Wednesday, October 28, 2020

General Hospital Rumors are RIPE!!


Oh! Get over to Daytime Confidential because it looks like they have inside scoop on Emme Rylan (Lulu) and William deVry being let go from the cast. I can see Julian being not needed but Lulu? Am I wondering if Julie Marie Berman is coming back? Why yes, I am. That's a total speculation on my part at this point but...weirder things have happened. 


  1. Holy cow about Lulu!! But man, I would sure like to see Julie B. back. I'll get on that band wagon with you! Or maybe Lulu will be an unintended victim of some evil Cyrus act. Poor William deVry, though. He has been written terribly the past couple of years. He's probably going to get offed by Cyrus for sure.

    1. I liked both Lulu's why does everyone have a problem with Emme????

    2. I totally agree. I am mystified as to why nobody likes Emme in the role. I sure do.

  2. There was a photo on insta where she and here whole fam were hugging and a comment about needing it....maybe she did get let go?

  3. There are others that should go way before those 2. Sasha, Dev, and even Sam

    1. Yes Peter Heinrich should GO

    2. Definitely Peter. And Dev and Sasha too.

    3. Oh I agree lindie... totally agree. But they are cleaning house is basically what it said so we shall see...

  4. I would love JMB back as Lulu. Dont see that happening

  5. Maybe Dante kills Lulu. That would be devastating story.

  6. I think whatever Cyrus has on Laura, Laura will ask Lulu to leave town for safety - course we never see Charlotte or Rocco anyway - makes NO sense that LULU leaves and SASHA is still there! The writers destroyed Julian after they returned from pandemic.....hopefully he will just be thought dead - Alexis is charged BUT Sasha is the one who starts the fire and she will go to jail! I can TOTALLY see how Julian would fake his death to get outta Cyrus and Sonny's way.

    1. Right now especially we aren't seeing any kiddos because of covid. I was surprised to see the actor who plays Danny that one scene. When we saw Wiley those scenes were actually filmed from his home.

  7. The writers have made Julian useless. Too bad. He's a good actor and like many of you have said, there are others that should be going.
    OT: love seeing Kevin but the dialogue between him and Annabot gave me a headache.

  8. Julian has been poorly written - similar to when Rick was there and they wrote him into a corner. I always liked JMB better than Emme. Why not get rid of Peter, Sasha, Dev, Cyrus, Brando and Sam? They all really need to go.

    1. I totally agree -- all of those characters can go with little lasting effect.

    2. Yes. All of those need to go

    3. I loved JMB much better as Lulu.

  9. I like this news. The Julian character has been written into a corner and has run its course. As much as I like the actor, the character can't be "redeemed" but it makes no sense for him to return to villainy. As far as Lulu, I have always felt she was miscast. The current actress seems like a nice person, but I have NEVER bought her as Luke Spencer's daughter.

    1. After that speech from Alexis yesterday I was waiting for him to off himself.

  10. Yeah I read about that yesterday! How awful!!!! :( NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    "Am I wondering if Julie Marie Berman is coming back? Why yes, I am. That's a total speculation on my part at this point but...weirder things have happened."

    Hmmmm. That would be GREAT!!!! :) Then I would want Lante back together!!! :)

    1. Yes Dominic Z and JMB had the BEST chemistry

    2. "lindie Yes Dominic Z and JMB had the BEST chemistry"

      YES YES YES! :) I want that chemistry back!

  11. OH NO, they CANNOT leave, I simply won't allow it!

    1. "AntJoan says,OH NO, they CANNOT leave, I simply won't allow it!"

      I'm right there with you!!!!

  12. Looks like they aren’t just rumors. WD pretty much confirmed on Twitter.

  13. There are now rumors on some soap sites that Dante was brought back to give Lulu an exit storyline.

    1. Ah crap! :( Hmmm this sounds familiar. Oh yeah. Luke and Laura. When Luke was leaving and Laura was his exit storyline.



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