Monday, August 23, 2021

And So It Goes...

(Monday's Blog)

One thing GH does well, is kill off a character. Let me explain what I mean.

I swear I dont want this to be morbid or depressing. That is not my intent. Going through some youtube videos, I came across a series of GH deaths (and tributes) of characters (and actors) who died. I'm not talking about bit players only on for a few backgrounds, but the long standing, beloved and cherished characters and their actors who portrayed them. 

For example, I will give you my most memorable character death and tribute. (again, trying to put a positive spin on this and not being morbid). Edward. It was the tribute episode they gave him that I will remember as long as I live. Lila stood up from her wheelchair and took Edward's hand and the two of them walked up the stairs to heaven together. In 30 seconds, the show paid the most loving tribute to not only the characters, but the beloved actors as well. I bawled like a baby. I mean, it wasn't pretty. 

The show has had absolutely moving death scenes and tributes throughout the years. Steve, Alan, Tony, Lila, Stone, Ruby, Emily just to name a few. 

My question to you today is simple. Was there a death on GH (possibly tribute as well) that was so powerful that it incredibly moved you and forever stuck with you? 



                                                                       KAREN'S PICK:  BJ 


  1. Definitely BJ....I was 24 when she died and I still was an ugly cry death for soaps.

    1. Same - and I still ugly cry whenever those scenes come on. Kristina Wagner was magnificent when she found out it was BJ's heart that saved Maxie. And Tony lying his head on Maxie's chest to hear BJ's heart. Sob city.

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  2. BJ and Stone. Sobbed thru them both the first time, and every time since. Darn you, YouTube!

    1. Me too. BJ and Stone. Blubbering through entire show.

    2. I think maybe partly because they were so young.

  3. I bawled when Lila walked Edward up the stairs. BJ and Stone were also blubber events.

  4. Anyone know when Stuart Damon episode is? They better do him justice.

    1. Maybe they will do it near the nurse's ball or something

  5. I cry over anything, but I recall Stone's death being extremely emotional.
    Oddly I was reading a post from Amber Tamblyn on FB that yesterday she lost her lifelong mentor. A renowned writer from San Francisco, Jack Hirschman. Next post was WubsNet with Emily Quatermaine's name on gravestone.

  6. BJ was it for me - the best storyline ever. Blubbered like crazy.

    1. I just watched the BJ video above and I'm blubbering again. Some amazing acting there.

  7. Georgie. That stung. And yet it gave up Maxie & Spinelli and led to Robin and Patrick having grief/reconciliation sex, which gave us Emma.

  8. Today's show: No, simply no. I just knew this was coming.

    1. Just!! I think I'll be watching on Hulu, ff option is wonderful.

  9. BJ for me too by far. Also when they thought Jake was dead, Emily's death (Elizabeth sobbing over her bff's body), when they thought Lucky perished in a fire.

    And when Megan died on OLTL. UGH Jake brought her up to the window and she died. Goosies galore!

    1. I LOVED Jake and Meghan on OLTL. I am still in love with Joe Lando. Lol

    2. Yes! Joe Lando was so hot! ❤

  10. Today's show: Ijust took GH off my PVR!!!!

    Before I go does anyone else think they're going to have Leo have problems. They kept emphasizing how special he was. Austin says it's important that he sees him again, and the child was acting a little like he might be on the spectrum today. JMHO

    1. Oh! He could be on the spectrum! He did seem a little off today!

    2. If they do put Leo on the autism spectrum, I hope they do a good job with it. My son is on the high side of the autism spectrum and it ticks me off when TV/movies have an autistic character and use all the stereotypes for autism and don't do their research.

    3. I believe so. I could tell from those little scenes at the pool. Then Austin gave him the fidget spinner. Boom..

  11. I thought the scenes with Lucky and Liz over Jake's death were the most gut-wrenching. Also watching Nicholas and Liz bawl over Emily was difficult too. Oh, and watching Sam cry about her stillborn baby was awful too.

  12. HOW can Karen be gone THIS WEEK of all weeks? I HATE HATE HATE that he is alive........HATE.....STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Nixon falls spinoff

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Nina and Maxie: Great to see you Maxie, but you gotta go! No you can't stay in Nixon Falls!!! You gotta go back to Port Chuckles. You ARE strong! Oh oh Mike texted Nina.. Maxie leaves! Whew! :)

    Maxie and a stalker: Someone is watching her. I was thinking it is Hiney? HOLY CRAP IT'S HINEY! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Someone kill him off! For good this time!!! Glad Maxie didn't see him! Shouldn't Hiney be stalking Finchy and Liz?

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Anna and V.C. Awww they can't have lunch together because he has a lunch date with Dr. Pawtucket Holter. Too bad.

    V.C. on the phone with Dr. Pawtucket Holtster: WHAT?!?!!? The good ol Doctor has to cancel the date?!?! Awwwww! :(

    Sam and Dante: Why is Sam wearing black?

    Dante, Olivia, Sam, and Uncle Leo: Oh my! Uncle Leo is so rude to Sam! ROFL! He doesn't say hi to her!

    Dante, Olivia, and Uncle Leo. Wow! Uncle Leo is rude to his mother. She gives him something to drink and he doesn't say thank you! He did give his brother a thumbs up though. BAHAHAHAA! Was that improvised I wonder. :) Oh ouch Uncle Leo hurt his finger. Off to the hospital! :)

    Sam, Anna, and V.C.: Drew Drew Drew! Come on Sam! You are a private investigator! you can find him!!!

    KevLar home:

    Doc, Laura, Jordan, and Marty Tad: Oh oh Cyrus put a hit out on Laura and Marty! So they need to be in hiding!!! Genie Frances's vacation! :) Is Michael E. Knight having a vacation too?

    KevLar: Awwww they have to say goodbye. :(

    The hospital:

    Ned and Dr. Pawtucket Holtster: Great scene. The doctor knows Ned knows something! :) It's like they are both playing chicken!

    Olivia, Uncle Leo, and Dr. Pawtucket Holtster: The doctor gave Uncle Leo a fidget spinner!!! I have one!!! :) Gee no lollypop?

    Dr. Pawtucket Holtster and Nurse:

    Dr. Pawtucket Holtster: It's really important that I see that kid again.

    HUH?! Why?!?!! :)

    Carson kitchen:

    Mildew and Tribbles:

    Willow: I can't do this anymore.

    Blah blah blah. You are a broken record! Oh and Willow wins the line of the day.

    Willow: I'm a terrible person!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Why yes you are! :)

    Tribbles: I agree with that assessment.

    The Q home:

    Chase and Brooky: Oh Brooky leave him alone.

    Brooky: Maybe Wiley spilled something on Michael. Maybe Willow was just helping him clean up.

    WHAT?! Hush up Brooky and sit the hell down. Oh look Mildew is there. Going to finally tell him the truth. I hope!

    1. Oh and the question about "Was there a death on GH (possibly tribute as well) that was so powerful that it incredibly moved you and forever stuck with you?"

      BJ's death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Peter looks good for a guy that fell down the stairs and was bleeding out. Joy, joy, joy

    3. "lindie says, Peter looks good for a guy that fell down the stairs and was bleeding out. Joy, joy, joy"

      YES YES! Doesn't he?!?! Wow!

    4. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll be an hallucination.

  14. I won't repeat the best that others have already mentioned, but past deaths that really struck me and were done well were: Nathan, Dominique, Tony and Robert Scorpio's very first spy partner O'Reily.

  15. Death I most enjoyed: Hiney. Darn it. lol

    1. ROFL! Yeah him being thrown down the stairs is beautiful! :)

    2. And just think, we can enjoy someone else killing him again. I say let Jason do it. If Jason kills Hiney he will stay dead. LOL

    3. I think Dr. O should do it. There would be no doubt that he was dead after she finished with him.

    4. Yes. My vote is Dr. O too. But I just wish him dead. Never going to happen

    5. No. They'll kill the show first. :(

  16. BJ's death. Hands down.

  17. Also - I was SO HOPING we were done with Hiney! I'm getting the fast forward button warmed up for later. I can't even stand to see him on my screen.

    1. Me neither. We all knew it though. Knowing who he is IRL

    2. I know! It’s sickening!!! Here we go again. Idk if I can watch him again. I just don’t like the character or actor.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Same...I'm off today so I'll watch 🤪🙄 LOL! But back to work tomorrow and the ff option 🤣😂

    5. FAST FORWARD CITY with his return. Yuck

  18. I was crying through Steve's death. My dad died in June so it reminded me of that. But, BJ's death always gets me - every time. There was some great acting there.

  19. Peter's return is completely unnecessary. Either Drew or Elizabeth had better kill him, that's the only option to make this palatable.

  20. Now we know why Laura Wright took a break from Twitter. Said it was depressing. She KNEW we would go crazy lambblasting Wes return. I didn’t believe her when she posted cause Twitter is always depressing LOL. Now it makes sense.

    1. Exactly mufasa, if Twitter was so "depressing" she'd have gotten rid of it year's ago.

  21. That is absolutely why Laura got off Twitter. I am totally nauseated that Peter is back. Never have I loathed a character like this and I don't like the actor either. I thought Maxie looked good and it was nice to see her hair without those dark roots. Why did Brooklynn let Chase keep that letter when he actually stole it from the Qs and it wasn't his to take? Leo is a cute kid.

    1. Yes. They don't know who wrote it. Maybe it was Austin. It wasn't signed or notarized. And if it was that easy to find someone would have found it after Edward's death.

    2. I agree with both of you. That's what I thought too. How did Chase find that "will" so quickly when no other Q found it all those years???

      I agree with everything you said LSV422 about Peter/ WR

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