Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Checks and Balances

 Another week of DELIGHT! Yes, I said it. GH is still outdoing the other soaps and network TV at this point in time. They've gotten it down pat as far as filming goes. I also was surprised a bit this week too. That's a major accomplishment. 

Time to hunker down and grab whatever is closest to you to nosh. I'm a banana muffin girl today,

As I said, I thought the week went well. A few stories I could live without but all in all good stuff. By the way, did you hear how many people at Anna and Finn's wedding? She said like 270!! LOL Ok, who knew you knew that many people!! 

FUN OF THE WEEK: Oh, FRIZ!! You got us again! You didn't want those checks!! Well, Franco did but Liz won out and the shredded them. Poor Scotty. All that work for nothing. I can't tell you how much I loved watching three actors have fun with their scenes. I mean, it was delightful to watch. Roger, Becky and Kin played them with the light-heartedness they really deserved. AND.. the kicker? There was a surprise at the end: Ava saw that Nikolas had signed a check as well! Just when Nik decided to tell Ava how he feels. Awww, man. I do hope they have good hate-sex out of this. 

BUMMER OF THE WEEK:  Any Paxie fans here? I know on Twitter there's exactly three. The saving grace of all of this was Britt's reaction to the proposal. She was cute and fun. Not only that, she's Maxie's baby-doc!  Oh, BTW, Peter doesn't have Hodgekin's Disease but he does have Rheumatoid Arthritis which Anna doesn't have. (follow that?) she thinks she can prove Faison didn't have it and ergo, Alex must be Peter's mother. Whatever JUST GET TO IT! Thanks. 

PSYCH-OUT OF THE WEEK: Oh, Dante walks in and Dustin walks out! Chestial Glory!! Lulu's like: erm.. whoops. Then Dante daydreams about shooting Dusty in the head. It had me going for a minute. I'm going to like Dark-Dante. 

  So big buyer is in from Chicago. First Sasha messes it up because she's coming down from a coke-high, then Brook Lynn's recording gets lost by Lucy. Enter: Amy. Yes, they Bluetooth her through the speakers while Brook "sings"...and... Chase comes by. Amy drops the phone and the rest is history. They lose the account. Brook loses her job. 

SECRET SHARING OF THE WEEK:  So, Brook goes back to the  Q mansion trying to move back. She and Ned end up fighting instead and Monica has to step in. Brook leaves in a huff and Ned blurts out to Monica he slept with Alexis. Only guess what? Brook Lynn hears it!! YEP!! So soapy. Will she pull a Tracey and tell Olivia? Hmmm... we shall see!! 

WEAK LINK OF THE WEEK: Well, we got a big break from Michael and Willow (thank you) but ended up with Julian and Sonny again? WHY. Julian honestly doesn't do much but go between The Metro and his bar and mope. I say this: Either get him with Cyrus or Alexis. I know both are controversial but it's better than this flannel-fest of nothing! 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Yes, I'm partial to LLC and Dom. Love them both. This scene fit them to a "T". Olivia was just so happy and tearful. She joked about his beard. Gah. PLUS he's going to live at the Q household!! Happy Wubsie! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Valentin was so happy when he realized that Alex was really Peter's mother. "You never would have done that with Faison". YES! He is US! Perfect. And he wants to just kill Alex. Go for it. But first, tell Pete she's the mama.


Joss and Cam both daydream about their kiss but Dev has other plans

Brook Lynn's Deception at Deception is too much for Lucy, she's out

Valentin is happy that Alex is Peter's mama (he's sure she is) and wants to kill her

Ned and Brook Lynn fight, she overhears him tell Monica he slept with Alexis

Julian gets an offer from Cyrus and an order from Sonny 

Ava pays off Scotty, so does Nikolas...Friz rip up the checks but Ava sees Nik's signature

Cameron cuts his hand

Maxie proposes to Peter after they get the genetic details about their baby 

Chase and Jackie talk about him breaking up with Willow

Carly has to go get questioned by the Pennsylvania PO-PO about Nelle's body

Dev forges Josslyn's diary 

Dante sees Lulu and Dustin. He dreams of killing him. Takes meds

Dante goes to see his Mama and will live at the Qs for the time being

Ava visits Ryan again with a counter offer. He says NOPE, I want signed divorce papers

Olivia tells Ned she saw Alexis drinking again

photo: @NivFansGH

I think I forgot to mention that Genie is back to GH soon.  One of my faves from the '70s, Gregory Harrison  is in to play Finn's Dad.. and I think he'll be great. GH is making some good choices for actors lately, imo. Yes, the cast is the size of Montana but hell, in these times it's welcomed! 

Dev will continue to play games between Josslyn and Cameron.  Julian gets hate-mail and Willow tries to talk to Chase about life and love. SEE ALL THE SPOILERS on DAYTIME DIAGNOSIS! 

HAVE A GREAT Sunday. I think I'm doing a podcast this week so I'll keep you posted. Oh, did I tell you my county here has the 2nd lowest infection rate in the country of places over 500K?? Well.. we do! We are mask wearers and have been since NYC was in lock-down. Lucky and prudent. Now if only the movie theaters would partially open!! Not sure if I'll go but I sure want the option. What do you miss most? 

PHOTOS thx to @twynkxoxo, @soapJenn, @redbil @SoapOperaNews


  1. Yeh I saw where just a couple days ago 4 states cases were going WAY up again!! 😭😭😭 But last night there were more. I've been a mask wearer since March and the longer I wear it the harder it's getting. My store is now covid testing! Will this ever go away?? 😥 Anyways...

    Loved your SS! I am loving Jackie Templeton!! I didn't think I'd like having her back but making her Chase mom was worth it. I hope that she and Finn have a past!
    I hope someone kills Alex and instead kills Peter instead! Perfect!
    I do wish they'd drop the Nelle crap, of all the storylines they drop, this one they need to!

    1. Karen says Oh, did I tell you my county here has the 2nd lowest infection rate in the country of places over 500K?? Well.. we do! We are mask wearers and have been since NYC was in lock-down. Lucky and prudent. Now if only the movie theaters would partially open!! Not sure if I'll go but I sure want the option. What do you miss most?

      Michelle L says, Yeh I saw where just a couple days ago 4 states cases were going WAY up again!! 😭😭😭 But last night there were more."

      YES!! It's been going down here, but we can't put our guard down. It's low, but it's still around. We still have to be careful.

      "I've been a mask wearer since March and the longer I wear it the harder it's getting. My store is now covid testing! Will this ever go away?? 😥"

      Awwww hon. :( *BEARHUGS* I'm glad your store is doing covid testing. It will go away, but not sure when. :(

  2. WHY do you all think Epiphany broke up with Milo? WHERE is that headed? seemed out of left field....
    LOVE anything Franco and Scotty...
    Where is Kristina - again
    We have worn masks and doing well - we MUST get on with life, though....we can't let COVID stop us forever.....---.08 is the death percentage. 1.13 is the percentage of car fatalities and we don't stop driving cars....1.08 women die of breast cancer - so let's be careful and smart and not stop living.

    1. "mufasa says, WHY do you all think Epiphany broke up with Milo? WHERE is that headed? seemed out of left field...."

      What?!?! I haven't heard that, and haven't seen anybody talk about that. I hope it's true and they break up. Milo hasn't been around I miss him. :(

    2. I haven't heard that either.

  3. Terrific SS! The line of the week: "flannel-fest of nothing". Julian has been in limbo for too long.
    Dev is despicable. Good looking kid but as stiff as a pole. And now a meany.
    Love that things are moving along. They sure are doing a great job considering the obstacles.
    That said...I lost a friend a few days ago to Covid. Please don't get lax about defending yourselves against this threat. She did everything right.
    Have a lovely Sunday. Get out and enjoy nature if you can.

    1. "Zazu says, I lost a friend a few days ago to Covid. Please don't get lax about defending yourselves against this threat. She did everything right."

      Oh no. I'm so sorry! :( *BEARHUGS*

  4. "FUN OF THE WEEK: Oh, FRIZ!! You got us again! You didn't want those checks!! Well, Franco did but Liz won out and the shredded them. Poor Scotty. All that work for nothing. I can't tell you how much I loved watching three actors have fun with their scenes. I mean, it was delightful to watch. Roger, Becky and Kin played them with the light-heartedness they really deserved."

    YES! I loved it! Great scenes with them! Sure they talked about the same thing over and over again, but I love when they are all in a scene together.

    "Just when Nik decided to tell Ava how he feels. Awww, man. I do hope they have good hate-sex out of this."

    I hope so too!!!! :)

    "FACE OF THE WEEK: Valentin was so happy when he realized that Alex was really Peter's mother. "You never would have done that with Faison". YES! He is US! Perfect."

    YES!!!!! That is what I have been saying!!! She would never sleep with Faison!!! Thank you Dan O'Connor!!! :)

    "Any Paxie fans here? I know on Twitter there's exactly three."

    3?!!?!?! Why do they love them?

  5. Movie theaters open 10/23!!! Will you go? 25% capacity or 50 people max!
    Can we have more Brando and Maxie?

  6. So Julian is trying to ruin his sister's marriage because he is afraid Sonny will kill him if he finds out about Wiley?

    First of all, Julian has always supported his sister I think, this really is a new low for him! Also, WHY does everyone think Sonny will kill Julian? If he and Jason can't kill Cyrus (which still makes no sense, as they made that deal with Jordan), then why/how can they kill Julian? They might be mad at him, but killing him over that? Plus no one can prove that Julian knew, just because Nelle and Ryan say it doesn't make it true.

  7. Thank you for the SS, I agreed with everything you said! I did not understand the reason for having that scene between Jules and Sonny. SOS, different day.

    I can't wait for Genie to come back and I'm really looking forward to Gregory Harrison!



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...