Monday, October 19, 2020

Day Drinking

 It's another NEW WEEK!! Here we go! 

Diane and Carly at the PCPD ..Carly has to talk to the PENNSYLVANIA Detective. He's really intimidating and a good actor!! OMG So, Nelle didn't drown, "she died from a fall..did you push her over a cliff, Mrs Corinthos"?? Carly says no but I'm glad she's dead. Diane is like OMG @@. Diane lays into her when it's over about offering a motive. She leaves. Jax comes in after he talks to Jordan. 

Brook overhears Ned and Monica about Alexis again. Then Olivia walks down. She asks why she's listening at the door. Ned and Monica talk some more then Olivia comes in "What the hell are you two talking about". She wants to tell them about Dante but Ned says he HAS to talk to Brook alone. Brook Lynn looks like the cat that ate the cream. Ned says it's all Brook's fault because she deleted Olivia's message. Brook Lynn calls him a hypocrite and leaves. 

Olivia tells Ned and Monica that Dante is home and staying with them. 

Jax and Nina haven't moved from the table they were at at Charlie's 10 days ago. LOL Nina orders Nelle's headstone.  Jordan calls Jax and wants him to come to the station to go over Nelle's death again. Valentin sits down when Jax gets up. Val wants to help Nina find Phyllis Caufield. Nelle says no way, stay out of my life. 

Michael and Chase at the gym. Michael is like, why you trying to be nice to me? Michael tells Chase he was mean to Willow. Blames him more than Sasha. Michael says they can't be friends ever. Hits Chase on accident. Leaves. 

Sasha drops her coke on the ground, did Willow see it? Willow wants to have a glass of wine. They talk like the old days. They wonder what it would be like if they could go back to the way things were. They decide they can't. Sasha leaves. 

Sam is at Alexis house. She accuses Alexis of drinking. Alexis is like "whatever"..then the doorbel rings and its' Grub Hub/Uber delivery and her vodka is there! She says 'YEP" and starts drinking LOL. Sam lays into her. Alexis tells her to shut it and stop being 'holier than thou" and to go take care of her own messes lol.  Nancy is doing great with this. Sam asks her if she loves the bottle more than her. Alexis "No, but I like it a lot more than you right now"!! SNAP!! 


  1. I'm confused - is Alexis' storyline supposed to be osteoporosis or drinking or sleeping with Ned? It seems all over the place - only piece missing is Julian - which they MUST have a storyline for him - he is totally being under-used....get him back with Britt.....

    1. It's all of it. She is having a bad life right now. :(

    2. I think that's the point. She lost her license, she is going thru menopause and the effects of that and her guy died in her bed. Hence, the drinking. LIFE at a LOW POINT

  2. I left today's show feeling totally depressed. I'm convinced that someone in charge must hate NLG or want the Alexis character gone. There isn't a bl**dy ray of sunshine anywhere in her storyline and hasn't been for months. They gave us a brief flicker for one night and ended it in the most gruesome way possible. Who wants to watch this constant barrage of negativity day after day?

    Then we go from group to group while they wallow in it. Yeah for love in the afternoon, GH.

    1. Alexis admitted today she has been hurting for, what did she say 3 years? :(

    2. I see it as the opposite and real to life. It doesn't take much for a person with an addiction to spiral. She has had compounded trauma in a short period of time. The acting is phenomenal and gives her a storyline sans a man.

      She is older and alone. No career, the man she loved just died, she has a degenerative disease, and is giving up.

      Ned is finally being utilized in a story that is not ELQ and so is Olivia.

      I'm really enjoying it.

    3. Exactly. Same here 30 Something....😊

    4. I really like it. LOVE NLG is given some good acting material. LOVED her laying into Sam

  3. Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Sam: Great scene!!!! Sam is so self righteous and mean! I can't stand her! Alexis was great! Hey drink with me! 1 finger 2 fingers or 3 fingers hahahahahaha! Great stuff. What the hell are you wearing Sam?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Nax: Nina is so sweet!!! Wanting to give Nelle a headstone! Awwww. :) I want to be her friend. :)

    "Karen says Jax and Nina haven't moved from the table they were at at Charlie's 10 days ago."

    ROFL! They are stuck in a vortex! :)

    Nina and V.C.: I miss calling them ValeNina. :( Sweet he wants to help, but no! Oh V.C. knows about how Jax feels about Carly! :) Yeah I think we all do! :)

    Sasha and Willow: I am getting really tired of watching Sasha whine so much about losing Michael! UGH!

    Q mansion:

    Ned and Monica: Monica wins the lines of the day.

    Monica: Ned now you have really done it. I know that infidelity runs in this family.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! I'm dead. Just dead! ROFL! Oh Monica now you just can't talk to Ned about his bigamy! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Ned and BLQ sandwich: Oh oh! Ned no!!!! Don't blame your daughter for the cheating!!! :(

    Olivia, BLQ, Ned, and Monica: Olivia so happy that her son is staying at the Q mansion awwwww. :) What time is it there? Why is Olivia in her PJ's? :)

    Police department:

    Carly, Pennsylvania detective, and Diane: Oh this detective is very good!! :) I love him already. Can we keep him? Can he move to Port Chuckles? Who can he be pared with? Hmmmm Dr. O? :)

    Carly and Diane: Listen to Diane, Carly!!!! Jason doesn't say a word, you should do what Jason does!!!!

    CarJax: Awwwwww. :) I love when they hug. :) Oh hi Nina. :)

    The gym:

    Michael and Chase: Blame blame blame.. Lots of blame..

    Blame it on the rain... (yeah yeah)
    You can blame it on the rain...
    But no you couldn't do that...
    You had to prove you were strong...
    Ooh if you hadn't been so blinded...
    Blame it on the rain... (yeah yeah)
    You can blame it on the rain...

    1. Loved Alexis snarking at Sam! Mumbles came across as so judgmental as opposed to supportive, (to be honest I might have acted the same way) and when she was whining I really wondered if it was acting or if Kelly is a whiner in real life, lol!

      Poor old Ned needs to just shut up already, he's digging a whole so big he's never going to get out!

  4. The dialogue in the scene with Carly/Diane, Ned/Brook and Alexis/Sam was really good. The writers have been on a roll lately. And I think Alexis is headed for a major storyline, probably a mental breakdown. (Which may earn NLG an Emmy.)

    1. Yes, because when people have in a lockdown for months it's the perfect time for a slow winding mental breakdown in our only new television show. *insert HUGE eye roll*

  5. I STILL think Neil's ex-wife drugged him - it's like they completely dropped that storyline-------Alexis needs to be like Trina - determined to figure out what happened to Neil - and hire Sam and Spinelli to help her!

    1. I agree. She's a Cassadine for heavens sakes.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...