Thursday, October 22, 2020

I Made The Deal


Yesterday:  Brook Lynn can lose the pad. It's time. Willow and Michael-- just end this already. Brook Lynn does casual zex just fine. I love that Chase calls her Janelle. Monica "Exsqueeze me Ned, you sound like me when I was drinking". Oh, Nik copped to the plan with Liz. Interesting. Oh he loves her. Just in time for Ava to have to divorce him.  OMG, Ned realizing that Brook slept with Valentin last night. LMAO. 

SIDE NOTE: OH, MY GOD!!! Who's watching The Bold and the Beautiful? I AM DEAD!! ahahhhaha Mannequin?? WHAT?? PFFFFFFFFT. Ok, ok. phew. Lordy


OMG Carly is napping and has a dream. Sonny comes over and says "Josslyn doesn't look so good, I think Nelle took something from her" and he holds out a BLOODY KIDNEY! ahahahaha OMG!! Carly and Jason talk in the kitchen. She's bitching about Nina burying Nelle. Carly says she feels like Nelle isn't "done" with her yet.  Carly thinks she has PTSD from Nelle. 

Nina and Valentin: "You're jealous"...Nina "no I'm not" Valentin: "Yes, you are" .  He finds out that Nina is burying Nelle. He's not happy. 

Nik and Ava: Brilliant scenes. He's going to confess to her. Tells her to shut his mouth "You like this mouth".. they banter. Oh you must watch. SO GOOD. Nik finally tells her he's fallen for her!!  WATCH THIS!! They say some things and then Ava says he's really wanting to be with Elizabeth (because of the check) . He says he's serious-- he loves her and wants to prove it. He asks how he can. She says "Give me a divorce". 

Willowries to tell Chase about the annulment. He cuts her off.  Then Michael walks up and Chase tells him Brook slept with Valentin. Michael thinks WWIII will be starting at home. Chase says Brook will have to be on his couch for longer. Chase leaves. Willow and Michael decide to enjoy their time together by studying wine. (?? okay). 

NELLE'S Graveside: She was 28 according to the tombstone. Nina is there and Chase COMES! didn't expect that.  At the end of the show, Carly walks in. 

Mike left sonny 1/4 of a purebred horse... Sonny got his will from Diane. 

1 comment:

  1. "SIDE NOTE: OH, MY GOD!!! Who's watching The Bold and the Beautiful? I AM DEAD!! ahahhhaha Mannequin?? WHAT?? PFFFFFFFFT. Ok, ok. phew. Lordy"

    Hahahaha. I always watch the last 5 minutes of that soap. The talking Mannequin! Hahahaha. I am wondering if Thomas is going to have sex with it. :)

    Today's GH:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and V.C.: Yes Nina! You ARE jelly!!! :) Oh come on V.C.! So she wants to give dead Nelle a headstone! WHO THE HELL FREAKIN CARES?!!?! Leave her the hell alone!!!!! I am getting sick of everyone ragging on her!

    Jax and V.C.: I love you guys, but you are annoying the hell out of me! Stop ragging on Nina!!! Oh my V.C. is speaking truths hahaha. Yes Jax you still wuv Carly! :)

    Chillow: :(

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Carson's home: Oh man that was a terrifying dream. Oh look the Tribbles! One is bigger than the rest!! The bigger one is mama Tribble. :)

    Carly and Jason: Carly is so whiny!

    Jason: Why does Nelle still bother you so much?

    YES!!!!! Thank you Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Oh PTSD huh? That makes a LOT of sense!!!

    Sonny and Jason: Oh look a picture of a horsie!!! :) Show Brando! I bet he would be so giddy seeing that horsie!! :)

    Wyndemere: Wow Queen Ava sure acted like a queen today! YESSSSSSSSSS! :) She wins the lines of the day.

    Nava: Don't you dare give me orders. Speak. Ava Jerome more good than bad.


    Nelle's gravesite:

    The priest and Nina: So sad. :( Oh Nelle's birthday is June 15th. A day before my birthday. :)

    Nina and Chase: Oh Chase shut up!!! Leave Nina alone for crying out loud! She just wanted to do something nice for Nelle. She wanted to be there for Nelle too.. Why are you here? Go away and get back together with Willow dammit!

    Carly and Nina: Oh oh.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to watch the Luke and Robert friendship* Awwwwwww! :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...