "Jax leans in and whispers: He's alive. Sonny's alive. Carly looks at Jason; Jason looks at Carly."

    Mmmm.. Nahhhh not soapy enough. :)

    "Dave says, Jason and Carly say their vows and then when asked "Is there anyone who objects, speak now..." the audience at home is expecting Sonny, but no one says anything and Jason and Carly are pronounced man and wife. They kiss. And after they kiss, Carly glances over in the doorway and there is Sonny. (cue the slow motion glass drop from Carly's hand)"


  4. Okay this is what I said on soap central.

    Sonny will show up, and Gladys will be shot. Sasha will be so stressed out that her water will break, and she will be in labor. Jarly will get married before all hell breaks lose, and then Carly will see Sonny and Sonny's memory will come back and he will be so angry at Jarly he leaves and goes back to Nixon falls to see Nina and he forgives her for not telling him who he really is, and then they have sex.

    1. Haha Kathy that isn't a spoiler.. That is what I wish would happen.

    2. I hope what you wrote is what happens Sonya.

    3. Very good! Of course he goes back to Carly and Nina gets pregnant.

    4. "Gary says, I hope what you wrote is what happens Sonya."

      Yeah. *Fingers crossed*

      "zazu says, Very good!"

      Thanks. :)

      "Of course he goes back to Carly"

      I hope not!

      "and Nina gets pregnant."

      ROFL! Damn Sonny's super spermies!!

    5. Ohhh, ok. Yes, I hope it happens this way. And Nina gets a post menopausal baby. Lol.

    6. Gladys shot again? Yes please! Can she croak this time?? Jarly married, oh yeh! They have been looking longingly at each other, Sonny who? But would he really go back and do, first he'd break some barware...then maybe do Nina?


  5. I don’t think they marry - I think mike shows up or Jax tells BUT Mike doesn’t remember he’s Sonny. I think Jax will be shot though. Joss will hate Carly and Jason. It will give Joss a storyline. She doesn’t have one right now. Trina is great and has several stroryoines but not Joss. I do think Carly will have to still marry a Jason cause of Five Families. So much more they could do with mike in PC with no memory but at least outta Nixon Falls!!!!! Phyllis there too. Still then Phyllis is related to someone and I think she is Portia’s mom.
    Sent from my iPad

  6. I want something other than the predictable Sonny shows up, immediately gets his memories back, yells betrayal at everyone, throws barware, and saves the day against the 5 families. Do something new.

  7. The whole wedding thing is stupid. Carly in a Tiara; suits her well as she is the QUEEN. Queen of the witches that is. Nina and "Sonny" have absolutely no chemistry. They have ruined Jason and Britt (great couple) and they never show Anna and Valentin so this stuff is so stupid.

    1. Sorry, I had to say it. Oh, and poor Scotty and Leisl. I like them too. They are both so quirky and a perfect match.

    2. Jason & Brit are a great couple but there obviously was no point to them..If so, I'm missing it.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...