Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Stiff As a Board


Oh it was a wild week again!! I am someone that enjoys a great UNSPOILED surprise and here it was! Kudos to whomever did Neil's make up. Very genuine looking. 

Good news for ratings. They were up for the whole Nelle story and I'm glad. I hope people keep watching and enjoying! 

Grab a bagel and settle in! 


UNREASONABLENESS OF THE WEEK:  Oh NED! Ned, Ned NED!!! He wants Olivia to stay with him to help with Brook Lynn instead of going to see Dante? Unreasonable. Yet, you know he's just jelly of Robert! Also, BEST DRESSED OF THE WEEK goes to Olivia for this gorge pink blouse!! Also, this photo collage? Perfect thx to @NivFansGH! 


FEEL GOOD OF THE WEEK:  Mike gets out to the race track with Sonny and Felix. Good scenes and of course, the horse was adorable. As some pointed out, if Mike wasn't eating this was very unrealistic but I enjoyed and appreciated the scenes. Good way to say so long to a great character. (I think it's on it's way) 


THE UP AND DOWN OF THE WEEK: Oh Anna! WHY are you forever fixated on a character we can't stand?? On the UP side, you're asking Valentin to help with the Alex situation. Yes, I said that. Alex is coming!! I can only hope she's Peter's mama and takes him back to Milan with her. 


BEAT UP OF THE WEEK: Someone had to either be shot, fall to their death or get beat up and it fell to Brando! Yes, Brando. That pointless character that I just don't understand. I guess he's in the clear of the whole "Bike Sabotage" thing. Great. Whatever. 


CAPER OF THE WEEK: So, Spinelli catches Peter on the phone trying to explain to Valentin about Nelle opening her mouth. That's all you need to know. 


IDIOT OF THE WEEK: Who let this wanna be FIRE Monica and Bobbie? What? Um, I need a scene of them drinking together and plotting his demise. Let the two of them kill him off. 


WHAT THE FK OF THE WEEK: Ok, calling out this ..."acting". I really hoped when she returned we'd get some spark. Some--something. But for as good as NLG was--this was as bad. Wow. Way to kill a moment. 


ADORABLE OF THE WEEK:  Chef Curtis. Boy is he going to be upset when he finds out Jordan lied about Taggert! 


FACES OF THE WEEK: Lord. What is this? 


PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR: Yep. NLG Killed it. Literally on the bed and here in these scenes. 



Neil died of a drug overdose, not a heart attack! 

Olivia left to go see Dante with Robert

Paxie get an ultasound and see the baby for the first time

Brook Lynn is still mad at her father, doesn't want to move home. 

Mike gets to see the ponies one last time. 

Anna gets a call from Alex and asks Valentin for help with setting her up.  

Brando gets beat up by Cyrus' men

Bobbie and Monica get fired from GH 

Carly doesn't tell Sonny about Nelle 

Spinelli catches Peter talking to Valentin about Nelle 

THAT'S ALL FOLKS!  I go back to work next week which will be very interesting. I'm physically going into 2 preschools and "suiting up" for protection! I also have remote students as well. Always a thrill to be on the computer screen. All of our kids return to some sort of school this week which is great in a way but a mess in others. 

Have a great Sunday and don't forget to drop a comment about the show. 


  1. NLG was superb, I didn’t even notice Kemo dialing it in. Hate that they killed Neil, but at least it will drive some Alexis story. On Monica & Bobbie, WTF? Not only did they get fired, it happened off screen! (Unless it was when my Governor preempted for a presser.) Peter needs to be Alex’s kid. Only thing that makes sense.

    Enjoy working with the kiddos in person. We are piloting one school allowing therapist back in next week. I think we have worked out a process where everyone stays safe.

  2. I agree about Ned and I love him but damn, that's her son! I also agree about the blouse, love it!!
    As for the firing of Monica and Bobbie, they should team with Carly or Sonny to fight Ponytail....
    Curtis was so cute in his chef hat! ❤
    Glad Spin heard Peter, now...what will he do with the info and how long will it drag out??
    Neil...drug overdose?? Wow..was he drugged or are we expected to believe he did drugs????
    Did KeMo gain weight? Her face looks fuller? She really looks different...just bigger everywhere.
    Great SS! Enjoy going back to work, be safe and healthy, enjoy your kiddos! ❤

    1. KM said she gained 15 lbs. because she had "a hip and spinal procedure" and couldn't work out for months.

      HATE Cyrus and his story. Makes no sense, even for GH. He became president of the hospital board in, like, one second, and has the power to fire the 2 most important GH staff members? He is just everywhere. . .

      I have asked this before, and I know it's been answered, but Mike can live without food for a few days, but NOT without water. If he can't swallow, how is he hydrated, he is not on an IV . . .

  3. Overall, it was a fun week. I hope we get to see Monica and Bobbie's reactions soon, though. I also want to see Laura and Kevin.

    This is going to make me sound mean, but I really wish they would let Kelly Monaco go and bring back the other actress permanently.

  4. kd said...IDIOT OF THE WEEK: Who let this wanna be FIRE Monica and Bobbie? What? Um, I need a scene of them drinking together and plotting his demise.

    *** lol I'd love to see that scene too. It would be hilarious. But I doubt if they'd chance having the old girls back.

    Totallay agree with you on the calling out the acting. Why are't the directors playing it back for her and asking what the hell she's trying to portray.

  5. I repeat - I think Alexis will be arrested for poisoning Neil via overdose and it turns out that his ex-wife did it. No reason for Cyrus to bother him.
    SO because it was off-screen, were Bobbie and Monica fired because of the lawsuit to the hospital and what happens since Nelle went over the cliff?
    WHERE is Kevin?
    and finally - I really thought Brando was a Fed - so now I can only think he is there for Molly to have gotten pregnant and I think Sam will sleep with him....he has no purpose....and where is Dev?
    I HOPE HOPE Michael Knight continues to show up!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I hate that they killed Neil. I read that he is already working on some web series called "See". Drugs? And Sasha...drugs. This will probably all lead to Cyrus. NLG was fantastic.
    Looking at KM I thought she looked like she's taking some medication which could also lead to weight gain. But her acting. Maybe she's in pain. Watching her is painful.
    I love kd's optimism and positivity if only she could pass it along to the writers. They have none right now. It is a time when we could use some colorful distraction. Not such constant darkness.
    Have a great Sunday!

  7. kemo has never been able to act, my opinion. also the mumbling. love the new brooklyn

  8. Great SS and glad ratings are up. Let’s face it, Olivia is gorgeous and I loved the blouse. Robert shines in any scene he is in. Two minor characters, Brando and Cyrus, are getting too much airtime.Nancy was outstanding! Mike looks way too healthy to be dying.

    1. I love the story line with Mike and Sonny. They need to depict this better though. That is not what end stage Alzheimer's looks like.

  9. So, it turns out that Bryan Craig wants to return as Morgan...

    Maybe the idea that Nelle returns married to an amnesiac Morgan isn't so far-fetched, after all!

  10. I just read he wanted to return to a soap, not gh specifically. Did you read a different article?

  11. I definitely don't want him back.

  12. I don’t want him back either. Sorry but I couldn’t stand the actor or the character.

    1. I loved the actor, and he was a good character. Also liked the fact that he looked so much like he could be the son of Sonny and Carly. I remember when he was born, he was Sonny's first biological child.

    2. actually kristina is older than morgan

  13. I don't want him back either. Didn't care for Morgan. I think Britta is coming back too. Don't care for her either. All she did was come back to sleep with Julian and leave.

    1. Yeh I don't care for either. Not sure what is bringing her back??? She's not needed....

  14. I like Livs hot pink shirt too. Too many people wearing black on the show

  15. I don't want Morgan back - I HATE HATE when the actors leave thinking they will make it big and then they come back - I DID like Grand Hotel...…..but NO NO NO we do not want Morgan back.....



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...