Monday, October 5, 2020



Dev sees Cam and Joss kiss.  Dev says "Did I interrupt anything". Man, well. Has little energy. Dev tells Joss to go see Trina, she's upset. He says to Cam that he should only be friends with the girls. :eyeroll: "If you found Trina first, would you have kissed her"? 

Aunt Stella tells Curtis and Jordan that TJ and Molly are having a protest at GH against Cyrus. Stella thinks that TJ needs therapy to deal with the kidnapping. 

TJ and Molly are at the Metro planning the protest and their "commitment ceremony". TJ wants Brando to come to the protest. Brando says NO ...that guy is nasty! Stay away.  TJ wonders why Brando is being so dismissive to him. Molly flashes back to asking him to stay away from TJ> 

Sonny and Jason on the Pier. Jason says he knows how to win the war against Cyrus. Says Cyrus is arrogant and thinks he can turn anyone on his side. Ergo, they'll use Brando as an undercover.. WHICH IS WHAT THE POLICE SHOULD DO but..whatever. Then Brando walks out. 

Ava, Julian and Nikolas. Ava takes Ryan's call.  Ryan says he knows she loves him..yada yada and that she has to visit him because he has "life changing" news.  Julian tells her not to because he has enough to worry about. He leaves. Then, Ava goes off on Nikolas and basically says he and Ryan are cut from the same cloth. It was weird. They make up and she says he's not as bad as Ryan.  ;) 

END: Ava goes to see Ryan. Ryan is on! 


  1. Are we not going to see Holly anymore? So Lulu DID hire Jackie to do a story on Cyrus - she and Robert I guess will get together - but what about HOlly?
    and sidebar - Bobbie's diabetes storyline was dropped.....
    and did I miss Ned and Olivia's reunion?

    1. Emma Samms had COVID. Don't know when/ if she'll be back

    2. I knew she had COVID, but they just haven't mentioned it but I guess that is why Jackie will be important....

  2. M, no you didn’t miss Ned and Olivia, last we saw Nedly he was with Alexis, called a car service, he doesn’t know how much she drank, dollars to donuts they are in bed together

  3. The homecoming:

    Jam: CARONA KISS! YAY! :) Oh damn it Turkey boy! Why do you have to watch them and look all jelly?!!?!

    Camietta and Devetta: Like Karen said on twitter, they are acting like teenage girls! ROFL! They are SO in touch with their feeeeelings!!!

    Feelings, nothing more than feelings,
    Trying to forget my feelings of love
    Teardrops rolling down on my face,
    Trying to forget my feelings of love

    Feelings, for all my life I'll feel it
    I wish I've never met you, girl; you'll never come again.

    Devitta wants Camietta to stand down and tell both girls that he just wants to be friends, because Devitta wants to tell Joss how she feels! STAND DOWN CAMIETTA DAMMIT!!! STAND DOWN!!!

    Portia and Liz: Awwww mama to mama. :) Great scene!!! I love what Portia said. About opening your heart and loving many people! :) Just so she doesn't get hurt.

    Trina and Joss: What?! Joss didn't tell Trina that Cam kissed her?!!?! WOW! That's surprising.

    The pier:

    Sonny, Jason, and Brando: So basically,

    Brando: I am a soldier!! I will do whatever you want me to do my love! I will be by your side forever my love!

    Sonny: Yes. I will be by your side too my love.

    Jason: It's Sonny's decision and only his decision!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jurtis and Stella: Stella wins the line of the day.

    Stella: It doesn't give me much time to help TJ and Molly plan their wedding. Oh yeah right. Commitment ceremony. Look I know times have changed, but when did the concept of marriage became the enemy?

    ROFL! Yeah great question! :) I wonder what the commitment ceremony is going to consist of. Will their be a priest? Will TJ and Molly say their own vows? Are the Tribbles invited?

    Stella and Curtis: Ohhhhhh! Portia talk! :) *Snicker*

    Molly, TJ, and Brando: Damn Molly. Can't stop thinking about Brando huh? ;)

    Molly and TJ: Oh dear! TJ and Brando no longer friends because Brando didn't agree with him about Cyrus! :( Besties no more. :( TJ you betta go to therapy!!!!! You are a mess!!!


    Queen Ava and Ryan: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I was so hoping they would show him! :) I was so happy and giggly! :)

    Queen Ava and Nik: Great scene! Yes Nik not like Ryan!!!!

    Visiting center at the jail:

    Queen Ava and Ryan: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) Queen Ava did you bring a knife? :)

  4. Sonya said: Molly and TJ: Oh dear! TJ and Brando no longer friends because Brando didn't agree with him about Cyrus! :( Besties no more..

    They no longer are friends because Molly told Brando to stay away from TJ. However, I don't know if Brando would have gone along with the protest anyway, due to his past and likely future interactions with Cyrus. Plus, EVERYONE should MAKE SURE that Molly and TJ don't protest Cyrus, he is DANGEROUS!!

    Sonya says: Trina and Joss: What?! Joss didn't tell Trina that Cam kissed her?!!?! WOW! That's surprising.

    Joss knows that Trina and Cam kissed. Even though Trina denied having feelings for him, part of Joss must know that Trina might like him. And, since Trina is sooo upset about the loss of her father and Joss went to comfort her, she wouldn't say anything that might upset her. It did look, however, that Joss looked a little guilty when she left, either because she kissed Cam, and/or because she didn't tell Trina.

    1. "AntJoan says, They no longer are friends because Molly told Brando to stay away from TJ"

      Yes, but in TJ's mind they are no longer friends because he disagrees with him about Cyrus, which is just dumb.

      "Joss knows that Trina and Cam kissed. Even though Trina denied having feelings for him, part of Joss must know that Trina might like him."

      Trina and Joss both like Cam. Cam likes both girls! What a mess! ROFL! And little turkey Dev is left out in the cold! :)

      "Joss looked a little guilty when she left"

      Yeah she did!!!!

  5. Yesterday was weird! I saw nothing wrong with what Brando said to TJ about Cyrus, and TJ acted all weird and insulted. Dev was super weird telling Cam what he did, (hush up Turkey boy) as Cam was acting like any hormonal teenage boy crushing on 2 girls. What was Sonny's final decision regarding Brando? Once again I felt like a missed a scene.

    Bright spots (like Sonya mentioned) were Liz and Portia, Nik and Ava, and Ava and Ryan. I was giggling as Ryan looked a little disheveled. Is Psych prison getting to him? And seriously, I just love Nik and Ava together!

    Looks like we see Alexis and Nedly today. That should be good! Lol!

  6. "Julie H says What was Sonny's final decision regarding Brando?"

    *Shrug* That Sonny is in love with Brando and they should be together. ROFL!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...