Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Voice

 Olivia: I could NEVER CHEAT ON YOU

Ned: ........................................... 
Olivia's being too nice to Ned. "Aw, I can see why you'd think I was unfaithful". But I could never be unfaithful to you nor you to me. She explains the whole Holly and Dante trip to Ned. He feels so badly. She wonders if they can fix things.  He says he is so sorry for doubting her. 

SO! Jackie IS Chases' mama.. I'm saying ex-lover of FINN and he's not even looking at her LOL. OMG. Then Anna's like: Um, this is your STEP-MOTHER? Robert: YOUR STEPMOTHER?? ahahaaha. Jackie says "Hi Hamilton" ahahaha. She says "you broke your father's heart taking your mother's name". Anna pulls Robert away and he's like NO! It's just getting good! Chase and Finn's Dad isn't coming because he's dealing with his Lime Disease. Jackie calls Chase "Harry"!! GAH! 
She and Robert talk about old times. She says that she is over what happened between them and is sorry about Holly. 

GH: Epiphany and Britt tangle. It's awesome. She tells Epiphany to just do her job. And she's her boss. Jason tells Britt he knows that Cyrus is doing all of this. Britt has an epic BUN on!  She asks Jason if he went to Murder School ahahaha.  Jason wants HER to look at his chart and head injury (not sure why??)  OMG Great scenes. She has to give him a shot "Drop trough" she says LOL They banter a bit. She tells him her nicknames "The Britch".. "The Wicked Witch of the Westfall" 

Stupid Sasha and Valentin. He's worried about her. She's like: Um, don't be. They talk about both being alone. Valentin leaves.  Sasha goes to Charlies. 

Valentin then goes to see Anna. Says Alexis wants Anna dead. 

Monica and Michael and Willow. Monica says they have to figure things out now that Nelle died. Then Tracy calls her. She leaves the room.  Willow talks about their boring ass'd relationship and what they should do next. Zzzzzzz Michael mentions divorce. They decide not to do anything now, she'll adopt Wiley and go from there. 

Amy and Brook. Brook wants Amy to record her song for Deception because her voice is shot. Amy says no. Oh, Brook wanted Amy to record it and they'd say it was Brook Lynn! Amy said she did that once with Man Landers and it was a horrible idea. She leaves. Monica comes in and tells Brook that Tracy called and thinks she should move back in home. 

AMY then changes her mind about being the voice for Deception. 

Sasha overhears Monica talk to Brook about Willow and Michael. She's going to take pills. She texts Chase about Wills adopting Wiley. 

Chase will be Finn's best man. 

Anna wants to lure Alex to Port Charles.

TOMORROW: Mike's Funeral 


  1. Karen says: Valentin then goes to see Anna. Says Alexis wants Anna dead.

    Karen, did you mean that Alex wants Anna dead? I'm sure Alexis wouldn't want her dead. But her sister shouldn't want her dead, either, so I am confused (haven't watched yet).

  2. AntJoan...I'm sure she meant Alex. You'll see when you watch.
    'Jackie's' stiff upper lip is distracting. Almost can't open mouth to talk. Maybe she and Finn will have some chemistry. He and Anna have none.

    1. I noticed that too zazu. Talks with "clenched" teeth. Don't like it.

  3. The hospital:

    Piffy and Jason:


    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) Oh crap she only said that because Britch was there.. I forgot that Piffy and Jason are BFF's!

    Britch and Piffy: HA! Don't mess with Piffy, Britch! :) She will turn you into dust! :)

    Britch and Jason: Great scenes!!!

    Britch: Did you minor in management consulting during your stint in murder school?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day, but Robert wins it. Sorry Britch. :)

    Britch: I don't know Jason. How does a guy smart enough to get away with so many crimes, hope on a motorcycle with a helmet? Maybe I'm not the only one full of contradictions.

    Hahahahaha. She can handle Jason really well. :) I wouldn't be mad if they hand a fling. :) I'll call them Jitt! :)

    V.C. and Sasha: Sasha don't look well. Hmmm will she be pregnant also along with her drug addiction?

    Q mansion:

    Mom and dad: Oh yes Olivia. Ned didn't have a good role model from his family! Everyone cheated!!!! Dad feels so guilty!!!! :(

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and Monica: No Monica! They should divorce!! Then Chillow can get back together!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    BLQ sandwich and Monica: Awwww granny Tracy worries about BLQ sandwich awwwww. :) Great scene!!

    BLQ sandwich and Amy: Glad Amy changed her mind about singing for BLQ sandwich. I think BLQ sandwich is just skeered about singing.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and V.C.: WHOA! Alex wants to kill Anna? WHY?!?!?!!

    Anna: Feel free to walk away.

    V.C.: No I won't do that. I couldn't do that if I wanted to. I don't know what this hold you have on me. I couldn't stand it if something happened to you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) So sweet!!! I love their friendship. :)

    Robert and Jackie: Oh wow! She gave Robert a sucker punch to the stomach! Jackie has not changed a bit! She is whining over the past, even though she has a husband and a son!!! UGH! Oh yes. I remember I hated Robert and Jackie as a couple, and I did like Luke and Holly together, but then Luke "died" and Robert and Holly got married because she was preggers, and I ended up falling in love with Robert and Holly as a couple! :)

    Jackie and Chase:

    Chase: Mom!!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) A mother and son reunion! :) I love the hug. :)

    Jackie and Finchy: Finchy is all nervous! Finchy did you sleep with your step mama? ROFL!

    Anna and Robert: Oh stop being stupid Anna, and just kiss Robert! :)

    Jackie and Robert part 2:

    Jackie: It's all water under the bridge.

    No it's not!!!! You just suckered punched him!!! Shut the hell up!

    1. Oops. Luke and Jackie were never together. I remember now. She was interested in Luke, but he wasn't interested in her..

    2. Dang, Jason and the Britch were great together. I'm with you, I wouldn't mind a fling, lol!

      And from yesterday, about the song, it always reminds me of Sabrina, and as time went on, I couldn't stand her any more. :) Though they way they killed her off was awful!

    3. Julie H says, Dang, Jason and the Britch were great together. I'm with you, I wouldn't mind a fling, lol!

      I bet they would be so hot!!! :)

      "And from yesterday, about the song, it always reminds me of Sabrina, and as time went on, I couldn't stand her any more. :) Though they way they killed her off was awful!"

      Yeah her death was so awful!!!! :( There was no reason to kill her off!!! :( Just have her and her kid leave town!!! :(

  4. Sonya, yes I just want Robert and Anna to kiss too. Maybe she will get a brain and get jealous now that Robert has Olivia and Jackie hanging around.

    1. "lindie says, Sonya, yes I just want Robert and Anna to kiss too."

      A really really long kiss. :)

      "Maybe she will get a brain and get jealous now that Robert has Olivia and Jackie hanging around."

      I wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm digging Jackie being Harry's mom and Hammy's stepmom! Haha! Couldn't resist!! I do wish it were the original actress but so far I like KD. I so hope Finn had an affair with Jackie, maybe that is why he's the way he is with her?

  6. I'm liking Jackie being Chase's mom, too. But I swear (maybe I dreamed it!) that back when Finn was originally talking about his stepmom, he said she had been a nurse taking care of his dying mom, and got close to his dad, then they got married too soon (in his opinion) after his mom's death. Did I imagine that, or did GH do a re-write history thing again? :) It's hell getting old, lol!

  7. Great show today! I hope "GH" can keep this up. And I am all for a Jason/Britch fling. He should do it once Sam leaves town. (A guy can hope, right?)



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