Thursday, October 15, 2020


 NOTE: I forgot to hit PUBLISH YESTERDAY-- I did write the blog tho. So, it's the next one down. SORRY!! 

EpiGenetics--Anna talks to Finn about identical twins and inherited traits. She knows she doesn't have RA but maybe Alex does. Oh if you only watch one thing today WATCH THE VALENTIN and Anna scenes!! WOW, Valentin is like 'I KNOW THAT WASN'T YOU! You never would have slept with Faison!!" .. Oh they are good. I think Anna is going to DNA using Faison's brain?? She says he's dead but "not gone" . 

Brook Lynn yells at Valentin. Valentin says she's responsible for her own wreck of a life. It was a weird scene.  Chase convinces her to go back home. 

Dante can't walk in The Floating Rib.."too many people".  He leaves and goes to see Olivia! She opens the door and they hug. Aww. They talk about him getting out and his long beard. LOL . Dante is going to stay at the Q house!! HOORAY! I love everyone in the same house. 

Peter and Jackie talk about her early reporting days. Robert says he is just protecting Maxie. She says you don't need to. Spinelli walks in... he's not happy they are getting married. Maxie yells at him. Oh she lays into him. She says she is having a baby with Peter and he'd better be happy for her. If not, she won't be his friend. Ouch. 
Spinelli is fake apologizing to stay on the case and get the inside scoop on Peter. 

CarSon goes thru Mike's stuff. Old pics of Sonny. Awww. OH! Sonny's worrying about getting Alzheimers! He says he can get tested. Carly's not sure he should.  She says they are not foolproof. 

Cyrus meets with Brando. He tells him he got the PCPD to stop investigating him and Sonny doesn't care about him. Eventually, Brando goes to Sonny's to tell him Cyrus asked him to work for him. Sonny says "GOOD">

UNEVEN SHOW TODAY.  Kind of throwing everything under the sun at us. 


  1. Glad you are okay, Karen! When you didn't post, I was worried about you!!
    Not sure this whole Brook Lynn thing, except getting involved with Chase....she and Sasha BOTH serve no purpose!

  2. At least there's lots happening. Next hopefully a haircut/shave for Dante.
    BrookLynn took the Lucy rant and firing rather well compared to how she reacted to her father's going off on her. She hasn't a clue that she did something wrong. Just wanted to be a hero.

  3. Finally, they're looking at a complete DNA test. I thought Anna said that they had done a complete analysis of Faison's DNA in the last episode and she said there was no sign of the arthritis gene. That's whan she had her lightbulb moment....Regardless, I'm still glad they're finally going there.

    I love the scene with Anna and Valentin. He looked like a child who'd just been told that they'd proved Santa was real. lol He was literally dancing for joy.

    Line of the day for me was Robert:

    Listen. You've got to prove to Maxie that you can be trusted. (Not sure of the exact words.)
    Spinelli: How.
    Robert: Lie to her!

    I'm glad Chase finally grew a pair and told Brooklyn she had to leave. She wants to stand on her own two it.

    1. You are so right about the line of the day, lol! Robert freaking Scorpio at his finest!

      And from a couple of days ago, I laughed out loud at your Metro Court reply, so true! We have the Q stair case, the parapet, the hospital roof, the "bridge" and the Metro Court roof. I honestly don't care which one Sasha chooses, but I do think it's the Metro Court's turn, lol!

    2. lol Thanks. I snickered when I saw her on the roof. It's definitely its turn.

  4. "NOTE: I forgot to hit PUBLISH YESTERDAY--"

    Oh oops! ROFL! I was wondering what happened to you. :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna Bot and Finchy: Okay okay! Enough talk and let's get the whatever test done!!!!!

    V.C. and Anna bot: Great scene!!!! Love it love it love it!!! :) Oh and Alex wants to kill Anna bot. Well, maybe if Alex tries to kill Anna bot, that Anna bot will be shaken up so much she will get her brain back. But V.C. has a great idea! Anna can kill Alex!!! Love that idea! DO IT! I am glad she told V.C. the truth that Alex might be Hiney's mother. V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Oh thank God!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He was so relieved and excited!!! :) Like a kid in the candy store. :)

    Floating rib:

    Maxie and Robert: Oh Maxie!!! Stop! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maxie and Spinny: Maxie stop! STOP! SHUT UP!!!!

    Maxie and Hiney: UGH! Just stop Maxie!!! He does not walk on water!!!!

    Robert and Spinny: YES!!!! Lie to Maxie, until the truth comes out!!! Then she will feel so stupid.

    Maxie, Spinny, and Hiney: Well Robert gave a fake congratulations, so why not Spinny? ROFL! Spinny threw up a little in his mouth too just like Robert ROFL!

    Hiney and Jackie: He wants to hire Jackie? Why? What for?!?!?!?!?! What is he planning?!

    Outside a warehouse: Or wherever they are.

    Brando and Cyrus: Fake bonding!!! :) I really want to see Cyrus with his hair down and not in a ponytail. :)

    Carson home:

    Carson: Great scene!!!! Awww look at a little Maurice Bernard in the pictures! Awwww. :)

    "Karen says He says he can get tested. Carly's not sure he should. She says they are not foolproof."

    Hmmm interesting. I thought the tests were good to take.. Hmmmmm.

    Brando and Carson: So basically,

    Brando: Sonny my love. I'm in!

    Sonny: Oh good sweetheart I'm glad. Carly do you mind going to see Donna? Brando and I want to be alone.

    Carly: Okay.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    BLQ sandwich and V.C.: Hahaha. Love it. :) V.C. is right. This is all on you BLQ sandwich! And I am warming up to this actress being BLQ. She found her edge. :)

    BLQ sandwich and Chase: Awwww time to move out!!! :) Where is the brownstone? BLQ sandwich can live there! Damn I wish we had the brownstone.

    Q mansion:

    Olivia and Dante: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!! :) She is so happy to see him awwww! :) Boy she touched his beard a lot! ROFL!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to watch Robert confront Burt about being Mr B!!!* Oh I remember this!!! What a shock it was back then!

    1. I really need PLP exposed as a rat fink VERY soon, Maxie is so getting on my nerves and I need for her to know the truth so she'll quit being such a biotch!

      Val and Anna-bot were awesome, and I'm so glad Oliva mentioned Dante's Yeti look. Dude has got to go to the barber, lol!

    2. You'd think Maxie would have learned about men after here relationship with Levi. Arghhhhh

    3. "Julie H says, I really need PLP exposed as a rat fink VERY soon,"

      Yes me too!!! Then he can be sent to jail or die, or both, and then his twin brother can show up being all nice. :)

      "Maxie is so getting on my nerves and I need for her to know the truth so she'll quit being such a biotch!"

      I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on Maxie!!! UGH!

      "Val and Anna-bot were awesome,"

      YES! :)

      "and I'm so glad Oliva mentioned Dante's Yeti look. Dude has got to go to the barber, lol!"

      The Yeti look! ROFL! Yes he need a barber ASAP!

      "lindie says, You'd think Maxie would have learned about men after here relationship with Levi. Arghhhhh"

      Yes!!! She hasn't learned anything!!! UGH!

  5. sonya said..."Hiney and Jackie: He wants to hire Jackie? Why? What for?!?!?!?!?! What is he planning?!"

    *** He's backing Lulu's idea of an exposé on Cyrus. They want a big name reporter to break the story so that it will go nation wide and Cyrus' backers will get nervous and cut him loose."

    1. "Di says, He's backing Lulu's idea of an exposé on Cyrus. They want a big name reporter to break the story so that it will go nation wide and Cyrus' backers will get nervous and cut him loose."

      Yeah I know, but I was wondering what is Hiney's agenda. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 2 comments:

    I was watching some old clips of Demi as Jackie Templeton. I forgot she was kind of a "witch". I wonder what acting job Demi got when she left GH back then.

    Wow, JPS sure did some terrific scenes with Finola when they were talking about Alex and Finn walked in. IMO I think he will always love Anna.

    1. I looked up my own question. Demi was in Blame it on Rio 1984 and St Elmos Fire in 1985

  8. Wonder why Tristan Rogers has that crooked pinky finger on his left hand?



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