Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Strung OUT

 Sasha's all coked up at the Metro Bar. The bartender tells her she needs water. Valentin says she's looking more peppy today. She steals some other customer's drink. Valentin grabs her. Chase says "HEY don't touch her"!! Valentin is like "WHATEVER I'm out of here". Chase knows something is wrong with Sasha. 

Oh! Nina bought Ava's apartment! Carly comes over to give her some wine as a peace offering andJax is there. Nina is not there. So, she and Jax are going to drink it together and she'll tell him about Nelle and why it's bothering her. She thinks she's getting warnings. She thinks she forgot something from that night (Nelle's necklace). 

Nina is at the Metro talking to Curtis about finding the necklace lady. He got the file on Phyllis Caufield. OH! There are SIX Phyllis Caufields that were nurses at that time. Geesh! It will cost a lot. Valentin says he'll pay.. Nina's like NOPE I'll get a Go Fund me first. 

Sasha drops her purse, Curtis sees the coke. Tells Nina that Sasha is using. 

FINN AND JACKE!! "Unfinished business' Squee! I'm excited for this. They admit something happened between them and Jackie thinks they should tell Chase!! She was shadowing him in Boston as an intern, ,doing a story. They SLEPT TOGETHER THE NIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING. OMG So Chase could be his! See, Finn liked her and then Jackie didn't sleep with him because of her "journalism". The night before the wedding they gave in to passion and she wanted Finn to say he loved her and she'd call off the wedding. But he couldn't. So, she went ahead and married his father. GOOD STUFF! Watch it! Anyway, Chase comes by later. 

Anna begs Kevin to give her Faison's DNA ...she talks about memories, implanted memories, yada yada. He says no he can't. BUT he will test for a link between immune disorders and psychopaths. Aw nice Kevin. 

At the Rib, Dante and Lulu are talking. Dustin walks in with a gift (Maxie's I presume??) . They are celebrating Paxie's engagement. Dante ends up apologizing to Peter...maybe to move in for the kill. He wants a security job. Peter asks Lulu if it's ok. Dustin isn't happy. 

END: Nina walks in when Carly and Jax hug 

PREDICTION: Avery will wear Nelle's half of the necklace for Halloween, Carly will see it, realize Nelle had it on and also realize Nina has the other half. 


  1. Metrocourt restaurant:

    The bartender and Sasha: Man Sasha looks awful! Who is this bartender? Hmmm he looks familiar. Anyway the bartender wins the line of the day.

    The bartender: I recommend water.

    ROFL! Oh hi V.C. yeah you can't help her!!! She is already far gone!

    Nina and Curtis: OH BOY! 6 Mrs. Coffees who are nurses. Do they all have the same middle names?

    Chase and Sasha: Chase don't you see she is high?!!?!?!

    Sasha and Curtis:

    "Karen says Curtis sees the coke."

    He did?!?! Didn't look like he did. She hid it with her phone. Hmmmm.

    Nina and Curtis: Yup! Of course Curtis knows the signs of someone being high.. So glad he said something, cus Chase is so blind.

    Nina, Curtis and V.C.: Oh V.C. I don't trust you when it comes to Nina!!! She is trying to find Mrs. Coffee!! Now if you start helping by paying, you might lie to Nina! So stay away from this!!!

    Nina and Sasha:

    Nina: I don't like to see anyone in pain.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :( Nina is the best!!!! I don't like seeing anyone in pain either Nina! :(

    The Lab:

    Anna and Doc: When Doc says he can't do it, I was ARGH! Will this story ever end?!!?!?! But then when he says he is going to have tests done, including rheumatoid arthritis, YAY!!!! :) Now I hope this all doesn't turn out that Anna is the mother of Hiney! UGH!

    The floating rib:

    Dante and Hiney: Oh yes!!!! :) Work for Hiney yes yes yes.. THEN kill him. :)

    Lulu, Dusty, and Maxie: Yes Maxie.. Lustin are going to live together.. Have anything to say about it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Jackie and Finchy:

    Jackie: He is always going to be Harry to me.


    Jackie: We are living with the consequences. Including Harry. He is an innocent bystander here.

    Oh? So does that mean that Finchy knew all along that Harry is his son?!!?! :)

    Jackie, Finchy, and Harry: Awwww. Harry is so happy that Finchy wants that family dinner!!! :) Harry hugs his brother/Papa?

    Nina's home:

    CarJax: Don't you just hate it when you want to say something, but it's at the tip of your tongue? :) It's really at the tip of Carly's brain. Hmmm Nina gets a headache with red wine and not white wine? Interesting. I like that Nina bought Ava's apartment!!

    *CarJax hugs*

    Nina: 00

    1. I just knew it! Finn is a daddy!

    2. Yup, I agree Ruthie. There is another secret and Finn is Chase's daddy. Think Finn is like 52 and Chase is like 28.

    3. "Ruthie says, I just knew it! Finn is a daddy!"


    4. Finn is already a daddy. So now Violet has a brother.

    5. "Michelle L says, Finn is already a daddy. So now Violet has a brother."

      Awww.. Yeah. :) She has a big brother!!! :) So sweet. :)

    6. Finn is definitely Chase's daddy, ohhhhhh boy!
      I really liked Anna and Kevin's scenes. Stuff is really going to hit the fan very soon!

    7. I liked Anna and Kevin's scenes too.

  2. Replies
    1. "lindie says, Curtis saw Sasha's coke bag."

      Oh okay. Cus Sasha hid it with her phone, so I thought he didn't see it.

  3. I don't think Finn knows he's the father. Wonder if Jackie knows. I am sure she suspects. Finn will probably put 2 and 2 together eventually.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...